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DNA Solves
  1. marleysmom

    Did the jury get it wrong, or...

    BBM- exactly!!!! Its the CSI/Social Media effect. If there's not a videotape or tweet about it immediately, it didn't happen! The didn't follow the directions of the law, and were most certainly worried about penalty before guilt!!! Hearing her say that they were all over the place then...
  2. marleysmom

    They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

    Cannot believe I just watch someone get away with murdering her daughter!!!!
  3. marleysmom

    They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

    OMG....I cannot BELEIVE this!!!!!!!!
  4. marleysmom

    They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

    Oh boy...not so chatty are we. Don't know who just said it, but someone on InSession just said, "I'm nervous as hell."!!!!!!!
  5. marleysmom

    2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

    Very, very talkative today! Sure its all lies, lies, lies! Perhaps a new story of what "really" happened. DCS is probably ready to be done w/ this!
  6. marleysmom

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    BBM Exactly my reasoning. when you are living in the world of dysfunction that these people are - until there is a body, (or any other real tangible evidence), there is a better explanation, because you just don't want to see the truth! And while they physically went to work there is no...
  7. marleysmom

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    Watching all these TH's going through all of this stuff that we've been researching and following for three years is making me lose hope that this will be a quick verdict. I'm hoping I'm wrong - but if these people are supposed to be watching this and have so many varying opinions what's to say...
  8. marleysmom

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    Oh my...I'm not good at lip reading, but that's clearly what she said!!! Love how DS just keeps kicking her chair as if to say, knock it off - its not helping you any!
  9. marleysmom

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    Wow...I can't wait until this is all over and I can go back to a world where all there crazies are NOT and NEVER get this involved in something again...(wishful thinking!):pullhair:
  10. marleysmom

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    I missed what he said earlier - about what Jose said to him at the house. Anyone hear it?
  11. marleysmom

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    According to TM - held a map and GA told ICA to "mark the da*n spot" where they needed to find her! Then ICA and CA blew up....poor guy. No wonder - not that I couldn't already see a million reasons - why he just wanted to end it all!
  12. marleysmom

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    I was wondering about that. I thought after the jury got the case HHJP would deal w? JB, but I'm guessing its after its all over?
  13. marleysmom

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    OMG.....I really don't know if I'm going to be able to listen to this... tossed a coin?????
  14. marleysmom

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - STATE CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    JA - "In other words....I turned Dr. F into a state's witness...." "Oh, and the bug guy.... - yeah got him, too!"
  15. marleysmom

    2011.07.02- HLN News Shows Discussion - Casey Anthony Trial

    Are they all aware that purple was the color chosen to represent Caylee? I've seen it an awful lot, and being that its my favorite color and has come into fashion a lot more in the last two years....but its just a lot of men wearing purple covering this case!
  16. marleysmom

    2011.07.02- HLN News Shows Discussion - Casey Anthony Trial

    I think its pretty telling that CA's attorney just said she should retract to a different computer, etc. That was my first thought. I also wonder why no one else jumped on the dogs getting tired and maybe ICA was testing them with chloroform. Would have loved to have someone ask it the dogs...
  17. marleysmom

    2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

    Was worried about these records until JP asks if the defense knew that's what she would testify. JB - just because you're salaried doesn't mean you can come in and out whenever you want. You are still required to be there during your scheduled time and generally have to be granted...
  18. marleysmom

    2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Morning Session)

    Has JB been paying attention to this trial? Didn't he know that JA would skewer her? I'm serious....he's got that look of, "its not fair that you are doing this to my witness. It makes her look bad.." face on.

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