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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. N

    TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #5

    KL claimed that Brandon rang him to say he was out of gas, I believe this was prior to his 911 call but after KL had gone to check that LL was ok after the argument. It was claimed KL then rang LL and LL told him she was going to bed and would leave the gas cans on the porch for KL to collect...
  2. N

    TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #5

    Well I've finally read through all 5 threads on here and would just like to add my 2 pence thoughts if that's ok Firstly the 911 call. I believe that the editing is done at the beginning before Brandon says "yes, I'm in a field" I think he may have given identifying information and a...
  3. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    If that is aimed at me then I apologise. I felt the 'face palm' was patronising & unecessary and thought I needed to say so, instead of just being too afraid to post anymore as I was for the last year or so due to snark. I perhaps should have ignored it & I quite agree that this is an...
  4. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    Ahh thank you for that. I think I must have missed hearing that (damn Christmas visitors demanding my attention :)) I suppose $100k will disappear rapidly amongst many family members, kids, ex wife etc Although if the lawyers took that for getting him the settlement & then $240k went on...
  5. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    Yes thank you I am fully aware of that, so the face palm was unecessary I thought it was sweet (sorry if that's a poor choice of word) that the poster placed the same level of importance on the incidences in her mind. I can see why her son would be questioned though, just as I absolutely...
  6. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    One thing I'm not sure if anyone can help me with, in the documentary they say that Steven ended up receiving $400,000 as a settlement for the false conviction. Now, they also say that his legal costs for his trial were $140,000 I what happened to the rest? The Averys are...
  7. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    Absolutely! I have my doubts with regards to Earl despite his past offences because he agreed to let TH's aunt & cousin (could have been cousin & second cousin) look around the car yard. My thought is that if Earl knew the jeep was there he would have refused them entry & told them to come back...
  8. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    Steven absolutely minimised the cat incident in the documentary. All he said was that he was hanging around with the wrong people & that they were messing around with the cat, that it was the family cat & he picked it up & tossed it over the fire & it 'lit up'. No mention of soaking it in...
  9. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    I agree that I got a weird feeling about Bobby & Scott. Scott hasn't been without his problems either with violence against others allegedly. I do believe it was Steven, but I admit to having brief moments of doubt where I believe it could have been Scott, Bobby, Earl or Chuck, or even the lot...
  10. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    I'm not so sure that Brendan does believe his uncle is innocent though. I think there was probably a shred of truth somewhere in Brendan's interviews. I think if someone had the time to read the transcripts from all his interviews and find the consistent responses then we will have the truth...
  11. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    I want to believe Brendan had nothing to do with this & was manipulated by the police & his confession was false, but one thing bugs me. Brendan recently released a statement in which he claims his innocence and his uncles innocence. He has a far better chance of being released if he only...
  12. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    I have seen the question "why plant evidence if he was guilty" a lot on various forums. My best answer to that is that we know from the documentary that at least one person in the legal system there (sorry, I can't remember who it was) still thought Avery had 'got off with the rape'. It was...
  13. N

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    I watched these over a 24 hour period & was hooked. Initially after watching them I wavered on the not guilty side, but since I've been doing more reading into the case, I am now firmly in the guilty camp. I believe that Avery was a man who had little to no impulse control and when he was mad...
  14. N

    Trial Discussion Thread #35 - 14.05.08 Day 28

    Sometimes I watch the trial & I'm surprised by the things that Nel lets slide. There have been other incidents where he's seemed to have missed things & I just feel :facepalm:
  15. N

    Trial Discussion Thread #35 - 14.05.08 Day 28

    I honestly can't remember if that was her or Mrs M who said that. If it was the same witness then I'm even more flabbergasted that it was allowed to slide by Nel. I've just tried to google it but I can't find a reference as to which witness said that.
  16. N

    Trial Discussion Thread #35 - 14.05.08 Day 28

    I post on another forum talking about OP's trial as well & I tried several times on there to point this out to them but nobody was interested in even discussing it so I thought I'd try on makes no sense whatsoever that a witness wakes upon hearing loud crying, states catagorically that...
  17. N

    Trial Discussion Thread #34 - 14.05.06 Day 27

    I just have a question about the lady who was the final witness on Tuesday. She stated that she woke up because she heard loud crying. She then went on to say that her first thought was that a security guard had been shot. Why would anyone waking up & hearing loud crying immediately think...
  18. N

    GUILTY UK - Mikaeel Kular, 3, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 Jan 2014 - #3

    Until I read that the police had spoken to Mikaeel's father, I thought he bore a marked resemblance to Abdi.
  19. N

    GUILTY UK - Mikaeel Kular, 3, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 Jan 2014 - #3

    With regards to the foster parents, no it's not just you. I'm astounded that they felt it was right to make any comment at all. I'm less surprised by the friend making some kind of statement. I think it's common for friends, neighbours & acquaintances to make comments ( usually with the proviso...
  20. N

    GUILTY UK - Mikaeel Kular, 3, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 Jan 2014 - #3

    I've not heard a thing about that. I honestly don't know how they are going to hold that little boys funeral without it turning into a media scrum & without 100's of the general public turning up to attend as well.

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