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  1. J

    Good Things About Drew

    Dude, I should not have laughed at this but I must confess it made me spit vodka all over my keyboard. :clap: It's interesting that not many people have come forward to say nice things about Drew. Except his mother, and you have to remember...Jeff Dahmer's mother said good things about him...
  2. J

    Darlie's "Poems"

    LMAO I hadn't seen that before. I read the poetry and all I could think of was the famous Truman Capote quote: "That's not writing, that's just typing!"
  3. J

    Should Darlie have a new trial?

    Yes. The exact same age as my stepsons, which makes me very sad when I look at them and think, Devon and Damon should be playing football and going to prom and all those things.
  4. J

    Darlie Routier on Death Row

    Have any of you seen WE's "Women on Death Row" series? There are two of them that show on WE (Women's Entertainment). I just saw them for the first time the other day. The shows are obviously a couple of years old, but what struck me was that they presented Darlie in a very sympathetic light...
  5. J

    Are Darlie and Darrin Still Married?

    Exactly. It's a sixth sense or something. I sleep like the dead too, but if the boys twitched in their sleep I was instantly awake. The kind of mess that was made in Darlie's living could anyone sleep through that?
  6. J

    GUILTY TN - Rev. Matthew Winkler, 31, shot to death, Selmer, 23 March 2006

    That WAS a good read, and it hit on a subject that I've wondered about ever since the trial: if Mary was so badly abused and controlled by Matthew, why was she in charge of the family finances? My grandfathter was a minister so I'm looking at it from that angle...and I'm pretty sure that in...
  7. J

    Should Darlie have a new trial?

    Exactly. That's also why Andrea Yates was only prosecuted for the murder of three of her five children (if memory serves, it was Noah, Mary, and John) -- if she'd been found innocent of those murders they could have tried her for the other two. Here is something that interests me -- even if...
  8. J

    Should Darlie have a new trial?

    Did you see the jailhouse interview where she cries about missing Devon's first steps, etc? All I could think was what about Devon's prom? Damon's first varsity football game? She never cries about those two, just about Drake. It's really wierd. And no, I don't think she deserves a new trial...
  9. J

    Are Darlie and Darrin Still Married?

    "Spousal Privilege" meaning that they can't be compelled to testify against each other as long as they are married?
  10. J

    Religious Cect awaiting the end...

    I was raised in a religious tradtion a lot like that. Our church called it "The Rapture", and our Sunday school teachers used it to terrify us. We were told that if we didn't behave, when The Rapture came our mothers and fathers would disappear and we'd be left all alone to be killed by the...
  11. J

    Are Darlie and Darrin Still Married?

    The pictures are on Go to "Galleries" and then "Crime Scene Photos".
  12. J

    What do you think happened to Madeleine?

    I think the parents did it. Probably accidentally, but I think they did it. And sadly, I don't think she is alive.
  13. J

    POLL: What do you think happened to Stacy?

    :D HE thinks he's handsome, I mean. Dude was old enough to be Stacy's father and you know when he looks in the mirror, he sees Ricky Martin. LOL
  14. J

    TN - Dad Charged With Raping Daughters, Using Electric Dog Collar

    I don't say this very often, but I hope both of them spend eternity in the lowest-rent section of hell available for public use. And I hope they have to do it wearing electric dog collars.:snooty: As for electric dog collars -- I've been active in breed rescue for many years and I don't know...
  15. J

    POLL: What do you think happened to Stacy?

    I think he had something to do with his 3rd wife's death and I think he killed Stacy. I hadn't thought about Stacy possibly knowing something regarding the death of wife #3 but it makes sense. Watch his interviews. Watch his body language. The guy doesn't give a rats *advertiser censored* that his wife is...
  16. J

    Are Darlie and Darrin Still Married?

    Why? Why do those pictures need to be on the internet? And why would her family put them on a website devoted to showing the world what a fabulous mother she was? I can't adequately express to you how much it outraged me to see those pictures. It was like the absolute final indignity she could...
  17. J

    Darlie's Looks and Depression

    Watch any interview with Darlie. She will cry -- she always cries -- but watch WHEN she cries. She doesn't cry when she's discussing the murders of her sons -- she cries when she talks about the "injustice" that's been done to her. She cries when she talks about what she is missing, how...
  18. J

    Identified! LA - Wandering Toodler Needs ID'd, Nov 2007

    What a happy little munchkin! :D I can't imagine being the mother of such a sweetie and not caring what happened to him. :snooty: Prayers that he will be adopted out to a family that will care for him properly and raise him well.
  19. J

    Dog the Bounty Hunter #2

    Being racist and Christian are not necessarily mutually exclusive in the minds of a lot of people; just ask those loonies at the Aryan Nations. Don't they base all of their rants on their interpretation of the Bible? Doesn't the Klan burn crosses? Some of the biggest racists in the world claim...
  20. J

    Darlie's Looks and Depression

    YES! Thank you! Watch the tape, the woman is positively giddy.

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