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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. pregodego2

    2008.09.18 Tracy M Interview Audio #1

    agreed SS. It doesn't seem they had any idea what they were getting themselves into. I understand Tracy trying to 'befriend' Casey to get her to open up. I'm sure that is what she was told to do... but it seems they actually became friends. When I listen to Tracy talk, I can imagine one of...
  2. pregodego2

    2008.09.18 Tracy M Interview Audio #1

    I'm just sick to my stomach listening to TM laugh so much. THIS ISN'T A FREAKIN' JOKE!!! :furious:
  3. pregodego2

    2009.06.19 FBI Decomposition Report

    To the bolded: This boggles me, because she was smart (and I use that term very loosely) enough to get rid of everything else. She actually covered her tracks pretty well for a person who's never killed before... and she took such great care to never let anyone find out that Caylee's poor...
  4. pregodego2

    2009.05.21 Annie D. Deposition

    If what AD is saying is true then by casey's words of Caylee being home for her birthday, it had to be BEFORE LP got her out on bond.... HOWEVER, Casey wasn't out of jail UNTIL LP got her out... AFTER caylee's birthday... so AD is obviously lying or mixing things up. Her timeline doesn't make...
  5. pregodego2

    2009.05.21 Annie D. Deposition

    Ya know... this all makes sense as to why AD's hat would have ended up in the trash all of a sudden. We wondered what happened between them, and now although we don't know the exact occurance, we do now know that they spent time together all during this investigation and while in and out of...
  6. pregodego2

    2009.05.21 Annie D. Deposition

    Annie seems honest but overconfident. I don't like her. And you're kidding me right?... She admits Casey wanted to open up to her and yet she backs out. She's picking up missing caylee shirts and yet when she has the opportunity to find out ANYTHING, she backs out!!?? She didn't want to be...
  7. pregodego2

    ZFG lawsuit gives defense a one-up

    I know the law of FL... nevermind. I'll go back to lurking.
  8. pregodego2

    ZFG lawsuit gives defense a one-up

    Ok maybe my post came across wrong.. I don't have an opinion on the lawyers or how the trial is bieng held. I just worry about the effect of letting the Casey murder defense team know exactly what people will be claiming on the stand will give the defense an unfair advantage.
  9. pregodego2

    ZFG lawsuit gives defense a one-up

    Is it just me or does anyone else think this has gone too far with the ZFG lawsuit? This should have been postponed if possible until after the murder trial. We're hearing all the information and testimonies of all these "witnesses" and so are the defense team. They can now easily plan their...
  10. pregodego2

    Caylee's Shoes...Important Clue?

    I've always loved your input RD ;)
  11. pregodego2

    Is Casey the real Zenaida?

    yes, the green truck was definitely seen at the A's house. Can't remember if it was amy's, tony's, annie's.... but it was someone's!
  12. pregodego2

    Is Casey the real Zenaida?

    I've always felt suspicious of the June 9th date - it's the original date said caylee went missing and then coincidently a ZG has her office broken into.... just odd. also, has anyone paid close attention to the description casey gave of the supposed ZG? CA went off about this at the trial...
  13. pregodego2

    The Suburban memorial site is up for sale. **UPDATE SOLD** OR NOT?

    I personally wouldn't take my kids to a playground where a 2 year old's body was found. To think of her little bones scattered around that area while my kids are playing would be depressing. It wouldn't be a place of fond memories or happy times. It would be a place of mourning and sadness. I...
  14. pregodego2

    Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #2

    to the bold: It seems NG may just speak Casey timeline language :rolleyes: ---------------------------------------------- A few thoughts: 1. Maybe GA is the one who handed it over. Maybe it's what drove him to try to kill himself, maybe it was along with the suicide letter. That man...
  15. pregodego2

    *REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

    I don't feel bad for her as a person, I feel bad for the situation. I feel sad that something horrible happened in this family and the series of events of casey's entire life. To think of her being born, to think of her being a kid in school, to her first kiss....something most definitely not...
  16. pregodego2

    The Use of the Shovel

    And I also thought it was narrowed down to the shovel being borrowed the 16th-18th. So why, in such a raw and honest interview (GA was being extremely honest with most stuff in that interview - I can't say in everything because I don't know what else he knows), why would he say that YES it was...
  17. pregodego2

    The Use of the Shovel

    Sorry if this is already somewhere else, I did a search but nothing came up. I was rewatching the GA interviews from august. I found some interesting stuff. ~GA says Casey would have needed to borrow the shovel because he had put a new lock on the shed since the stolen gas can situation on...
  18. pregodego2

    NEW Poll on Where Caylee Died.

    yup. i don't think it was done aggressively, more passively. it's how all thingsin casey's life were done - half heartedly and without feeling. like "oh whatever, deal with it later, just move over"
  19. pregodego2

    Heart Shaped Sticker And Duct Tape #3

    please someone fill me in on the letters, i am only finding bits and pieces. I get the heart sticker situation, now what about these letters??
  20. pregodego2

    If You Could Ask ONE Question and Get ONE Truthful Answer, What Would it Be?

    A lot of my first response questions have been I'll add this one: What would you have done if Cindy had said ok to giving you one more day to take her to caylee? Would you have run, snuck out at night and disappeared, where would you have gone, what would you have done? Would...

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