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  1. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    -- It's my experience that lots of people lie in small ways. Lieing to share responsibility for a decision that someone you care about talked you into? That's often called "loyalty". -- Are they rotten parents? Yes and I'm not disputing that. -- Although if I really wanted to spend...
  2. H

    Catholic Confession

    -- Good point! I think a lot of people closely associated with this case are learning, the hard way, to keep their mouths shut. :) -- I see two options for explaining the whole priest business (IF what we have heard is true): a) The priest felt deceived at the moment he learned the...
  3. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    Ok, then you must be in favor of the abduction theory. Or at least, here you are arguing against one of the key arguments in favor of Kate-as-killer-of-Madeleine. Kate's leaving the twins alone has been used as evidence that she knew there was no abductor around to be afraid of (thus...
  4. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    -- The key word here is BOTH. Do husband and wife always agree on everything? Um ... not in the universe I inhabit. When there is disagreement do they have to pick one choice over the other? Yes, unless you want stalemate. So sometimes the decision goes with one person's preference and the...
  5. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    -- By that logic, Gerry and Kate could not have removed Madeleine from the apartment before they went to dinner (they arrived at 8:30), so that means they left her lieing there dead in the apartment with the twins while they went to have dinner? -- That just doesn't wash, for me. -- I...
  6. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    -- I have never claimed that any loving father deliberately puts a child in danger. What I'm saying is that men (husbands/fathers) often have a different opinion about what constitutes 'safe' and as a result suspect that the mom is being overprotective. -- Does that make any sense to you...
  7. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    -- You omit a key detail. Did you, yourself, work full-time outside the home during this time? Mothers with careers or who work 40 hours/week are dependent on their husbands to help out. We often are forced to leave key decisions to them, or -- more insidious -- by relying on them for help...
  8. H


    The fewer fakers, the better. And yes I think the alcohol is something worth considering, as you mentioned earlier about "collective drunken wisdom". It clearly affects people's judgement and perception of things. I'm surprised they're able to put together a time line at all. No wonder if...
  9. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    Wow, you must have fabulous husbands who never give you a hard time for being 'over-protective', 'coddling' the kids, or spending too much money on their entertainment and safety. And all your friends and associates must likewise have exemplary husbands and fathers. Among my friends (mostly...
  10. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    Yes I"m surprised the press hasn't found some of them and interviewed them ... or Clarence found some to 'testify'.
  11. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    What, exactly, is "because KM decided it was safe to leave the twins ..."? How do you know they've lied about the checks and the timeline? And how do you know, if someone lied, that it was THEY?
  12. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    How do you know "they both thought it was fine to leave three small children alone"?
  13. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    Kate has taken it on the chin, in the media and the comment boards, for not being maternal enough. Her off-hand remark to her mother (thanks, mom, for making me look like an idiot in public by blabbing my off-hand remarks to the press!) is mostly true. She IS castigated for everything...
  14. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    -- Interestingly, she was an anesthesiologist, so most of her patients probably have no recollection of her at all. :) -- If I had to guess I'd say Kate as a doctor was polite, well-informed, direct and to the point, and kind though in a reserved way. That is, warmth would not have been...
  15. H

    Catholic Confession

    -- Glad you see the same interesting puzzle here that I do, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the various "confession" options. Also hoping to hear from Catholic readers! -- There have been several articles about this priest, but I couldn't find them all. I think one was...
  16. H


    -- That's somewhat plausible, but didn't the McCanns supposedly arrive at dinner together? So that would've meant they either met up outside the apartment and went from there to dinner, or that Kate discovered the death before they went to dinner. -- I'm having trouble believing these two...
  17. H

    Catholic Confession
  18. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!???

    Why is that, exactly? What is the evidence for collusion? How would collusion be different from 'one lieing to the other?' Let's take a deeper look. The favored scenario for McCanns-as-killers has it happening either right before dinner, when they were together, or earlier while Gerry...
  19. H

    If Only Kate Had Bigger *advertiser censored*!!!??? Reports that of all murder victims under the age of 5, 81% of were killed by a male. Looking just at fathers versus mothers, it's 31% and 28% respectively. The numbers look close, but consider: Mothers spend a lot more time with kids...
  20. H

    Catholic Confession

    New thread mostly because I wasn't sure where to put it. Apologies if it's already been discussed. Can anyone explain to me how 'confession' works? My main question is this: If you confess something bad does the Priest limit himself to giving you God's forgiveness, or does he also give...

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