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DNA Solves
  1. L

    Found Deceased PA - Four young men, 18-22, Bucks Co., 5-9 July 2017 #5 *Arrests*

    I agree. Unfortunately sometimes bullying is what causes people to retaliate, especially if ongoing throughout the person's life. I'm not saying that is applicable in this case but some people take it out on themselves and some people take it out on others.
  2. L

    Found Deceased PA - Four young men, 18-22, missing, Bucks Co., 5-9 July 2017 #4

    I would be interested to know (I've read the threads but have difficulty opening maps so that may be the issue) whether the location of the burial site is visible from the roadways? If not, is it screened by the cornfields or other vegetation? Also, being on or around contruction sites, a...
  3. L

    Found Deceased PA - Four young men, 18-22, missing, Bucks Co., 5-9 July 2017 #1

    It would be interesting if the whole thing was bigger than just the kids involved. I thought I read somewhere (apologize if it was not in MSM or on this page) that a couple of the kids worked at POI's father's concrete plant or other construction related job. I thought it might be a coverup for...
  4. L

    Found Alive NC - Allison Cope, 24, Raleigh, 26 June 2017

    The gas station is too far away for a quick trip out from work.
  5. L

    Found Alive NC - Allison Cope, 24, Raleigh, 26 June 2017

    I'm not sure leaving suddenly with no notice to coworkers, family, or friends without being under duress indicates she is fine. Sometimes a breakdown or other issue is just as dangerous to the person as being kidnapped.
  6. L

    Found Alive NC - Allison Cope, 24, Raleigh, 26 June 2017

    Or what if she was lured away with a rescue effort that was not legit?
  7. L

    Found Alive NC - Allison Cope, 24, Raleigh, 26 June 2017

    As an animal welfare worker, especially for pit bulls, she might have had to previously testify for some animal abuse cases (dogfighting or other issues) or be slated to do so in the future. Something like that could have caused her to be a target.
  8. L

    Found Deceased TX - Kaytlynn Cargill, 14, Bedford, 19 June 2017 #2

    Unless of course the drone was crashed and lost at another point in time and she had been routinely taking walks to search for it. I've seen posts on my neighborhood from people who lost drones and sometimes they never find or find days later with help from neighbors.
  9. L

    Found Alive NC - Allison Cope, 24, Raleigh, 26 June 2017

    Based previous posts above, she was the manager. Usually employees aren't in a rush for supervision to return so probably didn't report quickly (I think I read in an article it was several hours later.)
  10. L

    Found Alive NC - Allison Cope, 24, Raleigh, 26 June 2017

    There is water and wooded area near the airport, but it is a very busy airport and all the road around link to highways so they are well traveled most hours of the day. I find it hard to believe if there was wreck that it would not have been seen.
  11. L

    IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #55

    I disagree about BG being overdressed for the weather. Even most of the way through winter, with temps in the low mid-40's most people are still bundled up in my area, definitely would not the be the norm to wear short sleeves. My opinion has always been that the girls were underdressed, either...
  12. L

    IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #43

    Does anyone know if RL's property is within the city limits or in the county? Reason I ask is I have relatives that live in the county areas and, unless they contract with a private trash collector, they take their trash and recycling to the transfer center/dump - the city does not pick it up...
  13. L

    IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #40

    Thanks for looking. I vaguely remember that now that you brought it up; however, if the BG photos on the bridge were in fact video stills and the sound clip was also video, could they have been two separate video clips vs. part of the same recording session? Ex. If there were two separate video...
  14. L

    IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #40

    Maybe I'm missing something that was obtained from the Media or LE but is there direct evidence about the sequence of events? Evidence that says for sure that the girls were accosted on the bridge vs. somewhere else along the trail? What I see are the photo/still video of the girls on the...
  15. L

    IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #36

    I have a windows phone and the settings allow me to choose when things upload to the cloud. I can choose wifi to save data/phone battery or just allow it to happen over the network connection. So, I'd be curious to know if the other brands have the same setting options and how that might have...
  16. L

    IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #36

    In my fish buying experience, I was never in and out as quick as that. I usually wanted to peruse the LFS to check out any new equipment and new fish they had on hand before checking out. After buying fish, you're on a much tighter schedule getting back to the house where your tank is because...
  17. L

    IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #36

    They definitely are! Also, when keeping saltwater tanks, it is often more convenient to purchase the reverse osmosis water for topping off the tank and the pre-mixed saltwater in 5 gallon jugs from the LFS for water changes. It's pretty easy to maintain when you get into it and a very satisfying...
  18. L

    IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #36

    To give perspective on the tropical fish shopping. If RL is an aquarium owner, he likely has a relationship with a local fish store (LFS.) I have kept freshwater and saltwater tanks at various times in my life and it is imperative to have a good supplier that you can depend on for quality fish...
  19. L

    Found Deceased NC - Lauren Jenkins, 17, Wake County, 18 March 2017

    I live in the area nearby but not in the neighborhood. The local news has reported that the driver was headed south on Leesville road and turning left into the neighborhood but failed to yield, thus the head-on collision. The news also reported that open alcohol container was inside the car...
  20. L

    IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #14

    "It also seems possible to me that the girls crossed the bridge on their own, were exploring the woods south of the cemetery and someone over there attacked them. Possibly the guy in the photo following them as they explored the woods." --- I wondered this as well. If the BG passed them and...

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