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DNA Solves
  1. Deeptoad

    GUILTY COSTA RICA - Carla Stefaniak, 36, American tourist, San Antonio de Escazú, 27 Nov 2018

    Hey, girl. I'm 6'1", mean as a snake and I have STILL been on the receiving end of violence. It may be an unpopular opinion to some, but I arm myself and believe it's my right to fight for my life. Others who do not feel that way should probably keep in mind some important facts. It is NEVER...
  2. Deeptoad

    GUILTY COSTA RICA - Carla Stefaniak, 36, American tourist, San Antonio de Escazú, 27 Nov 2018

    We refer to 9.00 pm as 'Gringo Midnight'. You'd be surprised how early things roll up here. Sounds reasonable enough to me. A friend of mine who owns a BNB here in Tronadora rolls up everything around 7.00.
  3. Deeptoad

    GUILTY COSTA RICA - Carla Stefaniak, 36, American tourist, San Antonio de Escazú, 27 Nov 2018

    I can see this. If the hotel/BNB has a service kitchen that closes at a particular hour, it makes sense.
  4. Deeptoad

    GUILTY COSTA RICA - Carla Stefaniak, 36, American tourist, San Antonio de Escazú, 27 Nov 2018

    Yeah, maybe so. I'm still a bit hung up on the owner telling cops he saw her leave at 5.30 the morning of the 28th.
  5. Deeptoad

    GUILTY COSTA RICA - Carla Stefaniak, 36, American tourist, San Antonio de Escazú, 27 Nov 2018

    Unfortunately, it depends on the news outlet. We've seen his room/her room in local news. Either way, the days that passed before the hotel was a crime scene - no one bothered to clean up? Doesn't make any sense.
  6. Deeptoad

    GUILTY COSTA RICA - Carla Stefaniak, 36, American tourist, San Antonio de Escazú, 27 Nov 2018

    Carla went missing on November 27, her room was not treated as a crime scene until December 3. It was then that investigators found blood evidence. Does it not strike you as completely bizarre that a guest room would not be cleaned for over a week after a guest's departure? Irrespective of the...
  7. Deeptoad

    GUILTY COSTA RICA - Carla Stefaniak, 36, American tourist, San Antonio de Escazú, 27 Nov 2018

    I'm quite far from Escazu, so I wouldn't know first-hand. I can tell you that power outages in Costa Rica are frequent because of weather conditions. We're now in a 'windy' season, so we experience them often. That she mentions the power going out wasn't a notable item to me. Hope that helps.
  8. Deeptoad

    GUILTY COSTA RICA - Carla Stefaniak, 36, American tourist, San Antonio de Escazú, 27 Nov 2018

    Hello from Costa Rica and apologies for not yet reading the entire thread. Here is all that is known this morning. The suspect in custody is Bismark Joseil Espinosa Martinez. He is Nicaraguan with 'irregular' migration status in Costa Rica. That means refugee and not worker's status. He was...
  9. Deeptoad

    Brendan Dassey's Habeas Corpus Petition Granted

    A writ of habeas corpus is a command upon the courts to 'produce the body'. Show your evidence. That writ was granted and the federal judge overturned Brendan's conviction, further ordering the state to retry within 90 days. Which is pretty unlikely.
  10. Deeptoad

    Manitowoc deputies disciplined at Dassey trial

    Detective Dave Remiker and fellow Manitowoc County Sheriff's deputy Melia Prange broke department rules while the jury was sequestered at Brendan Dassey's April 2007 jury trial, USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin has learned. While the trial was in progress, Remiker received a one-page reprimand...
  11. Deeptoad

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

    That's one of the biggest problems with this system of justice. Most people try to avoid jury duty altogether, or get out as quickly as possible. It can be taxing on your work like and personal life, but it's such an important thing to do, if you're called upon. It can mean the difference...
  12. Deeptoad

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

    She's trolling Kratz pretty good. Or whoever she believes planted false evidence. Send them in one direction while you work in the other. I like this woman. :guitar:
  13. Deeptoad

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

    Yup. Just housings for the bolts that hold the seat build together.
  14. Deeptoad

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

    It can take a while to develop a case and clear one's calendar. Whatever her motivation, if the truth is finally reached and justice is finally done, I'm in her crew. Whichever way it goes.
  15. Deeptoad

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

    That... was... interesting indeed. No mention of how suggestible people with developmental or cognitive disabilities might be. I would suspect their natural defenses against suggestion might likewise be compromised. Thanks for the link to the article.
  16. Deeptoad

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    THAT right there tells me that you understand the system is flawed. I don't think it's a far reach to imagine SA being hung (again) with a crime he didn't commit. What this actually points to is an extraordinarily flawed system. And, I think the documentary illustrated that - just - brilliantly...
  17. Deeptoad

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    By that, is it fair to assume that you would be in favor of a new trial for BD? If that were to happen, SA would be equally entitled to one as it was BD's coerced confession from which the prosecution built its case. Can we look at BD's conviction as a miscarriage of justice and not SA's...
  18. Deeptoad

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    For those who may be interested, radio interview with Dean Strang on WGN Radio. Monday, January 18. Making a Murderer Attorney Dispelling Rumors
  19. Deeptoad

    Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #3

    That's the tricky bit right there. You can't erase what happened and who was responsible. That very sheriff's department had evidence that he might be innocent of his prior conviction in 1995. Yet, they buried it until after he was exonerated in 2003. Colborn, who took part in burying it, also...

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