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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    You know, it`s a gloomy day here in Sturgis....and with the anniversary of Brittney`s disappearance coming up in a little over a week.....and with having thoughts of her fresh in my mind and heart from being on this site ....I find myself being just so sad....and not just for her, but for all...
  2. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    Just to put your minds at ease about whether the Beers girl could actually be Brittney....the answer is "no". When they first moved in it was over 11 years ago and she was with them then. Brittney came missing not quite 10 years ago. Megan (their daughter) is a pudgy girl with very dark hair...
  3. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    The apartment complex ia where Brittney lived. She was last seen sitting on the bench out in front of the complex next to the highway.....and that spot is where the candleight vigils for her took place. This community has NOI forgotten her. I did`nt know Brittney, but a friend of mine`s...
  4. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    I`m sorry I`m so long in getting back with you all...but my Mom has had serious complications to her knee surgery and I was up there with her longer than expected. (Potassium levels so high and sodium so low they were fearful of a heart attack, then a blood clot, and then seriously...
  5. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    I don`t think there`s an ordinance (we live out in the country)....but one neighbor did call the sherriffs dept to complain about a big dog barking all night once. They were told that they would send an officer to stop out and wake the people and let them know there was a complaint. They said...
  6. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    Ok then...I got a call back from someone at the FBI office and told her what I told you guys here. She said that they can not just take this info and check into it, but that they can be called in on it if there is an investigation. She suggested that I notify either our state or local police...
  7. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    I`ve contacted the FBI in our area and left a brief message with my name and phone #. They are supposed to call me back within 24 hours. I`ll let you know if they think this is worth checking out....or if Im just nuts! Linda
  8. S

    Does anyone know the email addy or phone # for the FBI ?

    Their line is busy, but I left my name and phone # and they are supposed to call me back within 24 hours.
  9. S

    Does anyone know the email addy or phone # for the FBI ?

    Thank you! I found the right one to contact by using my zip code, but email is not available right now, so I am going to call them. (There was a phone # on the site. Linda
  10. S

    Does anyone know the email addy or phone # for the FBI ?

    I think I need to contact them directly, but I don`t know how to go about doing that. (I do not want to contact our city police department, and I hate to say this, but I`m not sure they would handle the info I want to share correctly) Thanks you for any information you can offer! Linda
  11. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    I`m convinced it is not a generator (see my second post above to the differences in the sounds that a genertor and a compresser make) Someone else already suggested that as a possibility....but I do know the difference as we have both ourselves. Still trying to get ahold of the electric co.....I...
  12. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    Yes...this little girl was 6 when she came up missing....and it has been almost 10 if she is still alive, she would be about 16 now. She is registered I have seen her info on this site. I will call the electric co. today. Thanks for the idea....I did`nt know they would...
  13. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    Actually....I have seen the meter person over there from time to time, so I do think their electricity is on....And I know there is electricity to the house because we built it, and they are the folks who bought it from us 11+ years ago when we sold it ,and built this one across the lane from...
  14. S

    MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

    What I have to say may very possibly be ABOSOLUTLY NOTHING.....and probably IS NOTHING, ...but I live in a rather secluded area...and across a lane from a relative of a 6 yr old girl that came up missing almost 10 years ago from our town. It is common knowledge around here that pretty mcuh the...

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