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DNA Solves
  1. Sleuthenius

    Was Casey ever known to HAVE any emotions?

    In my own experience, it seems that the ladies who are the most seductive, overly complimentary, and clingy in a relationship are often the ones who have some type of 'daddy problem' in their upbringing - either he wasn't there for her (no male role model) or he was angry and controlling, even...
  2. Sleuthenius

    Was Casey ever known to HAVE any emotions?

    I bet she was, too - trying to ingratiate herself to them and manipulate their favor. So, I wonder why she hasn't tried to manipulate LE and everyone else since her arrest with tearful pleas and anquished cries for help, in the same style as SusanSm and others. It seems she would at least...
  3. Sleuthenius

    Nancy Grace 9-2-08 #2

    It's not a matter of which TV show to choose to watch at 8:00 PM. We WANT to watch NG to get information about this case. NG's behavior appalling. That type of rudeness is not allowed in our home or by our family. We can't tolerate witnessing it displayed by someone on the TV, either, so...
  4. Sleuthenius

    Nancy Grace 9-2-08 #2

    I decided I couldn't watch NG anymore LAST NIGHT, so I didn't tonight. I've relied on y'all's good summary and commentary tonight. Thanks so much for that! I just sent my respectful, but negative email regarding NG's behavior - disrespect, rudely interrupting, condescending, etc... I use...
  5. Sleuthenius

    Nancy Grace on at 8:00 p.m. EST

    Thanks, wedavis. I will have to switch to just Greta and y'all on this forum. I'm not so obsessed by this case and CA's personality that I can tolerate the rude behavior. But that's just me (and wife and Mom).
  6. Sleuthenius

    Nancy Grace on at 8:00 p.m. EST

    I give up on the NGrace show after tonight. My mom and wife and I tried to watch it, but we didn't last five ‘bombshells’ before we had to turn the channel. NGrace mocks her guests and interrupts them. She is arrogant and condescending. She displays the type of bad behavior...
  7. Sleuthenius

    Message From Jesse Grund's Father - August 30th

    Mr. Grundt, in other posts, admitted that he raised his son to see the world in terms of 'black and white with no shades of grey.' In our home, we would consider this a type of child abuse. We want our children to understand the complexities of the world and the fine distinctions one must...
  8. Sleuthenius

    Message From Jesse Grund's Father - August 30th

    The references to random verses of ancient literature in the original post are completely distracting from the main story here. Ancient literature does not have any relevence to this very real human tragedy, for me, and referring to the Bible trivializes the situation in a way that seems...
  9. Sleuthenius

    DNA Information

    The type of air sample analysis done at the University of Tennessee Anthropology Department is nothing like polygraph analysis. Polygraph results have multiple problems with both validity and reliability. It is only wishful thinking by the defense attorney that the air samples cannot be...
  10. Sleuthenius

    Jesse G

    I think he is referring to the insults, insinuations, and threats that he has personally received online, suggesting that he might be a mobster who is ‘in on’ the disappearance. EDIT: But after reading Chatty's comment before mine, I think she is right and that I remembered...
  11. Sleuthenius

    Jesse G

    Yes, it's a path of destruction that is left by getting involved with a person with a personality disorder. The problem is that such a person can be so charming, convincing, and attractive that it's easy to get taken in - particularly if you are susceptible, for whatever reasons, and have not...
  12. Sleuthenius

    Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #102

    I got a spam phone call from this kind of organization here in Georgia just a couple of hours ago! They left a recorded message saying something to the effect: 'This is whomever, calling about your credit card account. We want to tell you that there is no problem with your credit account at...
  13. Sleuthenius

    Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #102

    People who have a squishy grasp of reality are often the easiest to take advantage of.
  14. Sleuthenius

    Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #102

    A suspect is not 'presumed innocent until proven guilty' in all phases of the legal process. Tracy1 pointed out that 'innocent until proven guilty' primarily applies when the defendent is in court proceedings. During a criminal investigation, each person of interest is presumed guilty...
  15. Sleuthenius

    Jesse G

    Yes, that’s the one, PotatoHead – Jesse’s Dad’s comments. Thanks. The most revealing statement he makes about his son’s upbringing, to me, is this: He didn’t give an example of what he meant by this, but on the surface it implies that he raised his son not to be able to think for...
  16. Sleuthenius

    Jesse G

    Concerning Jesse G’s mental status and his alleged failure to meet psychological requirements for the LE job, does anyone remember, or have a link to, the web posting by his father in which he was trying to explain why Jesse left law enforcement? I think it holds a clue about Jesse’s...
  17. Sleuthenius

    Newbie Club Thread #2

    Hey, L L & S. I would love to pick this apart based on the actual phrases, but it is late and I’m going to bed. To me, the impressionistic speech includes these folks using a great many superlatives and modified adverbs – ‘most definitely,’ ‘absolutely,’ etc… Other members have already...
  18. Sleuthenius

    Newbie Club Thread #2

    Hey, Selma. That is so strange. It's a great deal less security than is used at facilities in our state. That is why I was so amazed at the report of this awkward meeting in jail. I'll be interested to find out more about it.
  19. Sleuthenius

    Newbie Club Thread #2

    Thanks, Sparky. I think some mental disorders, like psychoses, (i.e., Axis I disorders) can be diagnosed with nothing more than the subject sitting in front of you. But, the thing about assessing personality disorders (Axis II disorders) is that it requires a great deal of valid historical...
  20. Sleuthenius

    Newbie Club Thread #2

    Charging her with something less than felony child endangerment will never be enough to ‘make her talk.’ Only negotiations about ’20 years to Life’ for homicide will lead her to offer her explanation of what happened to Caylee. And there’s a good chance she could...

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