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DNA Solves
  1. nolachurch

    Cords, Knots, and Strangulation Devices

    I've been going over this all wk in my head, for some reason, the rope is in my mind bouncing like crazy, lol. I agree its not a garrogarrote, s a commando toggle knot (commonly taught in Boy Scouts), I don't think it was to strangle her, I t was to move her from one location to another, and...
  2. nolachurch

    GUILTY VA - LE use voice recognition, social media, to find militant in UK & US beheading video, *Arrests*

    Couldn't be any more clearer for me . I'm astonished that we are such a minority. I believe they are fake w/green screen,etc so sloppy its comical! How can others not see the exaggerated colors(can look animated @times or just not fully right),clear outlines of the bodies,sounds that dont quite...
  3. nolachurch

    GUILTY VA - LE use voice recognition, social media, to find militant in UK & US beheading video, *Arrests*

    Clearly!! No. It is not just you.there's a few of us, but not many. I am astonished that it isn't plain as day for them. With??
  4. nolachurch

    GUILTY FL - Calyx, 16, & Beau Schenecker, 13, shot to death, Tampa, 27 Jan 2011 #2

    I agree Bernina. All are not unusual for bipolar sufferers. Except the Opiods.we don't know how long she was on them, why she was on them,etc.. Oxycodone is a Major opiate, she was taking synthetic heroin. That mixed with all the other drugs& alcohol on top of that, will make anyone...
  5. nolachurch

    GUILTY FL - Calyx, 16, & Beau Schenecker, 13, shot to death, Tampa, 27 Jan 2011 #2

    I don't really see her as a monster either. From what I can see, (and I don't know all the facts yet), I see a Selfish,Broken woman who is totally self absorbed,selfish & bitter. One who lost herself fully in her illness/depression,addictions & self pity. Her act wasn't to "help" her kids in her...
  6. nolachurch

    GUILTY FL - Calyx, 16, & Beau Schenecker, 13, shot to death, Tampa, 27 Jan 2011 #2

    Her shakes & odd walk are definetely bc of the drug mixture or lack of by that point. I know that lithium itself gives you odd shakes/ movements..
  7. nolachurch

    GUILTY FL - Calyx, 16, & Beau Schenecker, 13, shot to death, Tampa, 27 Jan 2011 #2

    I believe she does have mental illness but that's not what caused all of this. I think she is definetely an addict & I think the psychosis was drug/alcohol induced. This, to me sounds like a killing out of spite/ to get back at the father.she may not remember the actual act bc of the drugs but...
  8. nolachurch

    GUILTY UT - Aiden Goff, 2, dies of methadone OD, Tooele, 31 Jan 2014

    Sorry if this was already brought up, but I'm thinking she mixed it with the gatorade & that's why it was in there. My ex was on the clinic and he always mixed it in his coke, then would pour coke in the small bottle to get any remaining liquid that he may have missed before. And I also know its...
  9. nolachurch

    911 Call

    I'm not sold on one theory either, the level of dysfunction here and family dynamics make it unfortunately easily any of them. Or all of them guilty or having a hand in it. Sent from my BNTV400 using Tapatalk
  10. nolachurch

    JAR's semen on the blanket in a suitcase in the basement

    Agree.. this is where my head goes with most all you brought up, or hell, all of it. Sent from my BNTV400 using Tapatalk
  11. nolachurch

    911 Call

    I've always been more on the thought he said "please or well, what do I do?? Just my thought on it. And want to 2nd the opinion of JR having control issues. I agree he could have been angry at PR for calling 911 before "the fort was secure"...he showed no support for her or comfort like a...
  12. nolachurch

    FL FL - Tammy Leppert, 18, Cocoa Beach, 6 July 1983

    Hi Suzanne! I just wanted to say I hope your search for your sister ends soon & brings you some sort of closure & peace of mind. I remember seeing Tammy Lynns case on UM a long time ago & being really affected by it, as we had similiar childhoods & both were onstage for the most part of it. I...
  13. nolachurch

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    I remember reading about the yt video and it said it was Deannas yt profile and he listened to a daft punk song
  14. nolachurch

    Question and Answer thread

    Who brought the car back?? Maybe her mom?? Maybe that's what she was talking with her mom about. I think she knew they were watching her & that's what she was saying to her mom when LE said she was arguing with her right before her arrest. I don't think she thought she was going to Cancun,nor do...
  15. nolachurch

    Did Travis know Arias was coming to his house the night he was murdered?

    I always wondered about those too! You dont see it in all the pics of his back IIRC. My thought about the creases itself is that he was sitting in his computer chair for awhile before those pics with the creases? Maybe? I can see the sheets too but I know Ive gotten those marks when sitting in...
  16. nolachurch

    Do you think Amanda Knox is GUILTY? **LIST ONLY NO DISCUSSION**

    I agree with this 100%!!!!
  17. nolachurch

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    Hey Geevee!! Been a min since Ive posted, still dont have my setup yet,but Ive been on lurking and on other forums- I needed to take a breather from this woman and her world,let go of some of my anger towards her,etc... NOPE! Its STILL There! LOL!! Anyways, I just died inside when I saw your...
  18. nolachurch

    This image still weirds me out

    WOW!! Ive never seen this pic! Very Eerie, almost a sinister feel.Looks like she has a pale mask on but Im pretty sure its just her face. reminds me of something or a character in a movie Ive seen somewhere.anyways, this is a few wks before her trip??? And yet shes in ANOTHER Hotel? Odd.. Great...
  19. nolachurch

    The Elevator Video: What's your take?

    I think I read she was diagnosed as bipolarII somewhere on here, and I know that certain antidepressants for example, Prozac can cause Hypermania in some people,even more so the higher the dosage.. I have experienced it myself. Just a thought. IMO,there is someone following her and there in the...
  20. nolachurch

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    LOL!! I know, Ive read every body language book, article, etc I could get my hands on since I was in my teens, It first fascinated me, then I just wanted to be able to read through all the BS,Masks & Lies I realized a HUGE percentage of the human race spews out on a daily basis.The best...

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