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  1. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    I didn't mean any disrespect. I understand that. I was commenting because of the discussion on not understanding putting stuffed animals and green ribbons on trees. I meant that the community is trying to do something and thus the ribbons, etc.
  2. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    I'm surprised they are not talking about having any kind of public memorial, remembrance, candlelight service or anything. I hope as a local they do because I think it would be good for the community as a whole to come together. Random murder like this is VERY rare up here so this has hit the...
  3. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    My guess would be this is where the man lives that says he lives on the lake. This is an RV park that sits above the lake. There are two or three other houses that sit around the lake but one I know looks abandoned. Its like an old coffee shop, barn, type thing. Maybe someone lives there but it...
  4. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    I go to that lake many times and had actually been there in November so I can try to help with distance and access. Basically to paint the picture there is a rural type highway, two lane fast moving cars, with lots of turn outs along the way into RV parks, some private drives, etc. Then the...
  5. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Agree thicker and I'd say it could have been substantially thicker. November, December and January were record low temperatures resulting in things freezing solid much earlier than normal. This winter has been exceptionally brutal up until a few weeks ago. Now we seem to be thawing very quickly...
  6. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Its not that huge of a lake. I would guess experienced police divers who are use to working in areas with currents etc. could easily scan big portions of the lake to find her. She may not have been right under the hole they created. Also you can walk into the lake from the edges in many areas...
  7. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    I had this exact discussion with my young daughters over a tearful dinner tonight learning about Samantha's fate. :(
  8. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    I guess he could have taken an ice fishing hut out there but no way that shed they took from his home in my opinion. If you google local ice fishing spots people don't talk about that lake at all. In fact there are several posts on like fish and game forums, etc. where people ask about ice...
  9. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Sounds like they were saying they believed she was still alive because of the on going debit card activity. Would seem either they did indeed believe she could be alive and with him or they needed time to track him and catch him. I can't imagine short of having some kind of evidence in any case...
  10. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    I know a lot of people following this case are not from alaska and have no point of reference so I thought I'd share. I certainly don't want to add stress to the case though so if you think showing the crime scene in an unrelated context is bad please moderators delete! As I said I am a...
  11. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Here is a shot online that gives distance perspective. So this would have been taken from the bank behind the police as they are seen in that news shot on the ice. That's standing on one side by the rope swing I mentioned looking back over to the side the police accessed the lake from today.
  12. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Not that I know of, unless there is a totally different way into the lake than I know. Is there a way to show photos on here? I'm actually a local photographer and i have shots of that lake from summer so you can tell how wide the lake is, etc. Don't know if that would be considered helpful or...
  13. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Actually from this shot here it looks like they are almost center in the lake. The lake is kind of a kidney shape and isn't terribly wide. My guess would be they are just shy of center. Talked to a...
  14. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Oh ick, true, i didn't think of that. I just assumed when they said she had died a few hours from the kidnapping that that was the deal. But you are right. :( So i'm going to have to look around on some aerial views but where they have the crime scene truck parked in the photos from today...
  15. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Not that this is any real comfort but that is a beautiful little lake. For those following that aren't locals that lake has an amazing view and this one crooked fab tree that sits on one part of the lake that you can swing off of a rope swing and into the water. Sunsets there are amazing...
  16. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Thanks akmom02. I found it online and did the street view. I know exactly which lake that is. So is the other way in down the road behind the hospital like on the way to the university. The one part I've camped in is the access on the way to Palmer and that way you could not easily access the...
  17. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    akmom02 is it that lake on the left headed to the fairgrounds. Like the very first lake on the left where you go down the steep hill and across that little bridge? Or is it the next one on the left where you have to walk down the dock. I'm thinking the first. I'm just trying to get my bearings...
  18. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Can someone local clarify while lake this is? I know they renamed that group of lakes with like Finger lake etc. as the Matanuska lakes and in those there is one called Matanuska lake. But someone I know said they refer to another one as Matanuska lake. If it is indeed the one up by Willow that...
  19. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    :( I'm devastated for the family and our community. Word that its a random crime with no connection to her is even more terrible. Random crazies...not in our town I want to scream. So so so so sad. My teenage girls will most certainly be taking self defense classes, something I should have done...
  20. 5

    AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

    Indeed! Exactly why I was wondering if it had been discussed at all. My info was most certainly not from a good source. :) As I said in my orig. post just something I've heard from a few different people so I thought it was interesting that it was being discussed in different circles.

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