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  1. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    My take on JS is that he's emotionally stunted at the exact same age as his victims. I'm pretty convinced someone got to him when he was young - maybe an older boy, maybe some other man, but yeah - his emotional maturity stopped at around age 12. The creepy letters only confirmed it for me.
  2. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Sadly, no, I don't. If anything, I think JS thinks HE'S the victim here. He most likely believes anything he did to the accusers was in the context of a "pure" and "loving" relationship. From his perspective they betrayed him, not the other way around. Maddening, isn't it? :pullhair:
  3. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Kinds of reminds me of The Onion's fake news story from last November, "Nation's Ten-Year-Old Boys: "If you see someone raping us, please call authorities.",26724/ All the Onion's fake news stories re...
  4. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Many congratulations to you and the whole family - what happy news! :woohoo:
  5. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Is Matt there? (Thanks for the Clark's Bar - those are yummy!)
  6. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    I second this whole-heartedly. Thanks for being so welcoming to a newbie as well! You guys a swell bunch o' folks and you have a great community here. It's been a real pleasure. :gthanks:
  7. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Also, I believe that in order to claim "ineffective counsel" there has to be some kind of proof that the outcome of the trial would've been different if the accused had more competent representation. Looks like that train done left the station for ol' Jer. BTW, who willingly compares...
  8. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Does "breaking" for dinner mean the same thing as "working" through dinner? Hope so...I think they're gettin' close and wanna wrap this up and get home for the weekend. Who wouldn't? Hope they go ahead to throw in a conviction for Dottie while they're at it. Ha!
  9. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Thanks, you're nice! :D Actually, if this jury doesn't come back with a verdict soon, I think I'm going to be beyond cake and more into looking for a stray Xanax to gulp down instead!
  10. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Interesting. I was selected for voir dire in a child sexual abuse case and this was one of the first questions they asked us. The judge had everyone answer separately in chambers. Thank god the perp pleaded guilty before it got any further - I think everyone dreaded hearing that case. I know I did.
  11. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    OMG, yum!! Can I come over? :please: :)
  12. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    <<I think the Penn State "culture of silence" will be studied someday as the textbook definition of Groupthink. I've been fascinated with that topic since studying sociology in college.>> Actually, it WILL be studied this coming fall - am working up for the curriculum for my classes (college)...
  13. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Actually, groupthink is a phenomenon that happens in more established groups, which is to say groups of more duration than a jury. It's an unwillingness of group members to defy an established leader for fear of being perceived as "disloyal." Think more like advisors to a president or corporate...
  14. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    Geez, what if the jury voted not-guilty and then the first thing they find out afterwards is that Matt has come forward? Yowzer! Praying that doesn't happen.....
  15. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

    <snip> <I liked that he said Sandusky could have ended it all right then, right there by adamently denying he was sexually attracted to young boys or by giving out the names of the two unnamed victims. Sandusky is the one who knows who they are... if he's innocent and nothing happened, why...
  16. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #10

    I think the jury will get hung up on the notion of intent with regards to some of the lesser charges and things will take awhile. I say they deliberate through the the next couple of days and take their time to sift through things. They'll go back and forth, possibly concede on some of the...
  17. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #10

    I agree. The early days of the scandal were bad enough, but the riots that followed Paterno's firing made Penn State look like they cared more about JoePa and football than they did about the welfare of innocent children. Pretty terrible PR. If they convict, they at least show that SC's thinking...
  18. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #10

    I think it's not good for the defense that Amendola told the jury in opening statements that they would hear from Sandusky himself and also that the defense would speak to collusion among the victims. He didn't do the former and he barely did the latter. A lot of those jury members have got to...
  19. pib

    Penn State Sandusky Trial #10

    Thanks - I think that's where I'm confused. Does the judge set the (earliest possible) time frame for parole or does the parole board do that?

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