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  1. M

    Crime Scene Photos #3 ***WARNING - GRAPHIC DISCUSSION***

    It's no wonder KC didn't sleep in her own bedroom when she was out on bail! A big picture of Caylee at the end of her bed and little ones all around the room...
  2. M

    Crime Scene Photos #3 ***WARNING - GRAPHIC DISCUSSION***

    The picture of KC's bedroom has a big "missing" poster of Caylee at the bottom of the bed. Look closely at the date that she went missing on the bottom of the poster. Very telling...I think. Also I was surprised to see the foil balloons in Caylee's Bedroom and one found at the scene.
  3. M

    2009.02.18 Document Release

    The bowbshell for me is the blanket! The pic. of Caylee's bedroom in this doc. dump clearly shows a PLAIN white blanket on the bed. What happened to the Pooh bear blanket from the People magazine picture. Did CA know she was going to be showing the bedroom on National TV and go out to buy a new...
  4. M

    2009.02.18 Document Release

    Why does Caylee's bed have a plain white comforter on it? In the photo with CA for people magazine it has Winnie the Pooh on it. Why is this bedding different? No need to change the blanket if no one is sleeping in the bed.
  5. M

    2009.02.18 Document Release

    If you look at the picture of Caylee's room the bedding doesn't have Pooh bear on it. Looks like a plain white blanket.
  6. M

    2009.02.18 Document Release New info big dump yet tho'
  7. M

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    CA is the one who reminds KC in this video that Caylee is the main focus. Not KC but Caylee...I think it is obvious when CA speaks up and corrects KC on this point that CA has total contempt for KC now but is just playing her in hopes for answers. CA sees KC for what she is, I HAVE NO DOUBTS NOW.
  8. M

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    Ca and GA have been preaching her innocence to the media in hopes to win over KC's trust so she might lead them to Caylee. If they came out and said they believed she was guilty they know they would have no chance of finding out what really happened. KC has (in her own disturbed way) managed to...
  9. M

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    The similarities in personality with KC and Bundy are remarkable. I can just see her in her little protected cell "preparing for her trial" she's so much smarter then the rest of the world. She'd probably like to defend herself!
  10. M

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    How can I post a picture? It won't let me.
  11. M

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    I can't see the A's taking in a stranger on ANY day during all of this let alone on Caylee's birthday.
  12. M

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    When GA asked what KC did on Caylee's Bday an appropriate response would have been..."they said she'd be home by her birthday...i waited all day for word and cried myself to sleep in hyterics knowing she wasn't home...I miss her terribly and can't help wishing she was in my arms!"
  13. M

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    I bet he is the DADDY! KC was too afraid to ask...she knew.
  14. M

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    KC's lack of questions for her parents speaks volumes! They didn't say the stranger didn't know KC they just said THEY had never met him before.
  15. M

    Slide Show and Video of 2008.08.14 Jail Visit #2

    I'm dying to know who this stranger is! I can't believe they'd take a stranger in on such a somber day knowing that there's a kidnapper...or more out there. Cindy did say she tought her family was in danger!
  16. M

    Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

    Do you see the bike behind this " giant metal box"? Did it look like it was still ride-able? Still inflated tires etc. Did the neighbors say they had noticed the PI taking video of the house in the past?
  17. M

    Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

    Someone has been using this house in the past year. Those trash bags would be MUCH more weathered after the past Orlando summer. Also...there's a bike on the back porch that looks like it's in fine shape.
  18. M

    Anthony's Seek Full Immunity#2

    Do you think it's possibe that KC put a couple of shovels full of sand from the sand box into the bag with Caylee to weigh it down in the water? Maybe that's what the LE was looking for in the backyard...a sand comparison.
  19. M

    2008.10.14 Grand Jury Indictment

    I can't get over how similar KC and Bundy are in looks! If you google images of the 2 of them and look at them side by side she looks like his evil re-incarnate!
  20. M

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #2

    Since everything CA says has some twisted hint of truth to it, I'm really looking at the "broken rib" and laceration behind the ear statement. She mentioned the broken rib to Amy in a text and to Cindy about the car accident involving ZG. The laceration behind the ear statement must have come...

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