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  1. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    But wait, what growing medical expenses? At the point that the state of MA took over, they were footing the bill. What are they talking about? I realize this is a really stupid question. :(
  2. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Does anyone know if it would be possible for Liberty Counsel to create a "campaign" called Justice for Justina and then use their own 501c3 to collect the funds? It appears, from my rudimentary search that the Pelletiers didn't start saying they had a non-profit, until rather early this year...
  3. jaunty-girl

    CANADA Canada - James Walton, a.k.a. Michael De Bourcier, 27, Caledonia, ON, 2 Aug 1992

    The EXIF information on the photo shows the date it was taken as 7/6/2001 at 8:52am. The camera was a KODAK DC4800 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA which would have been capable of a photo like this. The attributed copyright year, on the article is wrong. Google image search shows this photo in much...
  4. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Wouldn't it be great if they just doctor shopped for themselves? I thought Justina looked perplexed too. I mean she's been hearing for months that BCH was the problem and they just needed to get her home. She's probably been thinking that once she got home, she would be quick to mend. Now...
  5. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Well I guess the question is, since shes in a wheelchair, is it any of those things that caused that? Since we don't have her medical records and we don't know for certain, I suppose we don't know if she's paralyzed. Mitochondrial disorder causes muscle weakness and could be a reason she...
  6. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    "I think she was medicated in the facilities. Most foster kids are." Yes thank you, someone already provided links, so while I appreciate the time you took to respond, it's been covered.
  7. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    I was being facetious. "now we found out we might not be able to use her GI doctor." Sounds like they were told no more Dr Flores vs, deciding no Dr Flores, to me. Or course that's just my humble opinion. That these grown people can't understand that there are ramifications for bad...
  8. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    It seems pretty obvious to me that Lou is going to try to parlay his 15 minutes of fame (that he got on the back of his daughter) into some sort of political career. Something in the vein of Joe the Plumber. I had read up on his previous career and all the issues, much like sweetmom and figured...
  9. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Do yourself a favor and read the entire document. Pay close attention to: 7. It should be noted that parents of...
  10. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    These are certainly the talking points they keep parroting, it really has no relation to reality. If you go back just a page or two you will see much of what you've said, has been debunked. Some of the things run contrary to what the family themselves have said. I am not going to address...
  11. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    BBM, Do you have any citation or evidence of this? Is this a fact or are you just opining that you believe this to be the case?
  12. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Ahhh sorry I didn't understand but yes of course, the list of lies/exaggerations is pretty massive. She does indeed look better than the laundry list of symptoms she went in with. She certainly looks better than Lou let on. Good for her, lets hope she can maintain her health, living with the...
  13. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    She doesn't sound like a kindergartener. She was speaking fairly clearly and sticking to what I can only imagine are talking points. What she had to say sounded like she was reciting from one of the articles that had been written. Absolutely nothing new or anything from what sounded like a...
  14. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    I think about one article that basically said that at some point the family visits were just completely cut off and dropped to 1 hour a week. Then another talking about her behavior when her mother was around. Perhaps they noted that Justina was making progress and then her parents would come...
  15. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    With the older sister suffering from Mito, you would think that the Pelletiers would know that it gets progressively worse. The fact that they kept telling the media and anyone that would listen, that BCH was making their child worse, is odd. If she does have Mito, she very likely will not get...
  16. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    Wow, it would appear that most of the facts that keep being repeated by the people who support the family, are debunked in these last few posts. I too am guilty of being educated by incorrect information in this thread. Now I am further convinced that Lou and the people he's brought into his...
  17. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    So it wasn't the flu? - odd movements of her right leg which caused her foot to pronate. - abnormal movements began to affect the left leg and now the rest of the body is affected. - increased weakness which cause (sic) her to not be able to walk. - significant leg pain - headaches are becoming...
  18. jaunty-girl

    Family battling Children’s Hospital to bring teen home for Christmas #2

    BBM Liars and drama queens too! I am not saying the cases are related, but of course you know I'm not. And it doesn't change the reality that we are dealing with adult family members who are caught lying to prove their point. The only difference here is that so far Lou has managed to avoid the...

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