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  1. D

    Personal Reports from Members about the Crime Scene

    Bolded by me ..... Sad as this sounds ... I can't see KC carrying anything that might cause her duress ... KC probably just dragged the bag and only far enough into the wooded area so that it was not visible from the street !!!! :mad:
  2. D

    Anthony connects to outside world with transistor radio

    Heck of a LOT BIGGER than the cardboard box that her precious daughter is sitting in right now! :behindbar
  3. D

    Anthony connects to outside world with transistor radio

    bolded by me..... Thanks for helping us to have a better understanding of the radio and it's reception in the jail cell. I personally don't believe that KC should be allowed any sort of creature comforts .. but that is JMO. And I loved your closing ... "It still sucks to be KC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"...
  4. D

    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

    bolded by me .... KC really is a spiteful b*#*! :furious: The thought of this just makes me boil inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

    Happy New Year to you all .... fantastic posts and encouragement as to the revealing of the TRUTH!!!! Tuba, what wonderful insight that the tape is in custody. I am looking forward to the days ahead and to see if GA, CA and LA will actually come forward with information. I wouldn't place a...
  6. D

    Should Casey Receive Counseling in Jail?

    bolded by me... I want to sit in on a few of these sessions!!!!!!!!!! :clap:
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    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

    bolded by me ..... :crazy: Sorry ... but it makes me smile to know that KC is experiencing anxiety and coming out of her skin with nerves. What sort of twisted plan will she come up with now ???
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    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

    To Tuba and all my friends on my favorite thread.... I know that this is o/t but I wanted to leave this message where I know that you would see it!I want to wish you all a very blessed Christmas. This is my favorite thread and I feel very at home with all of you here. Your insight...
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    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

    It was heartbreaking to watch Jesse last night. You can see the pain written all over his face and the tears that were welling in his eyes. I found myself crying as I watched him. It is a terrible shame that the perp had no idea just how good she had it and that her jealousy reigned over the...
  10. D

    IF Casey Gets Life in Prison

    Just an fyi (and with all respect) - Caylee has had a lot of press here in California. This case has also been featured on the local news as well as magazine covers in the local grocery stores. I believe that a person would have to have been hiding under a rock for the past 5 months to not have...
  11. D

    Why would Casey refuse to see her pastor?

    Casey refused to meet with the pastor because she felt it would be a "huge waste of time" !!!!!!
  12. D

    What are you feeling right now????

    The tears have fallen more than once today and my heart is overwhelmed with sadness. Finally hearing the words of confirmation .... there is just no way to describe it. =( This is truly a horrible and unnecessary tragedy. Rest in peace precious Caylee .. you are forever safe now.
  13. D

    It's All About Caylee

    My heart is heavy and the tears fell instantly from my eyes as the news was announced. Although we have never met ... you have become special to so many of us here Caylee. The only thing that brings peace at the moment is knowing that you are in the arms of our Lord and NO ONE can ever harm...
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    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

    WESH is reporting a different time line for the meter reader - The FBI is expected to announce the identification of the remains some time on Friday at 2 p.m. In addition, the Orange County government is expected to hold a news conference at...
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    Baez is saying that "CASEY is really struggling"

    "The TRUTH will always reveal itself" .....
  16. D

    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

    Hmmmm ..... I am drawn to a few things ... First thought - How many of us have "sleuthed" in the shadows? Some waiting months before ever leaving a post.... Here we have a gentle man who travels through this neighborhood on a monthly basis..somewhere around the 11th of the month. He is...
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    Crime scene photos CASUAL VERSION

    Wouldn't it be just like the perp to leave something personal with precious Caylee?
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    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

    You are too kind Asker .... but I will say that we both speak the truth together! The God I know is "LOVE" ... the very essence of love and goodness without sin. Caylee was His precious gift to Casey. I know that He wept profusely as He watched Casey destroy this innocent child. Justice will...
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    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

    We are all given the freedom to choose. Casey chose to murder her daughter =( - GOD did not choose this fate for such a precious angel. He does however, know the choices that we make before we ever act upon them. I know that it grieved the Lord to watch this poor child at the hands of her mother...

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