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DNA Solves
  1. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    Yes I just meant if one of my kids clothing was missing, especially in this circumstance I would know.
  2. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    Wow! I must say I have to agree with the jealousy! I think we were both posting the same idea at the same time! LOL I do not see it far fetched by any means that should would have been VERY jealous of Haleigh, looking at the bond the 2 of them had. And not to mention what might have been...
  3. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    I understand what you are saying and I agree, because this was pointed out to me a little earlier. But would you not by now have noticed what was missing?
  4. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    Does anyone find it weird how Misty refers to herself as their MOM??? And the nasty comments she wrote to the other ex-girlfriend??? (if they are true) Seems to be a bit jealous, and what 17 year old in love isn't.... But this whole situation is a little different and what I mean is most 17...
  5. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    ROFL yeah the twins was a bit much! Now that i have watched it a couple times, I do see your point. And yes I would love to see a video re-enactment at night!!! I think that would make a world of differance:woohoo:
  6. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    I am watching again and someone had asked if there was a door on the bathroom. Yes there is once you pass the first doorway, it is a little room inside the master......
  7. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    LOL okay point taken... I am new to NG, sorry.... But I still think she would want the world to see what steps she took that night, so we could all have a better standing.... Or maybe its just me not quite understanding her steps and wanting to understand.... Again I am sorry......
  8. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    Yes I agree! I guess Yes I stand corrected about knowing what they had on.... I have 5 & 4 year old girl currently changing all their clothes, playing dress up.... LOL But like you said I would for sure be able to figure out what was missing by now.... WEIRD
  9. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    I am sorry not to mention, to this day still can not remember what haleigh was wearing.... I have 4 children and I could tell you what everyone one of them had on.... But yet she remembers all the details about the blankets... And why is Misty not showing NG the house and the steps she...
  10. P

    2009.03.06 Nancy Grace

    Okay here is my "thoughts" I think there are way to many things that are convienant for Misty.... Not pointing fingers but I can not stop thinking about.... First they are all in the "same" bed, then Haleigh was in "another" bed.... Had a pink shirt on, didn't have a pink shirt on...... Was...
  11. P

    Revisiting Haleigh's home

    Does anyone know why the welcome friends, family was closed? Sorry I am new....

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