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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. 4

    Poll: If an R confessed, would you accept it?

    There will never be any confessions from any of the fanily, or the extended family. Reason being, they are soo wealthy, and they have over the top entitlemen issues. When you have entitlement issues, you never divulge to the poiice or the public what is our right to know. They think we are...
  2. 4

    Any other homicides on record that also had a ransom note?

    Great post and welcome!! :wagon:
  3. 4

    Patsy Ramsey

    YES!! PR was sure JR was molesting JRB and she went to her room with the flashlight and, saw what was happening, lashed out at JB with the mag-lite, never meaning to strike JBR. My story from day one!
  4. 4

    Tape on Jon Benets mouth - New info

    So agree with your post. I think her choice of words and her demeanor throughout this whole thing speaks for her guilt. I stand with my original theory that PR found JR molestig JBR and the rest happened.
  5. 4

    Why was JB killed?

    omg ................................!!!!
  6. 4

    A new thought

    This has been my opinion since day one. PR caught JR moslesting JBR, & tried to hit JB with the mother of all mag lights, hit JBR by mistake, and then JB had to finish her off. OK, why did JR take JBR to Amsterdam, why did JR (the perv) have Beth's picture in his shower? Who keeps a...
  7. 4

    Helter Skelter - book review

    Yes to everything but #3. I lived in a wooded section of Valley Forge with my two children, my husband traveled internationally for long periods of time. When all this broke I was on the phone with my mother constantly. I couldn't believe such things could actually happen. Plus, I had a...
  8. 4

    Adopted Man Discovers His Biological Father is Charles Manson!

    So many of them settled in the mid-west!!
  9. 4

    Charles Manson Has New Girlfriend; May Get Married

    But that still makes her a sick-o!
  10. 4

    The Re-Ordered American Girl Doll..

    OJ wanted his golfbag also!
  11. 4

    The Re-Ordered American Girl Doll..

    OJ wanted his golfbag also!
  12. 4

    Updates ~ Court clerk information

    He never stops does he?
  13. 4

    Haleigh's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

    I took a break from WS's to get my life back, but I'm here now and very disheartened to find out no news about Haleigh. I doubt we will ever know what happened. Sad!
  14. 4

    Haleigh's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

    Mega Post !!!! Many thanks! :please: We need to find what happened to this child!!
  15. 4

    2nd Anniversary of Baby Lisa's disappearance

    Good one!!
  16. 4

    Haleigh's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

    Well, maybe the reporters aren't interested, but what about the "keystone" LE?? Funny, isn't is that John Merchant finally got fired.
  17. 4

    Patsy's makeup that morning

    I have a question and observation. If Patsy murdered JB around the 11:00/12:00 time, wouldn't her eyes have been almost swollen shut from the tears? I know mine would. Did any of these "keystone cops" notice that. It's not something you can hide with make-up. Again, I believe it was an...
  18. 4

    Patsy's makeup that morning

    Agree and disagree with different aspects of your well thought out post. One question: How do you know Patsy's wore wigs? tia
  19. 4

    Haleigh's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

    Agreed. But I also think TC and CC were involved and JO heavily involved. JMO
  20. 4

    Catherine Zeta Jones & Michael Douglas

    Rut Row, forgot about that. Sorry!

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