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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    OK. I have just found something very interesting. The above GB's address on his draft card in 1940 is 415 12th St, Oakland, CA and the GB (Research Assistant) address on the voters list in 1940 is 534 12th St, Oakland, CA. What are the chances of 2 George Brody's living on the same street at...
  2. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    Hi SK, I'm not sure where our GB was living in 1956. This is the problem I have is connecting our GB to the above GB as I can't confirm any further addresses after 1947 when he was living at 1048 Larkin St, San Francisco. I think the above GB's wife may have left him when she was pregnant with...
  3. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    Hi SK, The date and age of death are correct but his name is Charles E Brody.
  4. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    The 2 sets of side by sides below are the one's I sent to the niece, her and her sister both think the is a remarkable resemblance. In these pic's their heads are on similar angles and show the likeness ever more.
  5. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    I have been looking into this GB for a while and I think there is a good possibility that he is our GB. I can track him through records from 1905 to 1956. He married in 1946 and they had 1 child, a son, in 1956 and that’s when he seems to start flying under the radar. The son’s middle initial...
  6. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    I found a post from Dr. Doogie that states that GB was short which fits with who I'm looking at so eye colour is what I need to know.
  7. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    Can anyone remember if we have a physical description of GB? I'm most interested in height and eye colour.
  8. O

    Searching for Anna

    Hi Annasmom, I haven’t been on here for a while but I have been thinking of you and Anna a lot lately as a little 4 year old girl here in Australia went missing nearly 3 weeks ago and was thankfully found yesterday. I was going to ask you about doing an Ancestry DNA test but decided to read...
  9. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    I think it would definitely be worth while trying to find out who, if anyone, has claimed GB's money and when. It may be worth a call to the administrators of the unclaimed funds to see if they are obliged to disclose who claimed the funds.
  10. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    Hi Annasmom, I am thinking that JB may be GB's uncle or cousin and he looked up to him, possibly GB's father never immigrated to the US but GB did. This could account for him "modelling" himself after JB, fedora, glasses, they even dress alike. I also think that GB may never have officially...
  11. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    Hi Cubby, Double click on the pic and it will enlarge it in a new window.
  12. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    Below. 1st pic is JB. Pic's 2,3 and 4 are GB.
  13. O

    Who was George Brody?- Part 2.

    I have come across a very interesting Brody, this is NOT GB but it could be a family member, I have been researching him for the passed week or so. From what I have found so far, this isn't GB's Father but he could possibly be an uncle. I will refer to him for the time being as JB as he is...
  14. O

    Searching for Anna

    Hi Annasmom, It's been quite a long while since I've posted on here but I do come on from time to time and see if there is anything new going on. I'm so pleased to see that your have done the Ancestry DNA test, it is pretty amazing. I did mine 12 months ago and within 24 hours of getting my...
  15. O

    RULED OUT: Have we found Anna? Possible match to NamUs case UP 9597 - *NO MATCH*

    This is getting to the point of ridiculous, it has been a year now. Families should not have to wait this long to find out if their beloved child has been found. That is just cruel. If this is not Anna, and I personally don't think it is, then their is another family out their that is waiting to...
  16. O

    The Box From Hell (BFH) - Part 2

    Link to the Lab slip below.
  17. O

    The Box From Hell (BFH) - Part 2

    Hi Odyssey, JR was a patient. I found the medical slip earlier but now I am having trouble finding it again. Probably tired. Will look again in the morning and post the link.
  18. O

    The Box From Hell (BFH) - Part 2

    Hi SK, Thanks for sending me the name. Trying to locate JR to talk to him would probably be futile as he was 51 in 1973 when the tests were done, which would (if he was still alive) make him 91 or 92. The tests he had done would indicate that GW thought he was anemic and the test results...
  19. O

    The Box From Hell (BFH) - Part 2

    Hi Cubby, Can you pm me the full name. Thanks
  20. O

    While we are searching.. OT thread.

    Happy Birthday Anna. Much love from Australia. xoxoxo. I hope we find you soon. Annasmom, Much love and prayers to you and your family. xoxoxo.

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