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  1. goldengirl57

    UK LE request permission to interview 3 suspected burglars!?!

    [/B] CORRECT. Can you imagine anyway a gang of burglars fitting inside flat 5A and wouldn't they be noticed with all the foot traffic in the area at the time. Also its not the sort of time a burglar would be out, as there are people walking about. ONLY a few weeks back the papers...
  2. goldengirl57

    UK LE request permission to interview 3 suspected burglars!?!

    Its a load of BALDERDASH..... IF it was true SY would never have allowed this to be printed. This burglar theory has been the rounds for several years.
  3. goldengirl57

    Crimewatch redux

    I wouldnt take much notice of the rubbish in the newspapers, its all spin, and more spin just to sell papers. As a point about the alleged nearly snatched baby whilst burglary is going on I believe this happened a YEAR before the McCanns. Anyway its all a load of Who Shot John. Dont forget...
  4. goldengirl57

    Crimewatch redux

    Well according to Stephen Birch she is under Murats driveway. There is an interview of him on The Peoples Voice.
  5. goldengirl57

    Can we discuss Carol Tranmers statement please....

    I always found this bizarre a WTF moment in my head. I can understand why they went for all this funding it seems unseemly some how and did nothing to find their daughter. Actually i think it had the opposite affect.
  6. goldengirl57

    Crimewatch redux

    It was a damp squid, nothing new at all, and by the way he was talking it is going to go on a long time....
  7. goldengirl57

    Can we discuss Carol Tranmers statement please....

    EXACTLY. Her statement: DC1485'ground floor... ground floor, first floor' CT'No, she is the third, I believe that she is on the third floor. DC1485'Third floor. CT'There is only one on top, therefore, she is on the third floor, at the end apartment. Once there, you take the...
  8. goldengirl57

    A few questions

    This is very interesting.
  9. goldengirl57

    Can we discuss Carol Tranmers statement please....

    yes thanks hun, i have seen this. It does not tally with her statement no way lol.... Is it important? Probably not, but she did state she saw someone the night maddy went missing so did she? I hate this huge discrepancie in statements as it makes me worry that the police are not testing...
  10. goldengirl57

    Can we discuss Carol Tranmers statement please....

    Yes some of that I understand. In the uk, its, basement, ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor etc. She does seem to understand ground floor, 1st floor. The thing which confuses me is not so much if she is confused about the status of these floors, its her DESCRIPTION. Lets just say for...
  11. goldengirl57

    Can we discuss Carol Tranmers statement please....

    Its really bugging me. There is something totally off about it. We are to believe Mrs Fenn lived directly above 5A. Please really read the statement by Carol Tranmer it makes no sense. I dont for one minute think she did not...
  12. goldengirl57

    Media Links ONLY - No Discussion

    Anchor - After CMTV screened a reconstitution about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, there were many reactions, that multiplied themselves, mainly because of the various contradictions in the witnesses’ statements. Voiceover – The case dates back to the 3rd of May of 2007. Six years...
  13. goldengirl57

    Madeleine McCann general discussion thread #28

    :banghead: Hun your wasting your time and energy. I think for me its best to just move on from the dogs, as there are non so blind as those who cant see.... The solved 200 cases....perhaps they slipped on this one....;) BAD DOGGIES and just think they went to states after and did more work...
  14. goldengirl57

    Madeleine McCann general discussion thread #28

    What a shame, I did a nice long answer to you but you seem to have ignored it. I actually asked you a question on there.... As I have been kind to answer your question would you answer mine, thanks hun.
  15. goldengirl57

    Madeleine McCann general discussion thread #28

    Sorry hun all quoted out lol....I think it was Donjeta, could have sworn i pressed on her post lol...going
  16. goldengirl57

    Madeleine McCann general discussion thread #28

    Yes the scent would transfer hun. You dont need the body if the body has been in contact with a dead body, otherwise how could it be mooted that the reason why Mrs McCanns clothing was alerted too was because she had handled six bodies over a week before her holiday.:drumroll:
  17. goldengirl57

    Madeleine McCann general discussion thread #28

    I have no idea about quotes, as my friend in the states went looking for me. I was merely doing an exercise in Stranger Danger, it isnt as bad as people think and is quite rare when you consider how many YOUNG children under 10 go missing by STRANGERS.
  18. goldengirl57

    Madeleine McCann general discussion thread #28

    What a surprise, so now this sighting is back in the frame, must mean our poor old tractorman can now lay down in peace...hopefully and they have dug up George Harrison look alike again. I...
  19. goldengirl57

    Madeleine McCann general discussion thread #28

    To reiterate. The dogs are TRAINED to do a job. The training of these dogs is very complex. ANY dog that alerts to something OTHER then what they are trained to alert to, are SACKED. The dogs under go constant training any mistakes they are out. So for example shall we say Caylee...

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