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  1. P

    MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #7

    I think the dad did something to her when he came home from work. Maybe the mother was in on it, I don't know, but I think the father was part of it. He seems very strange.
  2. P

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    Maybe her not talking to her parents is staged too. I mean, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't put it past CA to ignore her parents, even after lying for her, but maybe that's fake too. It is possible that they didn't comment on it being Casey in order to protect their darling little client...
  3. P

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    I now really think that is her. How she gained weight, I don't know, but I do think that's her. I think the grey shirt just makes her look chubbier. I know that black always makes me look thinner. She doesn't look like shes doing a very good job at hiding in those pictures/videos, so her life...
  4. P

    Pictures of Casey Anthony from TMZ

    If that's her, then her hair was cut, something was done to her upper lip, and it looks like she's wearing contacts that make her eyes more blue. It seems reasonable enough to me that she would change those things. It seems very like her. The only problem I have is that she gained so much...
  5. P

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    I just wanted to say something about the jury. I was very recently a juror on a trial, and it was sort of like the CA trial. It was all about the "reasonable doubt" hoopla. Minus I felt the prosecution did better in the CA trial than the one I was apart of. It also took 3 years for the trial...
  6. P

    The Verdict - Do you agree or disagree? #3

    I was very recently a juror on a trial, and it wasn't much different than the CA trial. Minus I felt the prosecution did better in the CA trial than the one I was apart of, but as far as evidence, it was alike. It also took 3 years for the trial to get to court. The evidence was mostly based on...
  7. P

    Jurors names to be released on or after 10/25

    I couldn't care less what their names are. I just know judging by what they have said in interviews, they are dolts. I don't care who, or what their names are. I won't be listening in to anything of theirs anyway. The only thing I want to see in the future is CA behind bars for something or...
  8. P

    Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

    Casey might as well give up hiding by now, though. Think about it, it doesn't matter if she's gone for a month, 2 years, 5 years. Most people are always going to have the same feelings about her. She would have to hide out forever. I bet she hates it, because she wants everyone to know what...
  9. P

    So over all-things-Casey --- Anyone else?

    I still think the whole thing was interesting, between the crazy family, and the trial, and the lame jurors, but that doesn't mean I want the media to keep talking about the Anthony's. I think it's time to stop, and move on. I will always hate Casey Anthony. Doesn't mean I want to harp on it...
  10. P

    2011.07.20 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I think all the news needs to get away from Casey Anthony, I think it's slowly happening though, because I honestly don't think they want to waste their time talking about the loser. I think even Nancy Grace will turn away, but she kind of started it, so I think it makes sense why she talks more...
  11. P

    2011.07.19 Casey Anthony possibly spotted back in Orlando

    Anyone else think that she is never going to talk about this case????? I honestly thought she was going to speak during the case, and when she didn't, I came to the conclusion that I don't think she ever will now. If she does, she will focus on something about the abuse that happened to her, and...
  12. P

    2011.07.19 Casey Anthony possibly spotted back in Orlando

    I think so too. It seems to me they are way too close. I think this is all Jose Baez's doing, with what is going on right now, and I think CM has dumped Casey like a sack of you know what by now, and is probably writing a book as I type. He just cared about "winning" imo. I doubt he cares what...
  13. P

    2011.07.19 Casey Anthony possibly spotted back in Orlando

    Ugh I know, and if there isn't any DNA, or it isn't on videotape they will probably get away with it! That is if they have some of those top notch jury members....:banghead:
  14. P

    2011.07.19 Casey Anthony possibly spotted back in Orlando

    I don't know what to believe. I think she is still in Florida. I don't think she is at a spa or any place like that actually. Maybe she is hiding out in a treatment type place, but I highly doubt it. I think she is probably in Florida, and staying with one of her legal people, probably one of...
  15. P

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    Unfortunately, I agree with this. I've been saying this for awhile. I don't think she is traumatized at all, I think she is perfectly fine. She wants people to THINK she is, but she's not. Therapy won't work, and I highly doubt she will even go. Maybe she will go for a day or two. She has...
  16. P

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    She can't stay inside forever. It might be a couple of weeks before she is out and about. I don't think she is going to do an interview, or write a book, to be completely honest. She is going to pretend like the whole thing didn't happen, and live off of people like those guys who want to marry...
  17. P

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    She would start off little miss innocent, than go onto her strong woman survivor rants. Her femme fatal is for off camera people who accept her, and don't care what she says as long as they get something out of it.
  18. P

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    Yeah, I don't think she missed anything either.
  19. P

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    She probably was on that one.

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