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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. the_chosen_one

    "Theories only" - thread

    Very insightful and interesting post :) I think the one thing that constantly comes up is without access to her computer/phone, we are almost entirely in the dark. If she was involved in this sort of thing, I think by her nature it is not unfathomable to assume her immediate friends would have...
  2. the_chosen_one

    What Do You Want to Know?: List Questions Here

    Having access to her browser history (computer + phone), movie collection, youtube liked videos, diaries, etc would give us an idea. But we don't even know if the police accessed her phone to check it, let alone what would be back in Canada. If this was a premeditated suicide (obviously all...
  3. the_chosen_one

    What Do You Want to Know?: List Questions Here

    There was a ladder, tank was supposedly 50-75% full when she was found, no info was provided AFAIA re volume changes in tank, not quite sure what reenacting you were hoping for but physically there does not appear to have been anything that would have prevented EL from getting into the tank.
  4. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    so i tend to agree with nickfalzone, she entered the tank under her own motion. Had her intention been to go for a swim she surely would have left her clothes/swipe card/watch outside of the tank. The fact she has entered the tank with all of that suggests she was in a rush and was attempting...
  5. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    The opening was small, but by no means beyond the capabilities of an average human fitting in, and Elisa was smaller than your average human. If she was forced in we might expect to have seen trauma on the shins/elbows. Regarding cutting the tank open, it seems to be the logical way to remove...
  6. the_chosen_one

    "Theories only" - thread

    Agree with everything you said. Just with the quoted bit, I think the police even found that difficult to believe that would happen, hence the accidental death ruling. If she believed someone was stalking her she may have ended up on the roof and the tank seemed like a good place to hide but...
  7. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    1. clothing was all in the tank and consistent with what was seen in elevator footage. 2. possibly. stomach is full of acid and motions would have stopped post mortem, so whatever was in there would have been well and truly dissolved by the time she was discovered. 3. we don't accurately know...
  8. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    Read through the threads, it has been speculated multiple times that she is talking to someone outside the elevator and many attempts have been made to decipher every little nuances of her behaviour. She presses the door hold button which holds the doors open. The clothes were in the bottom of...
  9. the_chosen_one

    What Do You Want to Know?: List Questions Here

    I vaguely recall reading something along the lines of the door lock being faulty and they CBF'd dealing with the alarm going off all the time so they tampered with the door to deactivate the alarm???
  10. the_chosen_one

    "Theories only" - thread

    I think it would depend on the depth of the water... Based on the police stating the tank was 50-75% full, i imagine with hands on the lip of the lid, you would be able to use a swimming kick as you did the pull up motion to aid you in at least getting to a position where your elbows were out of...
  11. the_chosen_one

    What Do You Want to Know?: List Questions Here

    I'd love to see footage of Elisa from the lobby/lift cams throughout her time at Cecil... just to see what her behaviour was like, if she had any guests come up to her room or if she went up to the top floor at any other stage during her stay there (and if she did - was she accompanied), did she...
  12. the_chosen_one

    What Do You Want to Know?: List Questions Here

    Hi Tap Dancer, Re #1... I had a quick skim through but didn't go back over the video footage again. The big issue for me with trying to pick out small details on the video is the video quality is not there. The post they made with the different foot directions, I recall seeing that...
  13. the_chosen_one

    What Do You Want to Know?: List Questions Here

    Despite the many opinions on the matter, as far as I recall, the autopsy report mentioned, but did not attempt to attribute their findings to the elevator footage. The only people who would really have any idea as to what is going on in that video would be Elisa's closest friends, the ones...
  14. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    - I am saying while the evidence indicates she was drowned it does not exclude her being drowned elsewhere and her body dumped in the tank at a later point. I do not claim this is the most probably scenario, but stranger things have happened (eg elevator footage) <mod snip> Different people...
  15. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    that only indicates cause of death was drowning, does not conclusively prove Elisa drowned in the water tank she was found in. I am not saying she didnt drown in the tanks (that is the simplest way to wrap the case up); but I am curious to know what evidence exists to rule out the possibility...
  16. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    Sorry, been a while since i went through the autopsy, what was it that indicated she was alive when she entered the tank?
  17. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    In regards to carrying a 45-50kg person, I don't think it would be beyond the realms of human physiology, especially if there was more than one person involved in transporting the body. In my opinion the limiting factor would not be physical but rather the capacity to transport the body without...
  18. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    @conductor71 there were wounds on both knees.
  19. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    Thanks sabpascu, was just wondering if this might have been related to forced oral sex (tongue) or some degree of strangulation (thyroid) - obviously not as a cause of death... Out of curiosity are you medically trained?
  20. the_chosen_one

    Final Autopsy and Toxicology Report

    lungs did contain fluid... if she aspirated water, there would be no reason to ingest it in significant quantities? question from me is are the edematous/bloodied anus and erythematous tongue and thyroid consistent with drowning and 2-3wk decomposition in water?

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