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  1. ibyoungr

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    She better have that "Bella Vita" tattoo removed as well or never to to a swimming pool, beach, wear a tank top, NOTHING.. That tattoo is a HUGE giveaway to her identity!!
  2. ibyoungr

    New Charges for Casey?

    Only if we buy them! I am not planning to.
  3. ibyoungr

    2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

    Good catch... but that gesture at least in the household I grew up is...that your finish, done with, "washing my hands" of you.
  4. ibyoungr

    2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

    holy carp! I leave for a second and when I put my headphones back on there is this young man.. and I heard the judge say "the state has put in alot of time and money...." I am thinking "IT is CAYLEE'S DAD!!!" or "WAS HE FLIRTING WITH CASEY???" OMG
  5. ibyoungr

    Dead Pets

    I wonder if Casey was "testing" the homemade chloroform on the family pets? They were lethargic... Just saying... how chilling.
  6. ibyoungr

    2011.06.10 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I was watching JVM and during the time Dr G was testifying, Casey said something to the lady next to her. It looked like she was saying.. "She has no right to judge me." Did anyone else catch this? On another note, the one guy said Baez should have went with the accidental drowning and...
  7. ibyoungr

    Just one more day, mom...

    bumping because another thread is starting on the same subject
  8. ibyoungr

    A not so beautiful life.. either way you slice it

    :floorlaugh: I knew I would find someone from Montana! You are right... and I knew as soon as I said it that you can't hide in a small town rural area where everyone knows your bizness. Yeah, I agree with the Karla Homlka post as well... some man would want her and feel sorry for her.
  9. ibyoungr

    A not so beautiful life.. either way you slice it

    All great posts. I just can't but watch Casey during the trial and wonder what her thoughts are... crazy as they are. I imagine little bubbles above her head with her thoughts above them. Like "Shoot, this lie is not working... let me think of another." "or "When I get out of jail.. I am so...
  10. ibyoungr

    A not so beautiful life.. either way you slice it

    As I watch today's session on my DVR and watching Cindy and Casey I can't help but think... Even if Casey got off, say the jury just can't convict her because there is no "proof of a murder" per JB. 1. She has no work experience, and no education hard to get a job in this economy. 2...
  11. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    Back in 2009 I spent sometime doing a minute/to hour play by play on this thread. It is so surreal looking back over the notes. I wish I now could have finished. I believe I got up to the 13th of June.
  12. ibyoungr

    What Do You Think the SA Should Have Asked, But Didn't

    I would like to have had the prosecution ask Cindy Anthony this(maybe this asked, I am watching it on the dvr right now) "When Casey was a young girl,looking back, did you have problems with her lying and throwing tantrums?" "What happened when you found out she stole money from your mother?"
  13. ibyoungr

    2011.05.28 - KC upset during break when CA testifies

    I believe that a child can be born a sociopath.. just not spoiled. However, I have seen where a sociopathic child is so hard to handle with the tantrums, lying, doing whatever it takes to get attention, they want your attention 24/7 that the parent eventually gives in and does WHATEVER it takes...
  14. ibyoungr

    2011.05.28 Cindy Anthony testimony

    Watching right now on HLN and reading what Chiquita71 wrote. As I watch Casey, I can get pass (even when she cries) how cold hearted she looks. Casey is a sociopath. She cries when she sees the picture of Caylee... not because she loved her and misses her... but more for the trouble Caylee...
  15. ibyoungr

    KS KS - Adam Herrman, 11, Towanda, 1999

    Thank God at least SOME charges have been filed! Hopefully they are putting together a good case. However, wouldn't it be sweet if there was a 23 year old Adam watching the news and getting the last laugh at his "mother." Maybe he did run away and is alive!
  16. ibyoungr

    Interview with Maya D at Lowell...

    I think this is BS. She probably received letters or stories from the outside. Her information is very general. Too general.
  17. ibyoungr

    2009.12.11 Motions Hearing #2

    JMO, She does not feel guilt or remorse. She feels anger at being victimized by the LAW. She is crying for herself and the fact she is not getting what SHE WANTS. Socipathic and narsassitic people do not not have real emotion. They KNOW which emotion to portray at the correct time. In Casey's...
  18. ibyoungr

    GUILTY KS - Carol Mould, 43, found strangled, Butler County, 22 Sept 2004 This really freaks me out. He did come by my house to have me sign papers so my son could go to a 3 day camp. Sure glad my son was right there at home with me. Wow... scary to think my son went camping with a murderer
  19. ibyoungr

    GUILTY KS - Carol Mould, 43, found strangled, Butler County, 22 Sept 2004

    Update: He did have a break down and confess.. Preliminary hearing with twitter updates here:
  20. ibyoungr

    2009.08.09 Caylee's 4th Birthday

    Just wanted to start a thread marking the date of Caylee's 4th Birthday. She was 1 week younger than my little girl. We celebrated this weekend with all the kids in the neighborhood and a moonwalk, swimming pool, waterguns and water balloons. It is sad to think that Caylee will not have a...

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