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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. MyDogScout

    Texas Equusearch Needs ($$$) Help -Due to IKE

    I don't know if this is the appropriate place to put this, but I just read the most wonderful article about Tim Miller (and the Caylee case) and wanted to share it. Bless this man!
  2. MyDogScout

    If you have not heard this yet please listen now **NOT NEW**

    Its sooooo long and sooooo detailed. Most psychics say what they hear from "beyond" is fuzzy and not clear. This lady must have a darn good connection to the great beyond. It would be totally amazing if it were true, but chances are pretty slim. Her little girl voice kinda creeped me out.
  3. MyDogScout

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #144

    Patty, I did exactly what you said and I got into chat. Once I was connected, I had to go to "channels" and find "webslueths" on the list. Good luck.
  4. MyDogScout

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #139

    I am sooooooo frustrated with the Anthonys! Cindy and George...WAKE UP AND SMELL THE DECOMP!!!! Get your heads out of the sand!!!! Didn't Cindy once say that if she knew Casey was involved in any way, she would be the first to agree she should be in jail? I remember her saying that.
  5. MyDogScout

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #139

    Headline News just said there was "no" DNA evidence yet. They also said this Body Farm evidence might not be admissible in court. Its new science and might be ruled out by the judge.
  6. MyDogScout

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

    Well said, SS. We don't want to hinder the investigation, contacting LE with every off the wall theory.
  7. MyDogScout

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

    I don't see it that way. I feel like in part LP loves the limelight, that's a big part of why he came. But, I think at first he really believed he could ride in, guns blazing, and save the day. Now, he looks like the wind has been taken out of he sails. He looks defeated.
  8. MyDogScout

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

    Thanks! Funny how everyone has disconnected phone numbers!:waitasec:
  9. MyDogScout

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

    Just wondering about the Kiomarie thing. If she came back and said it was "Casey Williams" not "Casey Anthony" she was talking about...why didn't they ask for Casey Williams phone number to corroborate the story?
  10. MyDogScout

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

    I saw that. He said that if he had read the 400 pages before, he would have never bailed her out. He said if you "read between the lines" it looks less and less that Caylee will be found alive. finally woke up!:clap:
  11. MyDogScout

    Based On Documents Released 8/25/08

    If Baez could work a deal like that he would be a "miracle worker"!!
  12. MyDogScout

    Based On Documents Released 8/25/08

    I think Casey lies and follows that lie through until the end. When her lies are found out, she just changes her story. It seems like she has done this for a long time, and never had any consequences for it. C&G enabled her.
  13. MyDogScout

    Desdemona's info./Society Entertainment/Zanaida

    Casey said ZG did not have any children (if I recall that correctly). Also, the ZG from Sawgrass that was interviewed did not recognize Casey and visa versa.
  14. MyDogScout

    Wishful thinking?

    I think with all the press this case has received, someone would have noticed Caylee and reported it. If someone in your family or one of your friends, just happened to have a new 3 year girl in their family...I don't think they could hide that for very long. Maybe I'm wrong.
  15. MyDogScout

    Official Documents To Be Released Today

    OMG. I've only read part of Ryan's interview and I feel like crying. Cindy has enabled her sick daughter all along. She even said that Casey was a sociopath. Well, we all know what sociopaths are capable of...
  16. MyDogScout

    Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #118

    Not to beat a dead horse about the whole "Casey/Baez thing", but I just read that Jose Baez has a 21 year old daughter who is a senior at the University of Florida. I think he was being protective as a father. JMO

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