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  1. M

    Nancy Grace 9/26/08

    Chloroform is used in sex acts, I just googled it.
  2. M

    2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

    OK, makes sense then that they flew in through that airport.
  3. M

    2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

    I wonder what the purpose of the trip was?? My stepfather's family is from Aguadilla and that is not a common airport for Tourists to come in through, mostly everyone flies in through San Juan. Do we know if they were visiting someone?
  4. M

    Source Says Casey Said Caylee Was Sold To Someone In Puerto Rico

    I have a two year old and you need no type of papers to fly domestic. PR is considered a Domestic flight. I have sent my daughter to NY with no type of paperwork. Am not saying this story is true but it is something I have thought about since this circus began.
  5. M

    What has R. Dick (LP's Security Guy) Revealed after Casey-Sitting ??

    I am on the same page as you, this guys gives me a weird feeling. A lot of the things he says are things that are spoken here on this forum. Sorry to all you LP supporters but I have a weird feeling about him, hey I could be wrong.
  6. M

    Casey at Colonial High

    I beg to differ, by the way she speaks (though all lies) she sounds like an intelligent individual. I am not defending her in any way cause lord knows I despise her.
  7. M

    George Anthony Demanding Justice After Violent Confrontation

    I agree with all these protesters confronting the A's is not right, but they do have the right to protest. In looking at the viedeo tapes these people are being provoked, the A's are coming out of their house with bats and what many other things. If they are so pissed off why not stay inside...
  8. M

    Is there an Accomplice and should there be immunity?

    Lee could be a strong possibility but something tell me No. Something tells me one of her ex cop BF.
  9. M

    MySpace Links/Comments & Facebook comments

    That girl looks like one of her daughters, she looks older and if you look closely her hair looks dark.
  10. M

    Police at anthony home again 9-10-08

    That's exactly what I see
  11. M

    Searches Find Handbone and Grave?

    This is too funny, thanks for laugh after so much anger at these morons (The Anthony's)
  12. M

    2008.09.15 GLOBE Article: Ricardo - Casey's Ex

    This information is not correct, I came out pregnant at the end of December and My daughter was born September 19, so her getting pregnant in November goes with Caylee bring born in August.
  13. M

    Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #94

    Poor guys are going to lose their money, they wont get that back when she is declared guilty.
  14. M

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #89

    What is most saddening is that as days go by we the public are becoming more and more disgusted with this case. I hope this little girl is still alive, again A hope as I doubt it. I am slowly loosing interest but its due to anger, anger at this mom (Casey) sitting there and playing with the...
  15. M

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #88

    I just thought of something, some might say that the airline would have the name of the child for the ticket, well this might not be the case. I have a 2 1/2 year old and travel very often with her to NY to visit family. Since its a domestic flight I buy an adult ticket and a child ticket, now...
  16. M

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old #68 General Thread

    Didn't Cindy say something about Casey going or coming from Jacksonville for Work?????????????????????????????????
  17. M

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

    I am Hispanic and dont think her hair was blonde. I looked at the video again to see where it might seem blonde and say her hair as more orange/redish. I have gone through a million colors myself.
  18. M

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

    Just went on the thread to leave birthday wishes and hit the back button immediately, I couldn't do it. Started thinking of my 2 year old and her birthday coming up soon and of Caylee not being there to enjoy her birthday with her family. Felt something very weird and started crying, something...
  19. M

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old #67 General Thread

    I too am starting to feel bad for them, I am thinking of my parents if something would ever happen to my 2 year old. They are definitely going thru the process, Denial being step 1 (they stood behind Casey as they did not want to believe Caylee was dead). They are now in step 2, Anger. Angry...
  20. M

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #66

    Oh wow just saw the video, things are deffinitely hitting the roof. Did you all hear Cindy say "Before I loose my husband..."? The pressure, the pressure they are starting to feel the pressure, Thank you Lord.

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