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DNA Solves
  1. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #16

    I'm still catching up on this new thread, so forgive me if this has been covered. Has anyone contacted Las Vegas LDS singles site? They're not affiliated with a particular congregation, just LDS singles all over the valley that want to get together for various activities. I just wonder if...
  2. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #15

    They have actual stores that are near the temples all over Utah and even here in Las Vegas, so it's unlikely he would have needed to order his online. It's more common for people who live some distance from the stores to use the lds catalog resource. WOW:crazy: What about the cooling...
  3. S

    What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

    Whether or not I was innocent, if I was in the middle of this as she is, I would obey my lawyer and keep my mouth shut. However, the astonishing part to me is that she shows no emotion whatsoever. Some people are cool under pressure, but I think it would be difficult to be that stone faced. It...
  4. S

    Landscaper says Terri Horman wanted him to kill her husband!

    On the question of "why hire a landscaper for your mfh plot?" Here's a theory: Maybe HE (the LS) posted an ad on Craiglist looking for work. He's out of work, desperate for a job and will do ANY handy work you need him to do (paint, yardwork, car maintenance, etc.). Perhaps, she thinks his...
  5. S

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    I'm guessing she was given a benign reason for them staying elsewhere. Maybe that it was temporary and for the baby's safety or something. I knew someone who was caught in a web of very bad lies that claimed everyone was out to get him and he should just kill himself since nobody trusted...
  6. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #15

    Is this the same thing, but for 2010? I'm sure some of the exhibitors are the same this year. And they have a gallery, presumably from previous years. I haven't looked at them yet. Wouldn't it be wild if Steven was in one of those pictures?!? ETA: I guess this...
  7. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #15

    Oh my goodness, I just went back and read about your daughter, sbakker. I'm SO glad she is back and safe. What an amazing coincidence that she found herself in your daughter's sil's office. Such a relief!
  8. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #15

    Interesting article on cold cases in Henderson.
  9. S

    2010.06.21 - Seattle Headlines Examiner interview

    To me, it sounds like "no comment" is code for "yes."
  10. S

    2010.06.21 ~ CNN says focus of investigation not on TH

    How far is Sauvie island from the school by car? Is it possible that she left Kyron at school earlier than claimed for some business of her own, perhaps meeting up with someone that she doesn't want anyone to know about (lover, drug dealer)? Maybe she told him just to hang around the exhibits...
  11. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #14

    <snipped> This is an interesting idea. My brother in law is a gamer, and I know he's mentioned that you can surf the internet with gaming systems. I have no idea how, but maybe that's Steven's "other" computer (if he had one). Also, just because he didn't have internet access at his apt...
  12. S

    OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #7

    Well, if we stick with the ransom/kidnap theory, perhaps the kidnapper has given them some clue as to Kyron is and they believe he's hidden away somewhere out in all that wilderness. Maybe he/she won't reveal his exact whereabouts until the ransom is paid. I hate to think of it, but there have...
  13. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #14

    Sure, but who? He didn't seem to have many friends, though he had many acquaintances at church. I know some have speculated on GW, right? I know nothing about him, though, and it seems no one has had any luck getting more information. What about a friend of the roommate's (who had a drug...
  14. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #14

    Working with the delivery scenario. . .Where is the contact person that set this all up? Where and how did SK meet the person? Did SK ever go to the employment office in St. George? Maybe some shady type was hanging around preying on desperate people there? What others ways might a...
  15. S

    OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #3

    I wish I could find the picture that shows the front of the school, but I think what they're referring to when they say "second floor" classroom is that the main level of the school is technically the second floor because there's a basement. The main entrance leads to this main (second) level.
  16. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #14

    Yeah, I'm not married to the idea. I still kind of wonder if the driving was part of some mental anguish/manic phase, but this is all just supposition.
  17. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #14

    Just brainstorming here. . .Assuming this is all connected and it's about the delivery of something illegal, like drugs, maybe he was lied to and taken advantage of. Maybe they told him, drop off these packages at all these different locations and then, on Sunday, go to this address and you'll...
  18. S

    OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #2

    I wonder where the toddler girl was, too. And did she go with Terri on her errands that day? What errands did she run (stores, post office, places that would have video surveillance) and was it immediately after she dropped Kyron off?
  19. S

    NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - #14

    No, I agree with you, it's very odd! I can only imagine that someone desperate would have been willing to ignore any red flags in order to get the job (if that's what it really was). Could this "job" opportunity been set up before he went on his driving spree?

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