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DNA Solves
  1. T

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    They did NOT take evidence into consideration. Even the dogs! Not 1 but 2 seperate dogs with seperate handlers trained in the field of decomp..I guess they were lying too!
  2. T

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    Did anyone happen to catch the show the other night about attractiveness and gender in regards to crime? It showed how many men tried to "help" this young attractive girl steal a bike that the actress clearly stated she was trying to steal. The guys were eager to help her, even with their wives...
  3. T

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    @Krt classic comment during final prosecution closing statements Jose: "Objection your honor, may we approach the bench" Perry: "No!"
  4. T

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    I understand someone has to play the Devils Advocate...but I wonder if the jurors took the dogs into consideration. They..of all witnesses..IMHO..were extremely credible in determining the presence of human decomp in the trunk.
  5. T

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    So how do you feel about the dogs?? Were they wrong too??
  6. T

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    As far I can see we DO live in a great country! One that affords us the right to voice our outrage when an incredible injustice has occurred. This system (although it's one of the best in the world) has room for improvement. But it takes moments like this to see where and which improvements...
  7. T

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    He got the dates wrong more than once :banghead:
  8. T

    2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    I understand that the "talking heads" in the media say that mob mentality is bad and vigilante justice is unacceptable..but this is the same America that makes billions of $$ in the movie industry and the video game industry promoting and glorifying just that. If they really wanted things to...
  9. T

    2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    Las Vegas..NO NO NO!!!!! I know it's considered Sin City..but c'mon. I live 30 min. away and although I've never been in trouble before..well..hhmmm that's all I can say!
  10. T

    Has any doubt crept in to your 100% guilty belief?

    and by the way..totally off subject...but I don't think she'll breed again because that would mean attention away from her. I think this all happened because Caylee was now the object of her parents affection..not her!!!!
  11. T

    Has any doubt crept in to your 100% guilty belief?

    no doubt whatsoever..ICA 100% Guilty (and I held out till Caylee's remains were found)
  12. T

    2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    soooo true!!! Love it!!!
  13. T

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    Dear jurors, did you understand the legal definition of reasonable doubt. If not here it is! The level of certainty a juror must have to find a defendant guilty of a crime. A real doubt, based upon reason and common sense after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence, or lack...
  14. T

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    does anyone know if she even got probation? I would think that would be appropriate at the very least. I think they are holding her longer for her safety or perhaps to see if there are any more charges they can possibly find to keep her in there.
  15. T

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    If they'd done it right..there'd be no mob! Common Sense isn't so common!!!
  16. T

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    what I wish to happen- Casey falls down the stairs outside the courtroom doing her victory dance for the cameras and breaks her neck. She is then left paralyzed from the neck down and CA gets to take care of her and wipe her *advertiser censored** for the rest of her miserable life.
  17. T

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    UM..sorry for your pain and suffering. You should be livid that she used such an excuse to get away with murder. Jose hoped and prayed he had jurors just like you. And he did!
  18. T

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    I would tell the did give Casey a death sentence without doing it on purpose. You are gonna let her out on the streets with all these angry people. If she had least gotten 3 years or something, by the time she was released people's attention would be elsewhere. But you are...

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