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  1. J

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    Small world it is--I grew up in Richmond, OH outside of Steubenville and then moved to Grove City, OH a suburb of Columbus-then moved here to Green, OH (suburb of Akron/Canton) in 2007. I am familiar with that plaza-couldn't think of the diner on the corner of the movie theatre though. Thanks!!!
  2. J

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    I live in Ohio in Akron/Canton region (only about 2.5 hrs from Columbus)-anyhow yes there are multiple license plates-the one you see on the car behind the motorcycle-is the newest plate-I forget what it is titled-but it was a huge flop and almost didn't get circulated, I believe they were...
  3. J

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    Yes I am from North East Ohio and saw this on the news too. I'm from Green-was listening to WNIR this morning and heard it on the news too, and heard Jim Isabella filling in for the Howie Chizek and he (Jim Isabella) said Casey should be careful here in NEO-because of the NRA. LOL!!! Thought...
  4. J

    2011.07.13 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    FCA doesn't have to change her identity out of jail...all she needs to do is hide out in DCS hair!
  5. J

    2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

    I agree with this designation too and FCA's lying mother can be known as PCA-for perjurer CA. FCA and PCA
  6. J

    What questions are still unanswered?

    I want to know why did the Anthony home call KC on JULY 1st a flurry of phone calls amongst a call to RAINALDI PLUMBING??? CA wrote a check to Rainaldi for $238.96 CK# 4588 on July 1st Calls to Casey from the Anthony landline are made to her at 1:43, 1:51, 1:52, 2:02, 6:56, 7:33, and 7:50 AM...
  7. J

    2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

    Wouldn't KC need a passport to leave the country? I do not believe she has a valid drivers license let alone a passport for International travel. Then of course there is a matter of having money to set up a new life...not sure who has opened their wallet for someone who has a proven history of...
  8. J

    2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

    I would like a better explanation of how duct tape can be considered "innocently" placed upon anyone's face, adult, animal or child? Not to ignore the fact that even if one accepts that the duct tape was not to be ignored, i.e. it had something to do with the death of the victim Caylee-how can...
  9. J

    2011.07.07 Release Date Announced: Casey Will Be Released Wed. 7/13 or is it 7/17?

    MCA served 1043 days credit--release date Wed. July 13, 2011.
  10. J

    Enter new thread ideas here! (All new threads must be approved),0,802233.story Bar complaint against CM for his improper gesture to the media
  11. J

    Post-Verdict Therapy

    I eventually plan on talking to my therapist--I wept like a baby yesterday-every song i heard made me cry. I hugged my son and broke down crying...I am a grown man and this outcome devastated me. My wife was worried and feels I got too emotionally attached to the story. I definitely am in...
  12. J

    They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

    Casey Anthony had a date And wrapped her kid in silver tape When the world knew what she deserved The jury only gave her the time she served.
  13. J

    They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

    Casey Anthony had a date And wrapped her kid in silver tape When the world knew what she deserved The jury only gave her the time she served.
  14. J

    Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

    Casey Anthony had a date And wrapped her kid in silver tape When the world knew what she deserved The jury only gave her the time she served.
  15. J

    They have a verdict!!!!!!!!!

    Casey Anthony had a date And wrapped her kid in silver tape When the world knew what she deserved The jury only gave her the time she served.
  16. J

    2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

    verdict is in!!
  17. J

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    I have pondered these questions too...I can say perhaps a visit to a wiki site about what it is, would be harmless...but ICA carried it further to how to make chloroform...the scispot website etc...all the other searches seem just as nefarious too...I still believe the CA half truth was the dogs...
  18. J

    2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

    I always wondered if ICA had texted or alluded to maybe CA that she ran out of gas...even though we get the whole story of being with JH and no sort of apparent communication, perhaps she left a vm for CA or some other means of communicating this prior to them picking the car up. Once they got...
  19. J

    REVISIT There wasn't a babysitter, Casey didn't have a job,What's going on?

    Her primary account was her mother's BOFA account. I remember her saying she opened a Wachovia account in one of the jail videos...that's a LOL!!!
  20. J

    2011.07.03 Sidebar Thread

    Am I wrong to believe this was JB way of saying his client is guilty-bc why else would someone have to "throw themselves on a sword" for someone who is innocent?

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