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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S

    Any Supporters who crossed over?

    Jeana...I was not implying that you all are for killing children. I meant anti as in this appears to be a site that is against her innocence. Nothing more. I never meant to offend you or anyone. Bad choice of words.
  2. S

    "Waiting for a Miracle"

    Very interested too....anyone know?????????
  3. S

    Luminol Evidence

    Could you please tell me the outcome of the physcics? This is the 1st I have heard of that and am curious what was seen.....thanks
  4. S

    "Waiting for a Miracle"

    wondering if anyone has heard on where to view this video??? I am curious to see it too.... please respond if you have......
  5. S

    The 2nd Attack Theory: Forum Legend???

    I noticed in the photos in "MTJD" that there were cut marks on the inside of every finger which indicated to me that while she was stabbing the boys, the knife slipped and cut her on what she claims were defense wounds.
  6. S

    Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

    Delores, did you ever hear what the results were from bring in a phsyhic were? This is the 1st I have ever heard of that.
  7. S

    Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

    Yeh, she has exhasuted all other avenues, funny how now her husband as of today is now someone she is pointing the finger at. Very STRANGE case. Nothing makes sense with it.
  8. S

    The 911 Call

    yeh that does sound weird
  9. S

    Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

    Cami, I am new to this site and may be offering opinions and info as I perceived . I am not trying to offend or challenge anyone here, just tring to get in on the discussion.
  10. S

    Another theory

    sorry......replying to Jeana's post
  11. S

    Another theory

    After eading this it all makes sense! You always want to beleive that there is no way a mother could do something like that to her children but after reading your post it seems so right on. Thanks! So many questions answered and the truth really rings true in it.
  12. S

    Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

    sorry....I read that in Media tried, justice denied
  13. S

    The 911 Call

    Or rmaybe it is what it is. I am not totally decided either but when listening to the tape I hear a woman who is completely freaked out. People say many strange things and things that are hard to comprehend when under distress. I think you can take any situation and alter it to what you want...
  14. S

    Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

    I heard that when the police arrived a man was at the door and they asked him who he was. He said he was Darlie's husband and was getting help and when the officers came into the crime scene, Darin was there trying to recucitate the children. I am too interested in knowing about the...
  15. S

    Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

    I am new to this site. Wow! so much info here I am more confused than I was on her guilt or innocence. I have been following this case for years. I wonder inf anyone knows if the family has ever brought in a Psychic to help with the case? I know this is controversial but has has been used in...

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