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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. U

    Do you think Max's scooter was involved in his fall?

    i think this reply sums up Dina's belief in 100 words or less. Although DeDee didn't actually say Rebecca went from a petty shoplifter to child murderer of course like Dina has. I think the whole scenario is explained by Max riding his scooter at high speeds while 'Ocean' the dog either chased...
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    The case for murder

    Has there been discussion about the lack of fecal matter/urine on her or the ground below her 'hanging' body? Maybe a verified medical poster can answer but I thought with hanging deaths the body releases and there would be some type of body fluids present. Also I read here that one of the...
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    Do You Think Susan Will Ever Be Found?

    I don't think her body is at the supposed campsite. If you look at the bottom of the right side it says.. That website is said to be operated by Josh and/or Steven. To me it is an attempt to throw off suspicion if her body is ever found. I think her body is...
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    IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #26

    I never put much thought into the white truck. Even at my age(44) I spend time on OSU's campus driving around at 1,2 or 3am sometimes. I drive up and down alleys and side roads looking for parking along with 20-30 other guys. It's not uncommon for me to drive around the same block 3-4 times...
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    Sheriff Gore – uttering threats?

    I think the thing the police are withholding is that Rebecca was into S&M. I believe that's why her and the boyfriend were together because it was his fetish. I believe the computer search from the Southwest account was the boyfriend. I also think he and the ex wife practiced it too. Which...
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    What One Thing?!?!

    Someone on the Rope & Knot thread already made up a very nice graphic for my point in the above posts. Graphics Seems others have the idea about the table too. Also if you look at the picture on that page you will see that the broken leg side of the table is against the tree and that...
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    What One Thing?!?!

    Rebecca weighed 100 lbs. So her weight alone was enough to keep the rope tight to make an easy cut. Also when both ends of a rope is tied off it takes little force to the rope to gain force enough to cut it. Even if he had lifted her by the waist to relieve tension the rope would have to be...
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    What One Thing?!?!

    The table being used makes no sense to me either. I would like to know how tall the brother is. Considering Rebecca was 5'3 or so and the report says she was hanging 23.5 inches from the ground. Together that would mean that the top of her head was at most 7'2 from the ground. Then the rope...
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    911 call - 1043 Ocean Blvd.

    One thing that I noticed in the ME report was the signature and date written by Jonathan R Lucas MD. Page 6. Autopsy I would love to see other things he has signed to compare. It just looks sloppy and to me looks like it is 'nervous' writing. Especially the ones in the date. Like I would...
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    911 call - 1043 Ocean Blvd.

    To me it suggests police did CPR on her. Doesn't say if they removed rope from arms though. I think the Fire crew arrived after and checked for rigor and didn't perform any CPR.
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    911 call - 1043 Ocean Blvd. Page -2- ME Opinion part 1st paragraph: "Coranado Police Department personnel responded and began cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Coranado Fire Department...
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    911 call - 1043 Ocean Blvd.

    After reading the autopsy report I noticed it says that the police did CPR on her until paramedics arrived and told them to stop. If the brother says he did CPR and the police did their own CPR didn't any of them untie her hands? If the idea is the brother couldn't have performed CPR because of...
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    The case for murder

    From everything I have seen the twin sister is the only one involved that has consistently shown anger towards RZ throughout this entire episode. All of her statements and actions so far has circled around RZ being responsible for/hiding information about the boy's accident. There were 3...
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    911 call - 1043 Ocean Blvd.

    Looking at this picture it looks like her right arm is free and not tied. Of course I can't say rigor wasn't a factor. I personally don't think the brother had anything to do with this case other than finding her. After listening to the 911 call I just don't 'feel' it...
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    911 call - 1043 Ocean Blvd.

    I do think it is possible to do chest compressions with a cell phone. You would be amazed at the things that I do when using my shoulder to hold the phone to my ear. But then again we don;t know what type of phone he was using do we? Did he have an ear piece or Bluetooth?
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    The case for murder

    The totality of the whole things is what convinces me. To quote 'Monk': "Here's what happened..." I wont name names other than the victim. Rebecca was ready for bed wearing the t-shirt found in her mouth. Someone(#1) starts beating on the door and Rebecca ignores it. Finally having had...
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    The case for murder

    Jut got this account and wanted to post a quick reply. Hey all! Regarding the cell phone and the erased message from the husband. Did they do any fingerprint tests on the phone itself? I was listening to the twin sisters interview and about 2-3 minutes in she goes off and repeatedly explains...

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