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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    A Dream

    Many experts believe that you represent everyone in your dreams. Your dreams are a very interesting part of you. Although no I have never had a dream about JonBenet I would agree with BrotherMoon. It is about something you have experienced in your life, nothing to do with the Ramsey case. Though...
  2. M

    Did JonBenet Accidentally Kill Herself?

    BC I have agreed with you to some extent with your Burke theory but I must go against you on this one. I think this is rediculous.
  3. M

    Is The Location A Smoking Gun?

    I definately think the actual location of her death will be a pretty big help in the investigation.
  4. M

    48 Hours Mystery

    It seems fairly promising but whenever evidence that was new came up in this damn case they made it seem promising. I think it has now just turned into feats of desperation. 'sides now if you think this guy did it you gotta look into his life to find out who the other guy was. BTW I thought the...
  5. M

    Brian Scott

    Sissi I didn't even know about her well toned legs (BTW how well toned could they be at the age of six) I just got suspicious of him because he remembered in detail all those converations they had had and drove by the house the day the body was discovered. Signed...The Man In Plaid
  6. M

    Brian Scott

    I dunno something just rubs me the wrong way about him...was he investigated?
  7. M

    When did John find the body?

    Anything in this case would be assuming. There is no evidence clearly eliminating any of the prime suspects. Is anything at this point assuming too much. Especially with the evidence he's pointed out. Not saying that I agree with him but come on B.C. does have some good evidence there. I think...
  8. M

    For the last time, BURKE DIDN'T DO IT!!

    So if he was not eliminated from the crime (I don't consider him eliminated) and it is agreed there isn't really a way he could have written the not. That leaves one obvious question...since John was cleared of writing the note and Patsy was almost cleared then who did?
  9. M

    John Found JonBenet's Body Prior to 911 Call

    That is very possible...though I have to contradict u one the last part. Not negatively but one said JonBenet was killed in the basement. Especially if Burke did do it there is not excuse for JonBent in the basement. I doubt Burke could've carried her down there. SO she might have...
  10. M

    This is rediculous

    Either they're retarded or are hiding somethin'
  11. M

    This is rediculous

    I can't believe this....i was reading some of the '97 interviews with the Ramsey's one can remember if the basement window was ever repaired. Does that strike anyone as odd, I mean what retards don't know if a broken window was repaired in theri house or not? It seems to me the are...
  12. M

    For the last time, BURKE DIDN'T DO IT!!

    Then the Ramsey's themselves must really enjoy beating dead horses. They investigated people that the Boulder Police or the Boulder DA have cleared. Now Burke has never been cleared because he has never been considered a suspect. No one really in the Ramsey house has. They have been called...
  13. M

    For the last time, BURKE DIDN'T DO IT!!

    HE can't have been cleared of being a suspect because no one was ever really named a suspect. Burke is still on my suspicious list and will always be until someone come up with something besides their opinion or mere words that say he is innocent. Though I guess that's the problem isn't it, no...
  14. M

    Burke Burke Burke

    It's pretty stupid that the Boulder Police Dept. won't even consider the fact that Burke did it. The fact is that he very well might have. Whether he did it as an accident or purposly could be debated. As well as the fact if he did it or not. Though to exclude him from the investigation is...
  15. M

    What have you guys...

    read about the Ramsey case? I know the majority of u have read Perfect Murder Perfect Town, and Thomas' Book, and Lee's book. Though have any of you read A Mother Gone Mad: The Hidden COnfessions of JonBenet's killer. OR Who Killed JonBEnet Ramsey by Cyril Wecht, or JonBenet Knows Evil Love, or...
  16. M

    Burke Burke Burke

    That is a rediculous law
  17. M

    Burke Burke Burke

  18. M

    Burke Burke Burke

    Well kindly explain to me where u c clear evidence of an intruder that isn't circumstancial. I love it how u just assume things. You would fit right in with the BPD.
  19. M

    Burke Burke Burke

    I also am very interested in his Burke Ramsey theory. I may have other ideas about what happened that night but his theorys as u say do make sense. I may say that two juveniles in the house may be farfetched for the time it was but it is still a very likely theory that Burke very well may have...
  20. M

    Burke Burke Burke

    This is a point that I keep bringing up in my mind and then disregarding it again for no apparent reason. The fact that the rest of the kids in town were completely scared about what happened yet the one kid who had the biggest right to be scared shrugged it off. Also the fact that he didn't...

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