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DNA Solves
  1. T

    Hannah's Journey on 09/13

    I was replying to another poster who I thought was making a big deal out of the name and imagery used by the restaurant. Just pointing out it was a popular place for all. Thanks for the corrections about the chain being in other states.
  2. T

    Hannah's Journey on 09/13

    I'm not sure I follow. I've had many friends go to UVA and almost all of them wanted to eat there at some point when I visited. One of them is an MD at UVA hospital now and still eats there. It's a very, very common spot that appeals to a lot of different groups, despite the mushroom imagery.
  3. T

    Hannah's Journey on 09/13

    It's a very small chain here in VA (never seen it elsewhere). They have great pizza and I wouldn't take away anything from the name. It's a popular spot.
  4. T

    JLM Charged in 2005 Farifax Rape Case

    Political correctness protecting JLM, in Central VA? I don't think that is reasonable at all.
  5. T

    Hannah's Journey on 09/13

    There is plenty of drug use at UVA and virtually every student there has been super successful so far in life and most will continue to be so after graduating, drug users included. With that said, I'm not sold that it has anything to do with this case, although it is interesting to read...
  6. T

    Hannah Graham: Remains Identified

    To be fair, most bars I have ever been to usually allow you to purchase two drinks at once (that is usually the limit)
  7. T

    JLM: What Do We Know About Him? - #2

    I think he had enough time to get rid of it if it was at my apartment. If I remember correctly, they didn't search his apartment until a while after he was already aware they took his car. It's possible it was in the car.
  8. T

    JLM: What Do We Know About Him? - #2

    I guess it's impossible to tell with an image file that small. However, that doesn't look much like him at all IMO. The nose especially looks a lot smaller to me, but I could be completely wrong.
  9. T

    Hannah Graham: Remains Identified

    I just have a hard time believing he was taking 5 year breaks between committing these awful crimes. Maybe there are examples of rapists/killers like this, but I'm not aware of them. It's possible we may never know, but considering he raped and attempted to kill someone in Fairfax means that...
  10. T

    Hannah Graham: Remains Identified

    A guilty plea has to be coming at this point, right? That statement is bizarre otherwise. Does evidence and information about the case get hidden from the public forever in a guilty plea?
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    JLM: What Do We Know About Him? - #2

    I think the best theory I read on here was he realized if convicted his DNA could possibly go into the database which would have exposed him, potentially. Self preservation - makes total sense.
  12. T

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #5

    Well, I'd say that probably answers that question about as definitively as anything else. :-(
  13. T

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #5

    I highly doubt she thought to go on something like Yik Yak if she was lost. I don't think that is plausible at all.
  14. T

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #5

    If this is true and she reported this to police, I wonder if this tip combined with the cell phone ping are the reason they honed in on the park about a week ago.
  15. T

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #4

    I don't really find it that hard to believe. I'm sure he came across as super nice and probably told her something like "I'm a cab driver on the side so I have no problem taking you wherever you need to go". A lot of times a situation like this would probably have worked out fine...
  16. T

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #4

    Well people like his best/closest friend in California have told people to basically "**** off" in Facebook comments to stories about this and I would imagine many others are embarrassed or hostile and/or have been told by LE to not discuss him with the media. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if...
  17. T

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #4

    That Myspace page is creepy to look at. Such a normal looking guy on the photos there. Hard to believe the things he was capable of and so infuriating to think about.
  18. T

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #4

    That commenting and liking of the MH page doesn't really surprise me. I was thinking earlier that I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was following the threads regarding MH on this site very frequently.
  19. T

    Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation** #4

    Yeah, I was confused by those pictures as well. I don't recall seeing that house before.

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