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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. J

    Raymond Clark III

    I would NOT say that just because her family said that they didn't always "approve" of her choices that that means that she was "not the easiest to deal with." Do our families always agree with OUR! Her family is traditional Vietnamese and VERY CATHOLIC...of course they didn't...
  2. J

    Possible Murder Motives#2

    I do believe that the evidence points to Clark.. This is just one (of many) reasons why: assume he didn't do it...then likely he would have witnessed some odd thing or person around the lab. Since only he was around there with her, he would have likely witnessed some odd behavior or happening...
  3. J

    Questions (and answers)

    Does anyone know if that Tuesday was going to be Annie's last day to work before her wedding? I heard that relatives were arriving the next day in NYC (the location of the wedding), so possibly Clark told her that he needed to discuss how the rats would be cared for while she was gone...
  4. J

    Questions (and answers)

    Did anyone else hear yesterday that LE is exploring the possibility that Clark was using steroids and this may have been the result of 'roid rage? (I heard a brief mention, but no details.)
  5. J

    Evidence -- Body, Blood, Clothes, etc.

    There is a HUGE difference between "no business areas" and areas where he didn't likely need to go. "No Business" areas are forbidden and tightly restricted. While there are often many areas people CAN have access to, but they don't go to simply because their daily chores may not need them to...
  6. J

    Autopsy Results

    If he was sitting on top of her while strangling her, he could keep his face out of reach of her hands...not to mention, when being strangled, the first instinct is to try to remove whatever is choking you (their hands or some tool). Sure, she'd try to "attack" him back, but her arms would be...
  7. J

    Workplace Violence-Your experience and thoughts

    I once had a boss do that to me...I am small, petite, and look MUCH, MUCH younger than I am. Well, this boss kept screaming and screaming...he was very wrong about what he was screaming about, but he wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise to explain that another employee (a male) had done what...
  8. J

    Workplace Violence-Your experience and thoughts

    I've always felt that some males will yell/scream at women (especially female employees), but wouldn't nearly go so "postal" if they were talking to a guy. I bet if your hubby had answered the door, the guy might have complained, but I doubt he would have been so violent-like.
  9. J

    Raymond Clark III

    The defense is absolutely allowed to proffer a plea happens all the time. The prosecution takes the proffer, reviews it, and decides to counter with a more severe plea (that requires more prison years) or accept. As a matter of fact, there were rumblings that Jose Baez was in...
  10. J

    Evidence -- Body, Blood, Clothes, etc.

    the whole "framing" scenario is basically a Hollywood theme...rarely does anyone "frame" another person for murder - especially if the murder was done by amateurs (and I don't think any defense is going to claim that this murder was the result of organized crime or career murderers). In...
  11. J

    Jen H ~ fiancee of Ray C

    I would guess the university doesn't really want them around the crime scene or building for several reasons, including the fact that media might try to interview them. There may also be a concern that there is still an unfound piece of evidence that Clark hid and they might retrieve and...
  12. J

    I just want to throw something out there re: cadaver dogs in this case....

    I guess it's possible that the placentas and after birth might have been buried, but would he really need to do that? I would think that he could just safely dispose of that in a dumpster somewhere or his own garbage can shortly before the garbage truck came by.
  13. J

    Raymond Clark III

    I don't know WHO offered (prosecution or defense) but a plea was accepted in the case of Mark Hacking killing his wife and there was plenty of evidence...including a video of him disposing of the body. So, a plea deal could be accepted if money can be saved and the sentence is for a long time.
  14. J

    Evidence -- Body, Blood, Clothes, etc.

    What's the story with Clark's green pen?
  15. J

    Evidence -- Body, Blood, Clothes, etc.

    I wonder about her engagement ring. If it was left on her body, it would have his DNA probably on it. If he stole it off her body, I wonder where he put it.
  16. J


    While it may not make sense to us, people pre-meditate murders with witnesses around all the time (the Georgia prof who recently killed his wife and 2 friends is an example). But, that said, I don't think the area where he killed her does have many people coming in and out. I'm guessing...
  17. J

    Possible Murder Motives#2

    I don't have a problem with the neighbor telling what she's seen. Neighbors often get to see tidbits of a person's real personality (as the neighbors of Garrido have disclosed.). And, it isn't strange at all that she has more info each time goes by, she is remembering other odd...
  18. J

    Possible Murder Motives#2

    The defense really only has one choice...and that is to suggest that any evidence that was gathered is likely "contaminated" because the lab was not "locked down" right after Annie was reported missing. Of course, Yale will say that they can't lock down a building everytime a student is thought...
  19. J

    Possible Murder Motives#2

    Absolutely...the fact that they had each others cell phone info and exchanged texts/emails does not suggest a familiarity beyond is standard procedure in such cases. The exchanging of contact info is somewhat similar to when a parent gives her contact info to her child's...
  20. J

    Possible Murder Motives#2

    That is a defense that wouldn't work...that would be like a defense atty trying to defend a husband who killed his wife because he lovingly took care of her car and she left a bag of old McDonald fries in it. No jury would buy that as a reason to acquit. All it would do would convince a...

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