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DNA Solves
  1. P

    Remains found confirmed as Jacob Wetterling/Suspect led LE to Remains #2

    I am devastated along with everyone, shed tears for Jacob and his family. The *only* blessing in this is now the Wetterlings finally have Jacob back. My questions about DH - 1. Did anything ever come of the boxes of youth clothing confiscated when his house was searched last year on the...
  2. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

    Googling Sterns County and Sex Ring
  3. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

    What IS the deal with that area? It does reek of a ring. And if so the ring could have deep rooted.... think Jackie Theel (and there was a toddler boy who went missing nearby a few years before Jacob, and there were those three boys in Des Moines which is not immediately close I know...)
  4. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

    Maybe he didn't always work alone? Perhaps his MO when working with a partner is different than when working solo. Or maybe he is just a complete psychopath and has a variety of crimes including the *advertiser censored* and the stalking/preying, and has committed other assaults but didn't get caught.
  5. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

    I think the brother and or possibly Hart could be after the fact accomplices, but because we know Jared was taken and assaulted alone, as were the boys in Paynesville, I don't think they were part of the kidnapping or assault of Jacob.
  6. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

    It's an eerie connection.
  7. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

    This turns my stomach. It SCREAMS Johnny Gosch, Eugene Martin...
  8. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

    I think he knows what happened. Maybe DH groomed DJH into what he was and the brother covered DJH's tracks...
  9. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

    Right! Call him Daniel.
  10. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich #2

    We know he took and kept trophies, but if they weren't found at his residencies back in 1990 where was he stashing them? Did they find Jared's pants? He has a dumping spot, they need to find it.
  11. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    I'm wondering what he was doing and where all those bins of boys clothing came from??
  12. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    There was a boy a few years back kidnapped by neighbors who raped and murdered him. His attackers were an incestuous family, mother, father, and son. I can't remember the state or names, it was too horrible to 'follow' on the news when it happened.
  13. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    Wondering the same thing about outing the brother as a victim. You'd think if they interviewed him on such a subject they'd have more than one quote. Also don't understand the 'disciple' sentence.
  14. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    I think he had to have been so confident because he knew LE was searching the wrong places, not looking in the right direction. Could someone (brother, DH...) have been an accomplice after the fact??
  15. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    The thing about SH though is that Devlin intended to kill him after the first month or so. SH begged him not to and something clicked in Devlin, and he kept him. That wasn't his MO, it was an evolution of his crime (whether SH was his first victim or not). Looking at it this way I think these...
  16. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    Sick and sad as it is, since the statute is expired for Jacob and Jared (sans a murder charge) maybe LE could negotiate a trade for information in exchange for a 'lighter' murder charge (say manslaughter). Don't these guys have a deep rooted concern for their image, perverse as it sounds? I...
  17. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    I think that Jacob may have been held for a time (accomplice) or killed as you said within a few hours after an attack (no accomplice). I also think killing Jacob was an extended part of DJH's fantasies (he said to each or most of the boys he attacked in Paynesville and Jared that he would kill...
  18. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    Maternal uncle passed in 2002 was a truck driver for Fingerhut for 30 years. Wonder if his son (POIs cousin) still in Paynesville could describe DJH to LE. POI's step father is also still alive, living in Grove City. Just looking for people who could speak about the POI's habits, and people...
  19. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    I was just wondering how old DJH's father was at the time Jackie went missing. Statistically, again, it seems highly improbably that two boys go missing in such a small, small proximity, even 40 years apart, right?? There was a 3 year old boy who went missing from Pine City in the early 80's...
  20. P

    Suspect - Daniel Heinrich

    Expressionless in court: Jared was at the hearing today, and I think I read went to the courthouse last week. I wonder if he wants to see the case through, see the man who attacked him after all these years of wondering, or put...

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