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DNA Solves
  1. S

    GUILTY MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014 #2 *guilty*

    At the trial the officer mentioned it being "ON" but not running. I need to see if this is a retcon or true to what was said pre-trial. But it is shown running in the show and that immediately had me thrown. That said, I have so many questions about this trial and they add up the more I read...
  2. S

    GUILTY MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014 #2 *guilty*

    Even had he used that generator, it runs for 10 hours- says so right on the box.
  3. S

    GUILTY MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014 #2 *guilty*

    Some have called it a generator, but it was a gas powered water pump (Honda). Here's a current model: wmp20 Runtime is 1.5 hours.
  4. S

    GUILTY MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014 #2 *guilty*

    Sorry, I'm late to this case having just watched "The Girl From Plainville." I figured it was an embellishment in the show that the officer who found the truck had to turn off the gas powered water pump but it turns out this is taken from the testimony of the actual officer. How was this still...
  5. S

    What do YOU see? What’s under the night table?

    No one else saw a puppy? FAO Schwarz had some fancy stuffed animals, this could be one. To the left of the puppy face to me looks like a rounded object with a floral pattern on it (yellow and pink). The white object in the other photo would be to the right of what's seen here- you can tell...
  6. S

    Age and Who Do You Think Bashed JonBenet on Her Head?

    Burke, possibly with an item he was allowed to leave with that morning: An item that had these hard round supports on the bottom.
  7. S

    90 minutes

    I've put this out before, but I think he contacted Burke. Possibly by phone, but possibly in person at the White's. Honestly, whichever version of events you believe, I think it makes sense for him to have at the very least checked in, though I personally believe by that point in time they...
  8. S

    Members' Theories #2

    I've been looking, but is there anything that hints at JR contacting BR while he was at the White's house on the 26th. Either by phone or in person. Specifically between 11-1 PM?
  9. S

    The enhanced 911 ending

    Sorry to necropost. I hadn't listened to the audio in years and thought I'd try again with fresh ears. I could never make anything out of the noises at the beginning of the call, but when I gave it a good many listens a few nights ago I heard something pretty clearly. I played around with the...
  10. S

    Questions you'd like answers to...

    Have the doorknobs/handles in the home ever been checked as a possible point of impact? As a child I was entering a classroom as another was escaping (literally, he had hit the teacher with a chair and was running for his life.) He kicked the door open as I was reaching for it from the other...
  11. S

    Was Burke Involved # 5

    You can schedule a cab. For where and when they were going, calling the night before would have been preferable.
  12. S

    Was Burke Involved # 5

    As for the longjohns, I honestly think they were dressing her for the day to come. They were getting up early to go from one cold place to another cold place. Instead of PJ's, they put her in longjohns so come morning they could just put pants and a jacket on her and go out the door.
  13. S

    Was Burke Involved # 5

    I've seen this brought up a few times now and I'm confused. My understanding was that the whole point of using the paintbrush was less about it being a handle to be pulled, and more as something that could be twisted to tighten the cord and then would hold itself in place. The strength of the...
  14. S

    Questions you'd like answers to...

    If a bad thing has happened, you react and struggle to process it. If a bad thing has happened with more on the way, I think your mind is in a different place. I think whichever parent(s) was in that situation that evening was more "amidst" a tragedy than simply reacting to one. Imagine...
  15. S

    Poll: was Patsy involved?

    "Jesus, you raised Lazarus from the dead, please raise my baby!" This line from Patsy, shouted to the heavens was dramatic, but was it the first time she said it that day? Many wonder why Patsy wouldn't call 911. I think her first instinct may have been to do so, but there had to be something...
  16. S

    Poll: was Patsy involved?

    By many accounts, John was severely affected by the death of his first daughter Beth. I'm not sure that of the two parents he's the one more likely to have done the ligature. As for strength, I don't believe that was really an issue. This wasn't applied while fighting off a victim. There's...
  17. S

    Questions you'd like answers to...

    I think there are three ways to look at the ligature: 1) It was a weapon used to kill her brutally and intentionally. 2) It was used for staging to give the appearance of a brutal kidnapping gone wrong. 3) It was used for staging to cover up another strangulation attempt made earlier that...
  18. S

    John Ramsey Fabricated Open Basement Window "Evidence"

    Breaking glass is loud. So is lifting that big grate. Neighbors heard neither. Sadly this is an argument that was probably solved by those who saw the glass. Collected dust would easily give them an idea of whether the break was new or old. And the answer is probably there, it just has...
  19. S

    Poll: was Patsy involved?

    Putting the underwear over the diaper seems odd, but perhaps that was something JonBenet insisted on. A diaper is not underwear, and one is always supposed to wear underwear. If the underwear was worn over the diaper then could it be as simple as Patsy not wanting her daughter found in the...
  20. S

    Questions you'd like answers to...

    Burke may have dealt the blow and been responsible for the lower neck marks. He may not have known of the staging and ransom. If Patsy did the cover-up thinking JonBenet dead and it was she who applied the cord in an effort to hide what Burke had done and make it look like a failed kidnapping...

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