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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    I post on a board where a relative of Laney's posts. Laney's 3rd cousin says fellow churchgoers thought nothing of Laney's communications from God, until now: Continued here.
  2. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    So if parents don't confess, then they are not the killers of their children? Someone should've told Susan Smith. Better tell Blagg to hold his ground. Dare I mention Darlie Routier. How about those Oregon fathers who slayed their families then fled? Or all the Munchausen-by-Proxy...
  3. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    The madness of crowds---lots of people get caught up in this. (Patsy, too, I thought? Not sure.) I doubt their psyches are vastly different than those of mainstreamers. I don't think whooping and hollering is necessarily an indication of madness. I know you're discussing behavior just at...
  4. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    The part about asking them to place their bets on one religion or another. Choosing one faith over another is a high stakes bettor's game. Cookie, when you die will you be with Christ--- or in allah's hell? Or if neither Islam or Christianity is the winning choice, what is? It's important to...
  5. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    Yes, and this is troubling. Patsy is tame compared to some— And Patsy is barking mad.
  6. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    Making that choice is like Russian Roulette. No wonder parents who "know" they're right might kill kids rather than risk them making the wrong choice. What if they choose to be Sikh or Hindu; what if they choose Islam or Buddhism or Jainism? They can't possibly know which is the correct...
  7. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    I realize most Christians wouldn't do this or ever consider it, but it's a possible answer to:
  8. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    Does it teach that the Christian members of a family will bask in heaven while their loved ones burn in hell? Yet the ones in heaven will be blissfully happy nonetheless? Even as any beloved-but-unbelieving family members scream in hell for an eternity? Devout parents surely must fret...
  9. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    It’s hard to study this since it’s relatively uncommon, & the perps who could explain their motives are either dead or they are lying. They seem to be saving family members(s) from difficulty in the here-&-now, and providing them something better (in the afterlife).
  10. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    You can believe what you want, but your beliefs are wrong. Read up about familicide and the motives behind it. I lost a friend in 1992 to this psychological phenomenon---which does exist, whether you choose to see or not. Her devout father slaughtered 6 including himself (and including MY...
  11. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    And I have always thought that believers could be good people, but we’ll never know if any truly are. Would they still act like good people if they knew there was no afterlife? How would they act if there was no hell? Would they still do good if they no longer had their selfish reasons, ie...
  12. S

    Eerie Similarity?

    It's not right that men blame gods that they themselves invented.
  13. S

    Journey Beyond Reason Web Site

    How do you know what I think? I said it's odd you are 'convinced' of someone's innocence if you don't know them at all.
  14. S

    Patsy's best friend?

    I agree with Tipper on this one. Could Patsy cook? Who cares?
  15. S

    Journey Beyond Reason Web Site

    I find it odd that you can be *convinced* of innocence of people you don't even know.
  16. S

    "It's a lady"?

    Haha Ivy, "THAT little girly-boo" Must say that to somebody today
  17. S

    "It's a lady"?

    Maxi! I love it... "Your loving mother, Catherine Barron" I am writing a genealogy book and working on a page right now where an 1800s ancestor Parthena talks about her first husband, Ham. A teenage girl borne of Ham's second marriage looked up and realized first wife was staring at her...
  18. S

    Once Again

    Really? No matter that there were consequ-- oops! I forgot. They Ramseys didn't read the note. Why read a note when they could be calling their friends. Just because it was the only link to their daughter. Big deal. Why not call friends. Why read a note.
  19. S

    Strange, doncha think?

    Well wearing purple is much more fun than breaking mirrors! Have never broken a mirror on purpose. Well, maybe once... was drunk... but I *think* it was accidental. In college, my bf was out with another girl and his roommate had a party! My friends and I crept into bf's bedroom in his...
  20. S

    Strange, doncha think?

    I like the color purple, and I am immature. ;-) What alarms me is that Sissi's kids are not permitted to wear it. One of them is at least 17. Purple and gold are my kid's school colors. One could not get around wearing it in sports, or even to graduate. I suppose with a ruckus one could...

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