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DNA Solves
  1. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    "Since David's "arms were across his chest" when first spotted by the cyclist (ref: Podcast Episode 1, 07 Jun 2016 @ 4:05 - 4:09 min), perhaps Crowther searched David's trouser pockets first, followed by his jacket, thereby moving David's arms from the classic "coffin posture" to his sides."...
  2. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    Yes, you're probably right about youth groups, I just thought a pagan ceremony could have been a possibility. The branches against the tree certainly suggest den building. The small shapes on the ground might conceivably be demonstrations of how to contain a small campfire from spreading by...
  3. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    Just to add, pagan altars are made to worship nature's spirits and the gods and goddesses They are adorned with items from nature, and other items to represent the 4 elements, such as candles, water, earth, and feathers for example. Nothing sinister at all.
  4. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    Interesting photos, thanks for sharing! I've seen many similar structures to the branches propped up against the tree, I used to think they'd been gathered and left to dry out to use for firewood until one day I saw some kids constructing one and got chatting to one of the adults with them, and...
  5. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    "You have every right to think anything you wish, however, I would say that as far as "trolling" I have only tried to add to the conversation not derail it, or disrespect any members or posters on here. You also have every right to ignore me?" My sincere apologies, Jeremy. Troll was the wrong...
  6. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    Interesting take on it, Dotr. I mentioned in a previous post, when I had suspected suicide, if their might have been a religious reason for climbing the "mountain". Being a spiritual, rather than a religious person myself, I found "The Spiritual Mountain" an interesting read, especially about...
  7. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    I agree, using the term "top of the mountain" is unusual, so might be indicative of him not being familiar with the area, but it doesn't rule it out. Moorland is only flat once you're up it. I've seen the height of one particular moorland described as just short of qualifying as a mountain. As...
  8. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    "The lethal dose for human adults ranges between 30 and 120 mg, although death of an adult has been reported after an ingestion of 16 mg. The lethal dose for children is about 15 mg" "Therapeutically, doses of 1–3 mg are used, causing an increase in spinal reflex. At this dose, the...
  9. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    I have an aversion to aspirin, but take many other medications. No, seriously I see your point. But I can't see anyone choosing such a horrific way to go. Besides which, he was lying flat, straight and looking peaceful, hardly indicative of a lethal dose of strychnine. More likely to be a heart...
  10. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    "2) And this sounds really horrible and I don't really want to say it but think it needs saying now. How do we know for sure that Jeremy is Jeremy? I mean for all we know he could be anyone. Apologies Jeremy if you are who you say you are but there are a lot of people on the internet that would...
  11. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    Thanks Pinklilies, that's a good point about the hotel putting his suitcase in lost luggage... assuming he left it in his room. As you rightly point out, it was a whole year before he was identified, something I had overlooked. Just read that most unclaimed lost luggage from airports ends up...
  12. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    "I think there is the possibility he may have had a large sum of money in his suitcase and that this has gone missing along with the suitcase. Make of that what you will. But no doubt the police are looking into the disappearance of his belongings." Re: the suitcase... I'm not accusing anyone...
  13. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    I wasn't going to comment further but have continued to follow the thread and see that Jeremy has said it is helping him and not upsetting him. So having read Jeremy's thoughts and the additional info he's kindly shared, I have concluded that: 1. I think David was keen to return to the UK...
  14. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    My heart goes out to you, Jeremy. It must be so hard reading all these theories from complete strangers. Although I've added several myself, I'm feeling increasingly uncomfortable. I think I will stop now as I don't want to add to the sadness of the loss of your brother. I do hope his belongings...
  15. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    Must admit it has only recently come to my attention as I haven't had a TV for the last 3 years and don't read the news. I only got a TV at Christmas and often wonder why I did, as I rarely switch it on. Probably have been best if I hadn't heard about it, it's so puzzling my brain won't stop...
  16. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    I was thinking in the event that he had been a spy, it has been known for spies to carry lethal poison to kill themselves if they are in danger of being captured and tortured to reveal information. But the usual poison of choice is usually cyanide as it is swift. Strychnine would be torturous...
  17. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    Looking on Google maps there's a park around the corner from the travel lodge in Ealing called Walpole park on Mattock Lane. Might he have dumped his suitcase and belongings in the lake? It's odd that he wasn't wearing his glasses that he wore on the plane. Might that have been an attempt at not...
  18. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    Thank you Jeremy for taking the time to respond at what must be a very difficult time for you. It would have been very interesting to hear more details about the letters you received from David, but I respect your decision not to go into it if you don't feel it can add anything of substance...
  19. O

    Identified! UK - David Lytton, South Pennines, 'Neil Dovestone', 65-75, Dec'15

    A few more thoughts: As I understand it, thyroxine is normally taken in the morning on an empty stomach. So it seems improbable that someone deliberately switched the thyroxine for strychnine. Strychnine starts to act 10 to 20 minutes after absorption and death occurs in 2 - 3 hours...

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