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DNA Solves
  1. S

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    ??? He told TMZ that he quit. TMZ doesn't print stuff from blogs/tweets. Baez has a relationship with them, and they exclusively reported that he said he quit.
  2. S

    Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

    TMZ is actually really reliable. They broke MJ's death hours before any of the other networks. They also broke almost every single bombshell in that case. They've definitely got legit sources, and are pretty thorough about checking.
  3. S

    Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

    So you honestly think the Doctor was reviewing evidence?
  4. S

    Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

    So how is he supposed to know any better? Was he supposed to watch Nancy Grace first so he could properly be biased? You people are only looking at this from your point of view. He was a professional, hired to interview someone he doesn't know. He gave an honest assessment of the person after...
  5. S

    Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

    All of you expressing outrage at the Dr. being "snowed"...what do you expect? The doctor to say "AHA!!! GOTCHA!!!! LIAR!!!!" during the interview? His job is to let her talk.
  6. S

    Trial Catch-Phrases /Bloopers,Baezisms and just plain funny MERGED

    To pony-tailed meter reader: "Now, you said the body's probably in the woods because of Casey's close-to-home statement, correct? It wasn't because of George's close-to-home statement? Because the police were never looking at George....." One of the most ridiculous things he's ever said...
  7. S

    What questions are still unanswered?

    I think there's more to the Xanax stuff that people aren't talking about. She mentioned Zanny long before Caylee was missing...her friends have referenced it. It's also been made known that Cameron had access to Xanax, even if he never mentioned anything to TL about Casey asking for it. When...
  8. S

    2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

    That reason is because they're easier to exploit. They have good souls and took Casey's word.
  9. S

    2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Afternoon Session)

    Even if Kronk took the remains and did a slow dance with them, it doesn't reflect ANY of the charges in this trial against ICA. Complete and utter waste of time.
  10. S

    Do you believe that Lee Anthony lied on the stand?

    How does impeaching Cindy help the defense again? I'm honestly baffled at why they did this.
  11. S

    2011.06.27 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-nine)

    I see lots of people mentioning "Code" talk between Lee and ICA...any specific examples?
  12. S

    June 24 and 25 ICA Video loops saying something? (MERGED)

    What's the context of this? It only says it was after a sidebar, not during which part of which testimony.
  13. S

    The Jury

    So, this is kind of a naive question. I know the jurors aren't allowed to talk about the case among themselves - are they constantly monitored? When they're together, waiting to go back in, do they just talk about basketball or something? I can't imagine being asked to leave the court room, and...
  14. S

    Casey and Family Psych Profile #11

    This is a very good point. Also remember that Casey came of age right when AOL/IM/Myspace stuff was just coming around. Sites like Myspace definitely promote narcissism. You can create your own idealized personality and control exactly what you show and reveal about yourself. Casey has probably...
  15. S

    2011.06.23 Casey Anthony "WOW" moment from the Defense Table- Video Included

    I think the "wow" was genuine. I bet Casey heard that excuse her whole life - "It's because of my medication!" so she was probably taken aback that a prosecutor of all people would be the one to throw that in her face.
  16. S

    2011.06.23 Cindy's Testimony

    If anyone on the jury is even somewhat computer savvy, they know she's full of it. Instead of just saying "no" when asked if she searched for neck-breaking, she says "No, but I remember a pop up of a youtube skateboarder that said 'neck breaking stunt.'" So a random youtube video popped up out...
  17. S

    Anthony's Computer Forensics

    This is going to be a slam dunk for the prosecution during rebuttal. It will just show that Casey learned to lie from her mom. This backfired. Especially since Cindy clearly knows nothing about computers. "a youtube popped up and said neck breaking so that's why it says that" Once again...
  18. S

    AC 360 tonight June 22, 2011

    I was thinking last night, does anyone else think that exposing Cindy's lies might actually help the prosecution in a way? What I mean is that maybe the jury will put together that Casey learned to lie from Cindy, and it wasn't just a result of repressed sexual abuse.
  19. S

    2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Morning Session)

    Wow, with all the sustains you'd think it was JB up there.
  20. S

    AC 360 tonight June 22, 2011

    I guess the apple doesn't fall far. Anyone have a link?

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