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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. K

    Identified! IL - Will Co., Male body in Des Plaines River, May'09 - Gary Schmidt

    Remember Sandra, who supposedly gets messages through EVP and spirits? She was extremely close to the Lacy Peterson case by pointing out where she was told by spirits,said she was tied to the 5th buoy and said where she would wash was very interesting, although I do know where I stand on...
  2. K

    Anthonys pushing for jailhouse funeral for Caylee!

    IF they grant the jailhouse funeral, I think they should have an open casket and let KC see that baby's skull and bone fragments that remain instead of the precious child she just threw away. Talk about shock value! I know that sounds mean...Seeing is believing ya know..but it could just shock...
  3. K

    Caylee's Funeral

    Sorry, but I think that entirely too much is being made of the funeral home and Caylee's remains at this point. What is the real difference in having remains in a box or having ashes in a box? Caylee herself is not there, she has no connection to the place. So what if the place looks like a...
  4. K

    Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

    Someone who had been in fear for her granddaughter's safety, one unseen by her for 31 days..that would change the whole picture for me! CA sounded panic striken and terrified in her 911 calls. She called it as she saw it, or rather smelled it...Kathleen
  5. K

    Leonard Padilla

    I still want to know for sure whether or not he told Tim Miller about how good it would look with them holding Caylee's skull for the cameras *this was during the time the divers were searching at the park, and Tim was on Nancy and said that LP had said that to him...Tim looked absolutely awful...
  6. K

    Sedation Of Caylee - Do you think it's common?

    Just thought of this..since chloroform is used in inhalent form, as was ether in the old days, Maybe the duct tape around the mouth kept Caylee from breathing from the mouth or crying to prevent dosing. This would prevent calling attention to Caylee and also give her sedation more quickly, I...
  7. K

    Since When Does the Defense Do the Investigation?

    Please help me get this straight once and for all! This is what I THINK....I thought that when there is a Crime Scene somewhere, whomever has legal jurisdiction in that area, either Sheriff or police or FBI, etc. I thought they did all the crime scene work, or had proper authorities do it..Is...
  8. K

    Geraldo At Large Live From Orlando Sat., 12/13/08

    I got that same feeling Leila, but not until the final segment at the goodbye part. I was shocked, and not sure of what I heard(cant quote or link or anything) so I came here looking if anybody else heard/felt the same...and voila! there you are! anybody else?? Kathleen
  9. K

    Casey's Parents May Eventually Face Charges

    My son's previous girlfriend used to work at one of the Ritz Carlton hotels in that area of Florida..She told me if I ever wanted to come for a visit she could get me a room there for $ any of the ones in her area. Maybe someone helped the Anthony's out in this way, or maybe the hotel...
  10. K

    LP Raised More Than $50,000 To Continue Searching

    :confused:I don't remember reading anything on the boards on this, but I heard TM on Nancy G and he accused LP of staging the body find, and how big a deal it would be if they could picture TM holding Caylee's skull..I know I heard him say it, the night after the LP dive..any thoughts on this...
  11. K

    Letter to Publix - can you think of anyone else?

    Just wondering what the latest is on the donations. Kathleen
  12. K

    Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,auditory,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)

    I hate to say this, but the first 2 inkblots here look like a feeding frenzy at an aquarium! The colors make it beautiful, and set it off so well, but makes me think of a bony lower body skeleton after the fish are done....Sounds awful, I know..but if she is underwater somewhere, well, there ya...
  13. K

    Anyone noticed how quiet it is on the G & CA front?

    Maybe G and CA have finally realized that Caylee is truely gone forever, and the grief process has begun. If and when it is realized, they will be absolutely devistated I think and I honestly feel very sorry for their loss. They loved that little girl!
  14. K

    2008.09.11 Kristina Talks to Globe -- Sez Casey Guilty

    Is there a link to the phone conversation between KC and K?
  15. K

    LE investigating bones and clothes found at a local park

    Ya know, it could be one of those SNOWBIRDS that fly south for the winter. Their migration starts about now I think.:chicken:
  16. K

    Has Anyone looked at this yet? Possible location of Caylee

    That was Noreen R?? from Florida who was contacted by Jackie..There was a fee involved because remember when the Peterson clan tried to deny they contact Noreen, she showed the cancelled check to LE..and yes, she knew it was Scott immediately and contacted LE and I think that she also contacted...
  17. K

    All Things Britney Spears Part 1

    Why don't we see photos of Brit's 2nd baby? is he ok? Sean Preston was always all over the place for his first year and I have not seen 1 photo of the new baby...What gives? Kathleen
  18. K

    Project Alabama

    I think this is a great idea..I really liked a lot of the clothing! :clap: I must say, though, that I am glad that I rarely see women here in Alabama with hair like that!! LOL! Someone PLEASE buy those little ladies a comb!:twocents: Kathleen

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