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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. S

    Would you move in the Ramsey's House?

    I don't see why not. The house didn't kill her - that much at least can be said with certainty.
  2. S

    Notches for Kids on Celtic Harp

    I still kind of wonder, though... The Whites didn't serve pineapple at their party, but was there perhaps pineapple in the refrigerator or kitchen where Jon Benet might have snuck a bit with no-one knowing? Children will do things like that, especially in environments such as holiday parties...
  3. S

    Notches for Kids on Celtic Harp

    It is, but it's so weakly toxic that most cases of mistletoe ingestion produce no symptoms. There's one known death attributed to it in the States since 1978, but that person was ingesting large quantities of mistletoe extract, sold in Europe as a tonic. Usually if someone eats enough of the...
  4. S

    The Importance of the Pineapple

    Regarding the controversy on how fast pineapple would be passed into the intestines, I found some references. Sadly, they're related to the transit times for food through the intestines in children and not for food to leave the stomach, but I think they might be generally applicable...
  5. S

    The Importance of the Pineapple

    Is it possible that she had some pineapple at the Whites' party?
  6. S

    Did I kill before?

    I can't see that as evidence of prior murders. The very fact that you're going to garotte someone requires that you make a garotte - it's not something you can buy at Wal-Mart. It has to be made with some system of knots just to exist. That applies to the garotte of a first-time murderer as...
  7. S

    If this case got solved..............

    On the other hand, the Amish have an extremely small gene pool. There are a whole host of conditions that are rare in the population at large that commonly afflict the Amish. It's not unreasonable to wonder if they may also have some genetic predisposition against autism. The rest of their...
  8. S

    A new far-fetched theory but anything's possible

    Would they necessarily be aware that that's what had happened? Alternately, even if they knew, would they necessarily want Burke to know that he'd killed his sister, even if he was morally blameless?
  9. S

    Recommend a Book?

  10. S

    Recommend a Book?

    Can anyone recommend me a good, single-volume summary of the Ramsey case? Ideally I'm looking for a detailed exposition of the facts, rather than advocacy of any theory. Thanks!
  11. S

    Bluecrab -- Theories...

    Our family has always done that, at least since I was a toddler. Everybody gets their pile of presents, but then you read the label out loud before opening each present so everyone knows who it's from. The younger children, of course, have to have theirs read for them.
  12. S

    The Kitchen - Photos

    China's always opaque by its nature. I do know that Lenox makes crystalware too, but as far as I know it's all stemware, beverage sevices and vases, nothing large like a bowl. If you look at that bowl, it has a definite lip on it as well, which would seem to me to argue for pressed glass or...

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