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DNA Solves
  1. J

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    I can't imagine Casey returning to the Anthony home. People would begin the threats and none of the Anthony's would be safe. Casey may be going free, but her freedom will be very limited. She should fade away into obscurity, but of course she won't..she thinks she's a star. I see a future...
  2. J

    What will be the sentence for ICA?

    I think it will be reduced to more than 10 years. I hope I am wrong, but I don't see this jury going for the DP.
  3. J

    What will Casey's reaction be when the verdict comes in?

    If found guilty, she will keep that jaw clenched.
  4. J

    POLL: Will George and Cindy remain together in the wake of the trial?

    I voted no, however, if they sought therapy and worked at it, they may be able to salvage their marriage. I feel sorry for them for different reasons. Cindy seems to wear the pants in the family and George just seems to go along with whatever she wants. I do feel George has been the most...
  5. J

    HELP! Need ideas on how to stop someone.

    Very sad story and my heart goes out to you. Is it possible he got caught and is in prison? Some states have public information on inmates, perhaps your does. Good luck to you!
  6. J

    Do you believe that Lee Anthony lied on the stand?

    I think Lee is the only Anthony that hasn't lied. Seems like Casey was the "Prima Donna" in the family and Lee got shoved to the back burner. This family will never be the same.
  7. J

    Do you believe that Lee Anthony lied on the stand?

    I think the area still had a lot of water standing in the month of October.:newhere:
  8. J

    What did we learn today 6-28-2011

    LOL An Emu is a large bird similar to an Ostrich.....good runners, bad biters!
  9. J

    Will Casey Testify?

    :banghead: I am in agreement with you. I think she may testify simply because she likes being the "star" of the show. And of course she thinks she's smarter than anyone in the courtroom.
  10. J

    2011.06.26 WEBSLEUTHS RADIO with Beth Karas & Richard Hornsby

    Love Beth Karas. She always seems to be able to read people and convery her thoughts so well. I am concerned about her statements of late such as we could be looking at a mistrial. Does she believe JA is guilty of witness tampering>
  11. J

    2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

    Very good point! I wondered about Cindy's testimony when she said something about, "Casey's check fraud"...not the best defense team.
  12. J

    Where Precisely Do You Think Caylee Died?

    You have made many valid points and it was painful to read. What kind of monster holds the body of her decomposing child? Does anyone know if KC had clothing that was disposed of? The thought of it is horrible.
  13. J

    What does the jury think happened today?

    I keep hoping she will jump up, confess and throw herself on the mercy of the court. I guess it's to much to ask of KC to something honorable though. Pity, such a pity.
  14. J

    What does the jury think happened today?

    I am in complete agreement with you. What a great post!
  15. J

    Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

    I believe Caylee was given chloroform at the Anthony house, then duct tape went around her mouth and nose which is what killed her. KC may have thought about burying Caylee in the yard, but of course that would be dangerous. KC put baby girl in trash bags and laundry bag, placed her body in...
  16. J

    Poll: Did Casey Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk Before Caylee Died?

    I voted unsure. I am still trying to figure out where Casey killed her little had to have been at the Anthony home as the cadaver dogs hit near the pool and playhouse. I don't think Caylee was in the trunk prior to death, but I remain unsure. I simply can't wrap my head around...
  17. J

    Mitigation: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

    It does seem Jose Baez has realized he is defeated. Wait til CA gets on the stand...what a nightmare that will be.
  18. J

    Who won in court today? 5/31/2011

    Today was a bad day for JB. It seems his smirk is shrinking a bit. I must say, my heart was breaking for Cindy Anthony.
  19. J

    Has The Defense Changed Your Mind About ICA's Guilt?

    It didn't change my mind about her guilt, but I do think it raised "reasonable dooubt". I must admit I am looking forward to hearing JB explain how Roy Kronk managed to take Caylee's body and keep it for awhile. I'm also looking forward to KC being on the witness stand. I hope the jury can...

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