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DNA Solves
  1. S

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree?

    Here is why I do not think it was an accidental drowning: You don't sit in jail for 3 years in solitary confinement......prepare a case with death penalty experts (just in case the jury and judge decide to give you the death penalty)....then decide to wait until your trial starts to take the...
  2. S

    What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

    I totally agree! The play is still going on. They are instructed not to be together yet. It wouldn't look right to the "public". It's just a matter of time.
  3. S

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    Who wrote those notes? I have never seen those before.
  4. S

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    Actually, the doctor referred to how many hours he specifically spent with Casey. Never once mentioned he confirmed this info with anyone else! My guess is he only talked to Casey (paid by the defense) so he could convey what they wanted him to convey.
  5. S

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    I couldn't agree with you more! I think this whole thing has been one big "act" by all the A's. I think Baez was the producer of this whole charade. This was done to get Casey off. And, it worked! I am sure they will all be together soon, if that hasn't happened already. This is all they...
  6. S

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    I would like to ask them why they think that 99.9% of the rest of the world believed she was guilty and they didn't? Why are you people so different? Why did you not ask to review the evidence of the trial while you were deliberating? Why only a mere 11 hours of deliberation on a death penalty...
  7. S

    2008.07.25 My jail visit transcript GA & CA

    What does this mean from above: CA: We,we forgive anything that you have said....or done KC: Oh...[takes phone away from ear] hang on..can we turn the volume down a ,yeah you can probably hear it. My heads gonna exploooode.(giggle) [talking to warden] KC: I havent said anything...
  8. S

    REVISIT Caylee's biological father/Reverse DNA Profile**MERGED**

    OK, come on, please just help us read between the lines here. Are you saying that maybe someone on CA's defense counsel may be Caylee's father? Cough, cough....I'm not sure how to interpret this.
  9. S

    Cindy mouths, "I love you" to Casey

    OK, call me cynical if you want. But, I think this is all an act on all the Anthony's part. I do believe they love their daughter. But, I do think the defense prepared the Anthonys for this defense strategy. They may not have liked it, but they had no choice. This was the only way to defend...
  10. S

    What's missing for Prosecution?

    I totally agree with you here. I was more convinced before this trail that she deserved the death penalty. It's not as convincing as I thought it would be. I keep hearing about this Home Depot tape and so far....nothing. I really don't want to criticize the prosecution, but, there just has to...
  11. S

    Trial: Is Casey medicated? (Poll)

    I have been wondering about this for a while. I, most definitely, think she is medicated. She was uncontrolably fidgeting with her hair during the jury selection and now that has completely stopped. It was very apparent to all the media outlets and I am sure it got back to her attorneys. It...
  12. S

    2010.04.21 - PCSO asks Bloggers and TV Personalities to back off....

    Very Interesting! I am inclined to agree with you. Also, by bloggers and television shows throwing all these scenarios out there, it may inhibit the "players" from coming clean.
  13. S

    Was Anyone Next on KC's Murder Agenda???

    I do believe that Casey was planning to get rid of CA and GA. I believe the police became aware of this, hence the change to the death penalty. I also believe that CA and GA became aware of this, not sure when they were told. It sort of explains how they came to Casey's side. I believe it...
  14. S

    Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

    This child was not missing. What could the A's possibly have to say about a missing child when Casey knew exactly where Caylee was? I really don't get why they think they can be helpful with missing children when they weren't helpful with their own missing grandchild. Oh, and HAIL NO would I...
  15. S

    2009.05.19 Padilla Says George A's Story Untrue

    I totally agree with you. I never thought LP really believed Casey was innocent. And, if nothing else, we can thank LP for really opening this case up. I think he, and a lot of others, have kept this case so publicized that justice will inevitably prevail. Whatever is out there (whether true...
  16. S

    Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

    You know, I can totally understand being worried that your daughter is going to spend the rest of her life in jail, or possibly receive the death penalty. But to intentionally sabotage an investigation into the death of their granddaughter is wrong! Charge Em!
  17. S

    Break in @ Tony L's Apartment

    I totally agree! TL was just another one of KC's victims. I feel for him and everyone else involved. Especially Caylee!
  18. S

    Specifically, why is Casey no longer acknowledging her parents in the courtroom?

    Please, please, please put the blame where it belongs. Cindy DID NOT kill Caylee, CASEY DID! We have all head influences in our our lives that maybe have not been the best. This is not an excuse for killing! People need to take responsibility for their actions. There is enough finger...

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