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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. A

    Was BR involved? #2

    So, DP showed Burke the "last photo" of JB but werent there photos found in the basement of her or something? Can someone jog my memory?
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    Dr. Phil Interviews Burke Ramsey (9/12 & 9/13 2016)

    He and I are about the same age and even when I was a kid, he'd creep me out. And he STILL creeps me out. Of all the things to say about JB while at her viewing, you talk about her eye drooping? So bizarre to me!
  3. A

    Was Burke involved?

    Ah. Sorry. I just wouldn't think that Burke himself would know that he was front and center of the investigation. I'm not as read up on the case and you and other posters are. Apologies. As for memories of JonBenet, I'm always kind of thinking that he's blocked her out for the most part.
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    Was Burke involved?

    Not to defend him or anything but why would he? We, the public, know that he was suspected for a minute but honestly he was never "front and center" of this case. It was always, always PR and JR. And, I'm assuming here, he doesn't realize the amount of people who are convinced he did this unless...
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    Happenings of December 26

    I think the garrote was put on her there when they realized, that after the headbash, she was still alive. Why? WHY "finish her off"? I'll never understand this, if true, that they realized she was still alive and then took steps to kill her. So frustrating. And heartbreaking. What was the...
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    MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #1

    For you forensic experts out there, what would constitute an unnatural position pointing to homicide? Say she slipped and hit her head, landing in the water? I'm so curious about this case and its details ..
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    MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #1

    I'm just speaking from my time there. They built those apartments around my second year there and they were for students at the time. They were considered "luxury" apartments at the time - although the neighborhood right behind them does not say luxury in any way, shape, or form to be honest. A...
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    MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #1

    Awful! I thought for sure she had been poisoned. Just some random thoughts here.. It's baffling to me that EMU rents out rooms to non-students. When I was studying there from 2004-2009, that was unheard of. That really scares me. Also, people who are drowned don't go quietly. They're...
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    MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #1

    The 'I Mustache You a Question' doesn't raise a red flag. Take it from a 26-year-old, for whatever reason the 'in' thing now is mustaches. They're all over shirts and phone cases ... everyone is saying that phrase these days. Bald black guy in photo? Not a big deal. Much needed beer? This is a...
  10. A

    Body snatchers?

    Eh. I've been to quite a few funerals with an open casket. I thought that was traditional! :)\ Perhaps it had something to do with the media and they just didn't want the pictures? Wasn't the funeral livestreamed or something along those lines? I do remember seeing pictures inside the...
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    Body snatchers?

    Now, did JB have an open casket funeral or was it strictly for viewing? If not, then was there ever an explanation for it not being open? I can't imagine PR not wanting everyone fawning over her pretty little princess for the last time.
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    Was Burke involved?

    2 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, she looked 3 very, like someone had very carefully placed her 4 on the blanket, wrapped the blanket around her 5 to keep her warm. Okay, this has ALWAYS baffled me. I just find it kind of weird that she was wrapped in a blanket yet her arms are straight up above...
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    JonBenet's Skull Fractures: The Weapon

    Nevermind. :banghead:
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    JonBenet's Skull Fractures: The Weapon

    Sorta like how they didn't take the body when they left? ;)
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    JonBenet's Skull Fractures: The Weapon

    Thank you for the welcome :) Maybe I was looking at the picture from ACR wrong. It looks like a picture of the entire skull and not just the skull cap.
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    JonBenet's Skull Fractures: The Weapon

    Stupid question but medical procedures are not my strong point: I thought that during autopsies only the brain was removed. Yet I saw the picture of JB's skull. So was her entire skull removed and then inserted (?) back in for burial? I don't know how this works and its bugging me.
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    MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #1

    They're STILL interviewing people? Also, I find it very odd that her door was locked from the inside. I guess it's not impossible but it is highly unlikely that someone can climb out of a window without being noticed at Peninsular Place. I still would like to know what they found that points to...
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    MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #1

    I just want to point out that it bothers me that a non-EMU student resides in this apartment complex. Rules must have changed since my days as a student there. These were built FOR students. Not randoms. A drug overdoes doesn't surprise me though. Especially in the area near PP. They're...
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    MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #1

    My cousin is a freshman at Central Michigan University where a young girl was poisoned before Xmas. I'm not sure of the exact details but someone tried to get her to drink bleach. I'm only 26 but I can assure you that, indeed, at that age (college age) everything is drama. These girls get too...
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    Was Burke involved?

    This makes all the sense in the world. To be a fly on that well when all, well, most of the dust settled. I wonder if JR and BR ever spoke about it to one another or even confessed. I imagine PR has told a priest or two..

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