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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. T

    Elisa Baker - Life Before Adam

    My fear is that they got that money for...(holding my breath and don't want to say it!). Possibly a snuff film or the video or pics of the act of dismembering ZB. I don't know what to think about most of this but there was definitely a reason for the money to be sent. We don't know anything...
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    Elisa Baker - Life Before Adam

    Hello everyone I don't know how much of this has been discussed already but I wanted to give you all some info that I found in my local paper about Elisa Baker. This one says what she was before and during Adam and the Associated Press contributed I believe...
  3. T

    2011.01.18.: "Briefcase" found that *may* contain evidence in Zahra Baker case

    Hello fellow sleuthers, I know that I am not on here very often with work but in my opinion this find may have to do with the manner in which she died. I am very hopeful that these things in this briefcase are directly related the the COD. And that there will be DNA all over the items in it. For...
  4. T

    Christmas Wishes for Zahra

    For the record I realized that I totally unbeknowest to me referenced a thing in the last post I posted. But I never meant thing in the honest true sense of the word. I meant that we lost one of the most beautiful children on earth. But like I sometimes do say things like my children are the...
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    Christmas Wishes for Zahra

    Zahra, There are a million things I could say about what happened to you. Or about how unfair it was to you and us to lose such a beautiful thing. But it wont bring you back or make any of this any less real. So with that being said I just want to tell you that I Love You little girl and that I...
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    2010.12.17 File Turned Over to D.A.

    Also note that she is wearing the same shirt that she wore in many pictures. I truly believe that she adored that shirt. She was just so pretty, she looked so happy. I hope that she has a beautiful Christmas in heaven with God and his angels. O/T somewhat I know but I couldnt help it. :angel:
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    2010.12.17 File Turned Over to D.A.

    I truly understand how daunting the task of finding out who harmed this precious child must be/was. But, like every one else I am saying, Its about time. Hopefully all involved in this get charged before Christmas. I can honestly say that would be one of the best presents I have ever received.
  8. T

    Emotional Toll

    Wow this case just gets sadder and sadder everyday. I am truly unable to completely put the proper feelings into the right words at this present time. I have no idea how I feel at all. I am quite sure that I cried at work tonight not really knowing if I would ever stop after reading Emily's...
  9. T

    AB's Involvement ptII

    Westside and Nomoresorrow, I have had extensive research and have got my degree in CJ and graduated with honors. So i feel comfortable enough to answer these questions. So here goes. In the case of the luminol, yes it will show up even after being painted and or cleaned with household...
  10. T

    AB's Involvement ptII

    Thank you Lonetraveler and I love it here. So many intelligent people sharing ideas and making connections all for the same goal. I do not know where I would be without WS. Especially with this case. It is by far the most heinous act that I have ever read about. I just thank the heavens that no...
  11. T

    AB's Involvement ptII

    I have read the search warrants and it appears to me that LE has great reason to believe that there was blood evidence. I cannot say that they called a blood spatter analyst in for no reason. In my opinion they probably had no idea when they put luminol all over the house it was going to light...
  12. T

    AB's Involvement ptII

    I believe that it was said at one point in time that LE was going to suppeona bank statements that were at a bank inside of Wal-Mart. I dont know if they ever found anything but I do know that they were looking into monetary transactions. Also, I couldn't figure out the Wal-Mart thing but then I...
  13. T

    AB's Involvement ptII

    Hello Sleuthers, For what it is worth I think a lot of us thought that there would be some type of sexual abuse claim in this horrible tragedy. It was laden with almost all of the warning signs, and to know that not only did she endure physical and mental abuse but probably sexual abuse is...
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    AB's Involvement ptII

    ((((peg4x4)))) Hugs to you my dear friend...Hope everything works out well for you and your family. Sorry OT just wanted to give some luv to a fellow sleuther.:blushing:
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    Ransom Note and Calls to the Boss

    I agree with you Agatha but the one thing that I keep coming back to is the pictures that were shown for the evidence that they took out of the house. And if there was a cover up how did EB cover up the "blood" or what would be bio fluid that was left on the walls. That stuff just does not come...
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    AB's Involvement ptII

    Hello All, I have a theory that I thought of tonight at work but my computer shut down on me and I lost all of the stuff that I had written...ugh!:furious::banghead: I was reading the old thread and tlcox made the remark that AB had displaced his emotions completely...well tl I believe...
  17. T

    Emotional Toll

    Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving, I just wanted to say that I am so amazed at the amount of heart and soul that everyone puts so lovingly into this website. I have been through the ringer with my emotions due to this case. I just feel like there is so much more to be done. Then there is also...
  18. T

    EB jail pics comparison

    MK, Thank u so much you really made me laugh I absolutely needed that. I have to say this case gets me so riled up that I forget to laugh sometimes about the small stuff. So for helping me remember, THANKS A MILLION! :dance:
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    EB jail pics comparison

    Hey Mk, Forgive if I am wrong but I thought her b-day is June 6, 1968. The only real reason I remember that is because I remember her saying something in the jailhouse letter to Damien that her birthday is 6-6-68. And she is very undeniably evil and I think she feeds off the fact that her b...
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    Emotional Toll

    Hugs for you (((((((gibby))))))) not really sure if I did that right but you get what I was trying to do. All the best to you gibby we will all make it together through this disturbing and unsettling time. I have faith that none of us will let the other ones fall. Much prayers to you in your...

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