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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. B

    Australia Australia - Revelle Balmain, 22, Kingsford NSW, 5 Nov 1994

    Immediately what comes to mind is that there was major disappointment from the brothel owner and his Yugoslav mates that the most stunning of the agency's girls, (of whom they were most proud, given her extreme good looks), had deliberately chosen not to show up for their booking, thus...
  2. B

    Australia Australia - Celine Cremer, 31, Belgium backpacker, car found at the Philosopher’s fall track, Waratah, Tasmania, 12 June 2023

    I was just looking at the photos on Google Earth related to Philosopher Falls where Christine was last seen apparently by a man also on the track that day.The photo was taken of a sign at the entrance to the track or some way along it which explains a certain phenomenon particular to the area...
  3. B

    Australia Australia - Celine Cremer, 31, Belgium backpacker, car found at the Philosopher’s fall track, Waratah, Tasmania, 12 June 2023

    I think modern phone batteries can last a few days on average. I wonder what her movements were on that Saturday night? You'd think in a town of 180 or so people they'd notice her movements. For example, I know there's a photo of Celine, apparently taken in what looks like the local pub, and...
  4. B

    Australia Australia - Celine Cremer, 31, Belgium backpacker, car found at the Philosopher’s fall track, Waratah, Tasmania, 12 June 2023

    After viewing various news stories trying to work out a few details, it appears the last confirmed reported sighting of Celine Cremer was on the 17th June 2023, which was a Saturday. Her vehicle was discovered in the car park of the Philosopher Falls walking track on the 27th of June, six days...
  5. B

    Australia Australia - Celine Cremer, 31, Belgium backpacker, car found at the Philosopher’s fall track, Waratah, Tasmania, 12 June 2023

    As a Tasmanian, a couple of other things have occurred to me in regard to the disappearance of this young woman, Celine Cremer. The period in which she disappeared is close to what is known as 'mushroom season' in which Tasmania's magic mushrooms appear and grow for a few months. This forest is...
  6. B

    Australia Australia - Celine Cremer, 31, Belgium backpacker, car found at the Philosopher’s fall track, Waratah, Tasmania, 12 June 2023

    A recent article in the Tasmanian Times describes a perceived reluctance by Tasmania police to back up in action their request for public assistance, as reported by a highly skilled and experienced bushman, Ken Mead, a man they have previously used to assist them to find lost persons...
  7. B

    Australia Australia - Celine Cremer, 31, Belgium backpacker, car found at the Philosopher’s fall track, Waratah, Tasmania, 12 June 2023

    S As a Tasmanian some things disturb me about this lady's disappearance. One was that the weather that day wasn't cold, wet or particularly windy, so the chances of even an inexperienced walker coming to an end are slim. Even the snakes are quiet at that time of year. The second is that she is a...
  8. B

    Identified! Mystery couple murdered in South Carolina, 1976 - #7 Pam Buckley & James P Freund

    Dentists are also considered doctors if they are an oral surgeon. Any dentist doing highly unusual and sought after work would be both well known and wealthy. Jacques/Jock clearly came from a wealthy background and had highly unusual dental work. I wonder if this expensive dental work could...
  9. B

    Identified! Mystery couple murdered in South Carolina, 1976 - #7 Pam Buckley & James P Freund

    Whatever the motive for murder, it looks very much like a gangland hit where three shots are usual, especially the one under the chin, which is known as the 'insurance shot' to make sure they're dead. If it was a simple robbery then why leave silver jewellery on the girl and an expensive 14...
  10. B

    Identified! Mystery couple murdered in South Carolina, 1976 - #7 Pam Buckley & James P Freund

    Whatever the motive for murder, it looks very much like a gangland hit where three shots are usual, especially the one under the chin, which is known as the 'insurance shot' to make sure they're dead. If it was a simple robbery then why leave silver jewellery on the girl and an expensive 14...
  11. B

    Identified! Mystery couple murdered in South Carolina, 1976 - #7 Pam Buckley & James P Freund

    I find it odd that Jock stated that it was his father who had disowned him. Why did he not instead say 'my parents disowned me'? Excluding his mother from this admission indicates perhaps, (as was not uncommon in that time period), she was in complete submission to her husband's wishes. But...
  12. B

    Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #13

    FOI requests tend to be honoured after a case is closed and not whilst an ongoing active investigation is taking place. I wonder how soon after the deaths of the three original victims these two boys died? I have a feeling it was less than a few days as the man hunt was huge and still the police...
  13. B

    Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #13

    There may not be a trial for these two, but there certainly will be an inquest and, if it turns out that there's more to this story than mere conjecture has so far revealed, then there may even one day be a trial, if it is uncovered that another as yet unknown person (or persons) was involved...
  14. B

    Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #13

    It would be easier to move a body in a box than in a bag if they had been dead for weeks, were decomposing and were in pieces from being mutilated by wild animals.
  15. B

    Australia Australia - Theo Hayez, 18, Belgian backpacker, Byron Bay, June 2019

    One might say that given the specific ability to encrypt messages on whatsapp (as opposed to other messenger services which do not offer this feature) then its presence brings into play the consideration that drugs most likely could have been a contributing factor in this situation.
  16. B

    Australia Australia - Theo Hayez, 18, Belgian backpacker, Byron Bay, June 2019

    IMO It could have been that Theo (who was so drunk that he was asked to leave a pub) may have then, when walking back to the backpackers', been struck by a passing car and killed. Possibly, with no witnesses to the accident, the driver and/or passengers of that car could have taken Theo's body...
  17. B

    Australia Australia - Theo Hayez, 18, Belgian backpacker, Byron Bay, June 2019

    IMO The messages being encrypted in the first place gives weight to speculation that they are part of some kind of nefarious action by Theo, such as the seeking out of illegal drugs for purchase, as whatsapp is notoriously known to be commonly employed by drug dealers as a security measure...
  18. B

    Identified! WA - Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #6 *name withheld*

    I don't think that is something there will be public updates about.

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