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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. J

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    If we take JR at his word, is it possible he and PR truly did not see / know about the head wound ? I've read here several times that it may have been "invisible" and on the CBS special I think the expert mentioned pretty much the same thing. So could they have found JBR 'dead' (unable to...
  2. J

    Why GJ Likely Solved Case In 1999

    Blue Crab finding the indictment and interpreting what it 'meant' is his great contribution (and to me is the post of the mega-thousands found here). As far as his other ideas .... even the great Isaac Newton had some misses in his lifetime (well documented), so nobody is perfect. Even...
  3. J

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    to lighten the mood a bit, today I was talking to a friend who is currently going through some tough times - to some extent due to him being just a bit 'eccentric' (he believes in a lot of conspiracy theories, like the Illuminati control the world, and aliens have infiltrated the US Government -...
  4. J

    John and Burke on 911 Call. Lin Wood, John Ramsey, LIED!!!!!

    I apologize if someone responded further in this thread, but that is definitely what I hear too, and in retrospect it makes a lot of sense (that she is about to say "ambulance"). Think about it: very stressful situation, she's about to fake a 911 call, her precious daughter is (known to be)...
  5. J

    Why GJ Likely Solved Case In 1999

    Correct, I meant Burke's age. What's almost 'Twilight Zoneish' about this (and I hope I'm wrong) is that since there was no 'starting' crime (the murder) in the legal sense due to his age, then the parents can't be charged for being accessories. You can only be an accessory to a crime - since...
  6. J

    The enhanced 911 ending

    I've been waiting for that to be mentioned, but not for the reason you might expect (ie. to agree with you). If BDI, then the Ramsey parents ironically enough are the very first opponents of the intruder theory. For some reason they immediately suspect Burke, so much so that they concoct the...
  7. J

    Was Burke Involved? # 4

    somebody on YT posted this link from the NY Times. Almost difficult to read to be honest. I admire parents who are dealt a rough hand and persevere, and do their best to raise 'good' kids. But in some cases it sounds like the genetics are against you...
  8. J

    Why GJ Likely Solved Case In 1999

    it sounds like Blue Crab settled the issue long ago: there's basically no crime due to the age, so no D.A. should have any reason or interest in pursuing this. My last curious question is what the consequences would be if he confessed. Sounds like no legal consequences, but huge stigma for JR.

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