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  1. dazeerae

    NH NH - Maura Murray, 21, Haverhill, 9 Feb 2004 - #13

    Did anyone listen to the Missing Maura Murray podcast episode 48 with "Sam," a friend of William & Maura from West Point? My BS meter is off the charts.
  2. dazeerae

    VT VT - Brianna Maitland, 17, Montgomery, 19 March 2004

    The Crawlspace podcast, done by the same podcasters of Missing Maura Murray, is very well done. The Brianna Maitland case is even more creepy & intriguing than the Maura Murray case. Thank you, Tarik, for your time & effort on the Brianna Maitland case. I hope that it will be solved soon...
  3. dazeerae

    JonBenet Ramsey Case Abbreviations

    I'm just realizing that there is a time limit on editing posts at Websleuths. Since I can't add the suggested abbreviations to the first post, we can just leave this as a running thread for members to post additional abbreviations. Thanks for the suggestions!
  4. dazeerae

    James Kolar's New Book Will Blow the Lid off the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation

    If the Ramseys approved their own questions prior to questioning, maybe they were able to approve Burke's questions as well? Maybe lots of coaching from JR & PR before talking to LE. Either that, or they somehow hid the truth from BR, or convinced him something else was going on other than...
  5. dazeerae

    Did JR tell us the Plan, #2 - RDI Only thread

    Wow, Meara, you're blowing my mind. I'm always fascinated & taken off guard by people who can lie convincingly with complete confidence & ease. I don't think deception = murder, but it sure doesn't help Patsy's case. Re: the ransom note being placed on the spiral stair step where other papers...
  6. dazeerae


    Renah, you're not alone. The term that kept going through my mind: pseudo-intellectual. Seems to be a person who likes the sound of his own voice. Also, I can't shake the sense that there are mental health issues influencing his thinking. Though entertaining, his writing boils down to utter...
  7. dazeerae

    JonBenet Ramsey Case Abbreviations

    In case it's useful to anyone, I've been compiling a list of JBR case abbreviations as well as a few other frequently used WebSleuths abbreviations. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks! Abbreviations for JonBenet Case ACR: ACandyRose website AG: Access Graphics AH: Alex...
  8. dazeerae

    If you could ask a Ramsey a question...

    You're Bible verse post was directed at me, but I think I do play nice. I try to be as respectful as possible to all members who post here whether I agree with their theories. If I find someone particularly distasteful then I just "scroll and roll." I understand that you don't agree with what...
  9. dazeerae

    RDI Theories & Discussion ONLY!

    I have to agree with Nom...who the heck puts a dead bolt on a closet? There may be a reasonable explanation, but it seems odd to say the least.
  10. dazeerae

    If you could ask a Ramsey a question...

    While I agree with the sentiment of the verse, I don't claim to believe in God in the form that Christians believe in him. I don't disrespect those who are Christians. I have a number of thoughts on the subject of the Christian God & organized religion which are not appropriate for this forum...
  11. dazeerae

    If you could ask a Ramsey a question...

    Pardon the fact that my strict religious upbringing influenced this's a little hell-fire & brimstone. Since they claim to be a God-fearing family, I'd ask, On judgment day, how do you plan to justify to the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost the molestation, violent killing, and coverup...
  12. dazeerae

    RDI Theories & Discussion ONLY!

    The crawl space! Yes, this makes sense. I hadn't even thought of the crawl space. I think it's possible her body was in the wine cellar & FW didn't see it, but there must be some reason for JR's hour long disappearance during the morning of his daughter's "kidnapping." Just seems like it would...
  13. dazeerae

    Poll: Will this case ever be solved?

    This is cryptic, to me at least, & intriguing. Would you mind elaborating?
  14. dazeerae

    RDI Theories & Discussion ONLY!

    Do you think she was in the basement in another room? Were there any rooms not searched in the basement? It seems very possible he was staging in that hour, but I don't have a theory as to what JR was doing.
  15. dazeerae


    DeeDee, this is what I believe as well. I have seen where a few people believe the strangulation came first. I figure this topic has been hashed out before by WS old-timers: I'm wondering if there was any evidence as to which came first, the head bash or the strangulation?
  16. dazeerae

    Did JR tell us the Plan, #2 - RDI Only thread

    Anyhoo, I think any evidence of preplanning would change a lot of RDI theories. I'm wondering what most members here believe, that the murder was planned or not? I don't think it was planned. If it was planned, it seems poorly executed. On the other hand, it was the perfect murder in that no...
  17. dazeerae

    Did JR tell us the Plan, #2 - RDI Only thread

    It is very difficult to follow the transcripts since we can't see what was being discussed. Also, comments like "Oh God" are hard to read even if we had visual clues since we don't know exactly what was she was thinking. I could see this exchange having several different possible meanings. It...
  18. dazeerae


    This tends to be my line of thinking as well. Until the case is solved, all we can do is speculate, & if it is ever "solved" I'm sure speculation will continue. I really don't have a solid theory, just a vague idea that abuse was occurring and something happened to cause JonBenet's death that...
  19. dazeerae

    Did JR tell us the Plan, #2 - RDI Only thread

    Random thought that I'm not sure what thread to post it to...hopefully I picked the right one. Did anyone see the interview with John (and Patsy I think) where he said the worst part of the whole thing was finding the note that JonBenet was gone? NOT finding JonBenet's body...these are my...
  20. dazeerae

    Poll: Will this case ever be solved?

    Sadly, I think this will be "one for the ages" as they say. Something similar to the JFK assassination or the Lindbergh baby (though officially solved). I hope I'm wrong. I hope that somehow the killer(s) will be identified, & the person(s) involved will be punished.

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