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  1. G

    Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #11

    A journalist tweeted that MB won't be called by the Crown as a witness. Any speculation why? They had enough evidence? Or didn't think "rabbit" would have much to contribute? Lol..
  2. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.22.16 - Day 25

    BBM I've wondered too. She's older, and I think mentioned she had kids? I wonder if they met online... a dating or hook-up site...
  3. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.22.16 - Day 25

    Any speculation on who will testify tomorrow? Adam Carter says "a roommate". SS and the police officer from today (I think) are supposed to come next week. I wonder if another girlfriend (who knows how many more will arise, lol) or DM's mom will come soon??
  4. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.22.16 - Day 25

    (snipped by me) Great post. Curious about your impression that CN has family and self-esteem issues - have you found some info on that?
  5. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.22.16 - Day 25

    Haha I totally followed that one on here (and recognized some of your names a few years later). I wonder how many more girlfriends will be involved. Intimate with the real estate agent while dating CN... DM seems to get around. :drama:
  6. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.21.16 - Day 24

    I hope it's okay to post this... If not, let me know. Does anyone on here go to the actual trial? I went once last month, and hope to go Wednesday. I chatted with a couple people last time and wouldn't mind another trial buddy :) <modsnip>
  7. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.21.16 - Day 24

    I believe it was CP24 today that said the girlfriends are expected to testify "sometime this week". I am going to the trial Wednesday and hope it's one of them!! ETA: I can't find that online, but I believe a reporter said it live on CP24 between 5-6pm.
  8. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.21.16 - Day 24

    I don't get it, either... So much evidence. And especially since DM is likely not allowed to have contact with SS... In which case they wouldn't have maintained a friendship over the last almost 3 years. What's up with the loyalty? :confused:
  9. G

    Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #6

    Perhaps a bit unrelated to the actual murder, but I was thinking - what happens to Tim's truck in this situation? It's been kinda torn apart by forensics, and I doubt Sharlene would want it back anyway... What does LE do with stolen vehicles like this? After the verdict is in and they have...
  10. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.10.16 - Day 23

    Oh my. That will be an interesting one. Anyone have speculation about why Millard is representing himself for LB murder but hired someone for the other two?
  11. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 03.10.16 - Day 23

    Really? When did that info come out?
  12. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 02.29.16 - Day 16

    I was there February 16 & MS wore the grey sweater. Neither MS or DM looked at each other (from what I saw). DM looked around more & carried himself confidently whereas MS seemed more scared to me. However MS seems to try to make eye contact with observers (me, and other young women) during...
  13. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 02.29.16 - Day 16

    Me too! (Except it was a week ago). He studied me. A couple other girls in court had similar experiences. He tends to make eye contact with observers during transition times.
  14. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 02.29.16 - Day 16

    I apologize if this has already been discussed (it probably has lol) but I can't keep up with hundreds of posts daily... I'm wondering why MM (smich's gf) has not been charged with anything whereas CN was? Given what smich said ("don't tell them anything babe") at the time of his arrest, him...
  15. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 02.16.16 - Day 9

    No... I played dumb. I didn't mention that I noticed where she was sitting or that DM waved at her. We made small talk and talked a bit about the weather, ourselves and whatnot, but any time I asked a question that would identify her as being associated with the accused, she would divert (e.g. I...
  16. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 02.16.16 - Day 9

    Well, I was thinking she may be required to testify about the truck and trailer being parked in her driveway? Does anyone have a family tree or something of the Millard family? I am just curious.
  17. G

    Bosma Murder Trial 02.16.16 - Day 9

    Forgive me for just jumping in here randomly, and for possibly asking something that has already been answered (it would take me hours to read through previous threads)... But, does anyone know if DM's mother is expected to be a witness? Or if she is allowed to attend the trial? (If she is going...
  18. G

    Legal Analysis

    TLM: Strengths: Cooperated with police to find the body. Since she's younger, and female, she can play the "I was manipulated" card. Weaknesses: Captured on video walking away with TS. Has a criminal record, and generally gives a mentally unstable/psychotic impression (JMO). MR: Strengths...
  19. G

    Legal Analysis

    I babysit kids whose parents are lawyers. (they actually went to law school with Michael Bryant - the politician charged with the hit-and-run death - big news in that community!) We talked about this case (very briefly), and I mentioned the suspicion that MR's lawyer had something to do with...
  20. G

    MTR Discussions

    That, and MR's friends have been advised to shut up. lol.

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