Junior detectives put their foot in their mouths a gazillion times before they graduate, so I'm jumping in to get my stripes.
Can anyone tell my WHY in that first call that grandma even entertained the idea that her daughter could have harmed her child? What happened that made her think it...
I appreciate your post, it helps me understand. I hope I didn't make you feel bad bringing it up again, it just bothers me. Why would her mom bring it up to the police? Like you, I don't think it would have anything to do with it, but it might explain why she has been raised as she was. Not...
I'm just wondering if any more was found out about these seizures? The line that the defendant's mother is the one that mentioned them in the report keeps nagging at me. If it were a small matter, why did grandma bring it up when talking about JG? Just bothers me and I wonder if we will start...
Thanks for the welcome! Phew, I found it. My 400 pages is in three pdf's, hopefully somewhat the same as you all have. So it is pdf #3, page 223 in one of the officer reports.
"JG is a friend of the defendant. The defendant's mother mentioned him as the one that took the defendant to a...
My first post on such a sad night; but with the sadness comes anger. Anger at a person that is devoid of any emotion but a master at manipulation. I've tried to read through everything, but there is so much here and I've been reading for weeks- I know this must have been talked about but I can...
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