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  1. C

    GUILTY Canada - Taylor Van Diest, 18, beaten to death, Armstrong, BC, 31 Oct 2011

    I have to wonder if she was already gone with that message was sent. I'm sure the police have dusted the phone for fingerprints. Maybe the killer sent that text to throw people off.. maybe she knew her killer?
  2. C

    Steven Powell arrested in Washington State

    The more I hear about this man, the more I think the Sr. Powell killed her. Or helped his son kill her.
  3. C

    Did Susan Powell's father-in-law have a "crush" on her?

    Is that not the most demented, inappropriate, mentally deviant thing you have ever heard the father-in-law of a missing woman say?
  4. C

    Did Susan Powell's father-in-law have a "crush" on her?

    I think even without sources it has been validated with Steven Powells own words The man is delusional
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    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    Well done to ALL involved in this ~ those men and women deserve a raise!
  6. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    I wasn't trying to paint Hopley with a nice brush, just looking for a playmate kinda guy. I was just pointing out that statistically, the odds were stacked against him before he was even born, and 95% of those that have FAS have mental health problems and 52% of them display inappropriate...
  7. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    I think the neighbours told the reporters that story that he was awake... That must be the whole tin can telephone relay thingy where details get messed up.
  8. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    Yes, that was pretty much it! Thank you! All I had heard was the planning for 3 weeks, and watching police part and I freaked out..
  9. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    THank you.. I just caught the end of it, and there were things written on the screen and it looked like screen shots of police reports and I was trying to take it all in at once.. So it wasn't THIS abduction they were referring to.. that makes a lot more sense, because I couldn't figure out how...
  10. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    honestly, I didn't think he was that smart... I'm in shock here.
  11. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    This is on twitter.. one of the reporters tweeted this.. ctvrob Rob Brown Hopley has a history of studying police response and behaviour. Had likely planned abd Exclusive details @6. 9 Sep Favorite Retweet Reply
  12. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    I only caught the tail end of it, but that's sure what it sounded like. Trying to find a video of it now. It was on CTV newsnet I think..
  13. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    Wow.. I just caught the tail end of a report on Hopley on CTV.. Did anyone else catch that. Apparently he planned it for three weeks He knew police habits He enjoyed the "rush" or something like that... This was all a game to him.... WOW...
  14. C

    Jeff Ashton, George and Cindy Anthony, Book Deals/Non WS Members Can Vote

    I don't know if "has more of a right" is exactly what I'm feeling - but I do feel his book would be more of an honest read. Cindy has lied to the public/police/herself since the day Caylee went missing, possibly before that, so why would I pay to be lied to? It was bad enough watching it for...
  15. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    The Police were at Hopleys home, shortly after 9am according to his landlord, right after Kienan was reported missing. .The police came after 9:00 a.m. looking for Hopley, said Sheets. Just before that Paul Hebert called 911 reporting his son was missing...
  16. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    I'm happy about this.. I think A LOT is going to come out soon. After reviewing way too many audio/video clips just now trying to find the contradiction that didn't exist (lol) ~ I think there is a lot more going on than the police are letting us know. They have it covered LOL :)
  17. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    Ok.. I got confused.. It was the neighbors who said he was awake and Mr. Herbert found him.. NOT the officer. No conspiracy here LOL
  18. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    I just cant' see a reason behind saying he was awake/ asleep found by dad/mom/police.. He was found, and everyone hugged and was happy would have been suffice. LOL. The media, while I understand they may have it mixed up, the words of the officer and the father have contradicted each other...
  19. C

    GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #2

    I dont understand why the story keeps changing. First it was, police recieved call and headed to home. Mr. Herbert saw the commotion because he wasn't sleeping - went over and went inside and found Keinan sitting on the couch. Now, He finds him sleeping on the couch. I've also read...

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