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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    I think everyone agrees that the state's story is wrong. I can't imagine anyone believes the story as they tried to paint it. The initial version was transparent story-telling with the intention of convicting two people beyond any doubt in the public eye. The entire "Sweaty Steve" and...
  2. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    To start, I don't remember the documentary mentioning SA's DNA being on the front latch of the hood of the RAV4. That's a red flag for me.
  3. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    Do we all agree that there is no evidence of a rape and murder in the trailer?
  4. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    Are there any theories that cover the sweat DNA for SA being on the RAV4 hood latch that can fit with him being completely innocent?
  5. R

    Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

    ive ve always thought this about the size 12's. I think someone like PR may not want to publicly talk about JBR having to ever wear diapers. That could result in destruction of the image she is trying to build up. It's the exact opposite of her being a full grown covergirl model. One scenario...
  6. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    I don't think there was a person shot in that garage at all. But I also don't think this clears anyone, I just think it shows that LE made their case based on a false idea of what happened.
  7. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    If two bones were found at a remote spot relatively far away (the quarry) is it possible her body was there first and moved to his pit to implicate him? It's particularly odd that there were pieces sort of sprinkled here and there in his yard.
  8. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    Here's the tricky part about the blood angle. I don't see a scenario where SA is leaving blood in various places from a finger cut, but a victim is not leaving any from at least two bullets wounds in the head. If someone was able to remove that blood from the garage, why wouldn't they think to...
  9. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    After reading these documents one thing is clear, I would not feel safe letting any woman go near that yard EVER. Those documents definitely shine a light on a few people. Thank you. Why was Earl hiding under sheets? Chuckle ? Get real. Creep City. Anyone looking for valuable insight...
  10. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    Does everyone agree that there is no way she had her "throat slit" and/or was stabbed on that mattress?
  11. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    Yes, this is really big. Do we have any idea why the one juror left?
  12. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    False confessions are very, very troubling. It's incredibly difficult for me to imagine it happening under any circumstance, but we know that it does happen. Even in watching the documentary there is something that sets off my spider senses. There is definitely a feeling that we are missing...
  13. R

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery

    the real problem for me is the missing blood. If her throat was cut in the room and she was shot in the garage. There was no blood visible on that mattress. Where did her blood go? That's one troubling part.
  14. R

    Fleet, Fleet III, Priscilla and Daphne White address Boulder City Council 06/03/2014

    My mistake for being general. More specifically, is there a thread here about this? Coming across this last night was the first time that I had heard about it. I find more information here than anywhere else , aside from ACR. I'm hoping there's already been a long discussion about this and more...
  15. R

    How I know the Ramseys did it....

    When I was first reading about this case, I would always read about a "pubic hair" that didn't match any R, found at the crime scene. Why is that never mentioned? I'm just curious. Was it dismissed?
  16. R

    Fleet, Fleet III, Priscilla and Daphne White address Boulder City Council 06/03/2014

    Can anyone point me in the direction of more information about this break in?
  17. R

    Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

    I agree 100% i fortet get the exact quote, but the "get some rest" was taken from a movie. I think most of these type of lines are deep in all of our subconscious minds from watching movies, and now they just sound like what a kidnapper would write. The person writing this is being...
  18. R

    Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

    It makes a lot of sense that the light would be used during the night. We can guess that whoever was responsible for everything that happened in an attempt to cover this murder would need to happen under a blanket of secrecy. One wouldn't want the neighbors to see a chorus of room lights coming...
  19. R

    Haunting Evidence: JonBenet Ramsey

    Their phone records were never accessed ?!
  20. R

    Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

    Things never seem to clearly add up for anything in this case. Sometimes it's maddening, but I supposed that saw hat keeps me so addicted. If the flashlight has no prints on the outside, no prints on the batteries, and is foreign to the Ramsey's, why didn't they go off about that ? "Hey, wtf...

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